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The document ceased to be valid since  October 19, 2022 according to Item 25 to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 19, 2022 No. 713


of October 6, 2022 No. 669

About temporary measures for price stabilization

(as amended of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 14.10.2022 No. 693)

Based on the paragraph of third of part one of Item 21 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 24, 2020 "About support of economy" and for the purpose of increase in prices non-admission the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 143

1. To the legal entities of all patterns of ownership and individual entrepreneurs performing production (import) and (or) sales of goods on the domestic market or rendering services in the territory of the Republic of Belarus to fix the prices (rates) at the level not above applied for October 5, 2022.

2. Price increase (rates) as a result of cancellation of the actions directed to promotion of goods (services) (the share, discount, sale and others), is not allowed.

3. Revaluation by the subjects of trade performing retail trade of remaining balance of goods to the level of prices for again arrived range of such goods is not made.

4. Price fixation (rates) for goods (services) which till October 6, 2022 are not made (were not imported, were not implemented, did not appear) in the Republic of Belarus, and also price increase in case of economic feasibility is allowed by the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing their production (import, rendering) and (or) realization on the domestic market only under approval:

the republican unitary enterprises, economic societies, shares (share in authorized funds) of which are in property of the Republic of Belarus, - with the relevant republican state bodies, the state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus in subordination (structure, system) of which is such unitary enterprise or economic society or which transfers to the control shares (share in authorized fund) of economic society which are in property of the Republic of Belarus in the procedure established by them (enters);

municipal unitary enterprises, economic societies, shares (share in authorized fund) of which are in property of administrative and territorial units, other legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, peasant farms - with the relevant regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom in the place of state registration in the procedure established by them.

5. Subjects of trade allow increase without the approval established in item 4 of this resolution, the prices of the amount (in percentage terms) of increase in selling prices of producers (importers), made according to item 4 of this resolution, in the presence of the copy of the decision of state body (organization) on such approval, except as specified, established in Item 5-1 of this resolution.

5-1. Price fixation on goods which till October 6, 2022 were not implemented by the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing wholesale and (or) retail trade without approval in the following procedure is allowed:

taking into account the restrictions set by the state bodies performing price regulation (rates);

in case of lack of the restrictions provided in the paragraph the second this part using the limiting maximum wholesale allowance, the trade allowance (taking into account the wholesale allowance) 30 percent to selling price of the producer (importer).

Sales of goods to subject of managing to which these goods were not implemented till October 6, 2022 is performed at the prices not above the minimum price applied for October 5, 2022, in the presence of the copy of the supporting document of such applied minimum price.

The legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing wholesale and (or) retail trade, rendering services (one type) on goods (one name from the same supplier), services which till October 6, 2022 were not implemented (were not) them in the Republic of Belarus in one of shopping facilities, objects of servicing of the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur, establish the prices (rates) for the same goods (service) at the level of minimum price (rate) of realization of these goods (service) in other shopping facilities belonging to them, objects of servicing.

Price fixation according to requirements of this Item shall not lead to price increase in comparison with the prices applied for October 5, 2022.

6. To the ministry of anti-monopoly regulation and trade, other republican state bodies, the state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom to exercise control over the implementation of this resolution and market saturation by goods (services), to stop work of objects, action of special permissions (licenses) in case of violation of the requirements established by this resolution.

7. Requirements of this resolution do not extend to the relations connected with sales of goods to the legal entities included in the register of owners of duty-free shops for their subsequent realization in such shops and also with realization of these goods in duty-free shops. In case of realization of such goods in the Section I "Commodity Section" superimposed TTH-1, superimposed TN-2 and appendices to them data "For realization in duty-free shops" are entered.

8. Grant the right to the Ministry of anti-monopoly regulation and trade to explain questions of application of this resolution.

9. Suspend Item 1 and subitem 2.1 of Item 2 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 7, 2022 No. 214 "About price regulation".

10. This resolution becomes effective since October 6, 2022 and is effective before singular solution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

R. Golovchenko


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