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of October 4, 2022 No. 351

About development of agroecotourism

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of 16.02.2024 No. 55)

For the purpose of creating favorable conditions for development of agroecotourism, improvement of living conditions of citizens in the rural zone, small residential locations and enhancement of rural infrastructure:

1. Determine that activities for rendering services in the field of agroecotourism have the right to perform:

the physical persons making and (or) processing agricultural products on the parcels of land provided in the rural zone, small residential locations for construction and (or) servicing of the one-apartment or blocked apartment house, including the apartment in the blocked apartment house (further – the apartment house), or maintaining personal subsidiary farm;

agricultural organizations on the parcels of land provided for construction and (or) servicing of the apartment house or farming.

In the field of agroecotourism physical persons and agricultural organizations (further, unless otherwise specified, – subjects of agroecotourism) have the right to attract physical persons according to employment and (or) civil contracts to implementation of activities for rendering services.

When implementing by subjects of agroecotourism of activities for rendering services in this sphere acceptance by district executive committee of the decision provided in Item 12 of article 84 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on the earth is not required.

2. Subjects of agroecotourism have the right to perform activities for rendering services in the field of agroecotourism in the territory of the agroecoestate (agroecoestates, but no more than two) with observance of the conditions provided in item 4 of this Decree.

3. Subjects of agroecotourism have the right to build on the parcels of land provided for construction and (or) servicing of the apartment house, the guest lodges for temporary stay of agroecotourists which are accessories of the apartment house.

Guest lodges are not subject to inclusion in housing stock.

4. Subjects of agroecotourism can perform activities for rendering services in the field of agroecotourism in case of observance in total of the following conditions:

availability of the apartment house, total quantity of living rooms * in which does not exceed ten, on the property right at agricultural organization, the subject of agroecotourism – physical person and (or) the member (members) of his family, and also consent ** the owner (owners) of the apartment house on use of this apartment house for implementation of activities for rendering services in the field of agroecotourism;

availability at agricultural organization, the subject of agroecotourism – physical person and (or) the member (members) of his family on the property right, leases, the life inherited tenancy, permanent or temporary use of the parcel of land within one area corresponding to the purposes established in part one of Item 1 of this Decree;

implementation by subjects of agroecotourism of activities for maintaining personal subsidiary farm or to production and (or) conversion of agricultural products;

availability of opportunities for acquaintance of agroecotourists with natural, agricultural and architectural objects, national traditions of the respective area.


* Taking into account rooms in the guest lodges which are available in case of the apartment house.

** Consent is specified in the statement of the subject of agroecotourism for implementation of activities for rendering services in the field of agroecotourism and certified by the signature of the owner (owners) of the apartment house. If the subject of agroecotourism is owner of the apartment house where implementation of activities for rendering services in the field of agroecotourism is planned, in the statement for it the corresponding mark is made.

5. Subjects of agroecotourism can render to agroecotourists the following services:

acquaintance with natural, agricultural and architectural objects, national traditions of the respective area;

provision of living rooms in the agroecoestate for accommodation;

providing with food with use of the agricultural products made and (or) processed on the parcels of land provided to subjects of agroecotourism;

holding presentations, anniversaries, banquets;

rendering services of baths, saunas and shower;

holding master classes;

driving on animals, except for wild, and animal traction;

transport servicing;

holding sports and mass, sports and improving and cultural actions;

provision of stock for sport and leisure.

Subjects of agroecotourism provide rendering services in the field of agroecotourism in complex at least two with obligatory availability in the specified complex of one of the services provided in paragraphs the second or fourth part one of this Item.

Subjects of agroecotourism when implementing activities for rendering services in the field of agroecotourism shall:

observe requirements of the legislation in the field of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population, nature protection requirements, requirements of fire safety and other requirements, obligatory for observance;

not allow making of the actions disturbing the public peace or tranquility of the citizens living in the territory of one settlement with the subject of agroecotourism;

take measures for ensuring compliance by agroecotourists with the provisions provided in paragraphs second and third this part.

Rendering services, the provided in paragraphs five and the tenth part one of this Item, in close proximity to borders of the parcels of land on which the apartment houses used by physical persons for permanent residence, except for are located is not allowed:

rendering the corresponding services in rooms of the agroecoestate;

receipts of written consent of land users of such parcels of land by the subject of agroecotourism.

6. Service provision agreements in the field of agroecotourism are signed between subjects of agroecotourism and agroecotourists or between subjects of agroecotourism and tour operators (other organizations) in writing with indication of services and conditions of their provision.

Service provision agreements in the field of agroecotourism are signed by the parties according to standard forms of service provision agreements in the field of agroecotourism which are established by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

Tour operators include services in the field of agroecotourism in the tours created by them for subsequent their realization to agroecotourists.

7. For implementation of activities for rendering services in the field of agroecotourism subjects of agroecotourism shall submit concerning each agroecoestate in district executive committee the application for implementation of activities for rendering services in the field of agroecotourism in the form established by the Ministry of Sport and tourism.


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