of December 17, 2001 No. 6-FKZ
About procedure for acceptance to the Russian Federation and educations in its list of the new subject of the Russian Federation
Accepted by the State Duma on November 30, 2001
Approved by the Federation Council on December 5, 2001
This Federal constitutional Law according to part 2 of article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the main conditions and the procedure of acceptance to the Russian Federation and educations in its list of the new subject of the Russian Federation.
1. Acceptance to the Russian Federation the new subject - the procedure providing change of list of subjects of the Russian Federation as a result of accession to the Russian Federation of foreign state or its part.
2. Education as a part of the Russian Federation the new subject the procedure providing change of list of subjects of the Russian Federation according to this Federal constitutional Law and which is not connected with acceptance to the Russian Federation of foreign state or its part.
1. Acceptance to the Russian Federation of the new subject is performed according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the international (interstate) treaties of the Russian Federation, this Federal constitutional Law, and also the Federal constitutional Laws on acceptance to the Russian Federation of the new subject.
2. Education as a part of the Russian Federation of the new subject is performed according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal constitutional Law, and also federal constitutional education laws as a part of the Russian Federation of the new subject.
1. Acceptance to the Russian Federation and education in its list of the new subject are performed on voluntary basis.
2. In case of acceptance to the Russian Federation and education in its list of the new subject state interests of the Russian Federation, the principles of the federal device of the Russian Federation, right and freedom of man and citizen shall be observed, and also to be considered the developed historical, economic and cultural ties of subjects of the Russian Federation, their social and economic opportunities.
1. As the new subject to the Russian Federation the foreign state or its part can be accepted.
2. Acceptance to the Russian Federation as the new subject of foreign state or its part is performed by mutual consent of the Russian Federation and this foreign state according to the international (interstate) treaty on acceptance to the Russian Federation as the new subject of foreign state or its part (further - the international treaty) concluded by the Russian Federation with this foreign state.
3. In case of acceptance to the Russian Federation as the new subject of foreign state the status of the republic is provided to this subject if by the international treaty specified in Item 2 of this Article it is not provided to the new subject of the status of the territory or area.
4. In case of acceptance to the Russian Federation as the new subject of part of foreign state the status of the republic, edge, area, autonomous region or autonomous area according to the international treaty specified in Item 2 of this Article is provided to this subject.
1. Education as a part of the Russian Federation of the new subject can be performed as a result of consolidation of two and the subjects of the Russian Federation which were more adjoining among themselves.
2. Education as a part of the Russian Federation of the new subject can entail the termination of existence of subjects of the Russian Federation which territories are subject to consolidation.
3. The change of the name of the subject of the Russian Federation provided by part 2 of article 137 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not involve education as a part of the Russian Federation of the new subject. The new name of the subject of the Russian Federation joins in the text of article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is considered when reissuing the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
1. Initiator of the offer on acceptance to the Russian Federation as the new subject of foreign state or its part and the conclusion of the international treaty, stipulated in Item 2 Articles 4 presents of the Federal constitutional Law, is this foreign state.
2. The president of the Russian Federation after receipt of the offer specified in Item 1 of this Article notifies on it the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (further - the Federation Council), the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (further the State Duma), the Government of the Russian Federation and if necessary holds the corresponding consultations with them.
3. Consideration of the offer specified in Item 1 of this Article, and decision making, concerning the conclusion of the international treaty, are performed according to the Federal Law "About International Treaties of the Russian Federation".
1. The following questions can be settled by the international treaty:
a) name and status of the new subject of the Russian Federation;
b) procedure for acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation by citizens of foreign state and distribution on them in full legal status of the citizen of the Russian Federation;
c) legal succession concerning membership of foreign state in the international organizations, its property assets and liabilities;
d) operation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the territory of the new subject of the Russian Federation;
e) functioning of public authorities and local government bodies of foreign state in the territory of the new subject of the Russian Federation.
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