of July 28, 2006 No. 265-XVI
About animal protection, used in experimental or other scientific purposes
The parliament adopts this ordinary law.
(1) the Subject of this law is the regulation of use of animals in experimental or other scientific purposes.
(2) This law does not extend to not experimental agricultural or veterinary practice.
In this law the following basic concepts are used:
the experiment - any use of animal in experimental or other scientific purposes which is capable to hurt this animal physical suffering, fright or concern or can put severe wound to organism, threaten life or be cause of death; the experiment begins with the moment when the animal is for the first time prepared for use in it, and comes to an end when it is impossible to make any observation concerning this experiment;
animal - live animal, including the autonomous larval forms and/or forms capable to reproduction, except for uterine and embryonal forms;
the competent person - any person certified as having qualification for accomplishment of the functions specified in this law;
the company for cultivation - any company at which animals for use in the experimental or other scientific purposes in the laboratories certified or registered by national competent authority are grown up;
the company for delivery - any company which delivers animals for experiments, except for the companies for cultivation;
the company for use - any company at which animals are used in experimental or other scientific purposes;
killing - extermination of animal in the conditions of the minimum physical and mental suffering.
Provisions of this law are applied when using animals in the following experimental purposes:
a) obtaining, production, testing of quality, efficiency and safety of drugs, foodstuff and other substances or products for the purpose of avoidance, preventions, diagnosings or treatments of some diseases, not relics or other variations or impact of those per capita, animal or plants, and also assessment, identification, regulation or change of physiological condition of the person, animals or plants;
b) preserving natural environment for the benefit of health and welfare of the person and animals;
c) development and testing of cosmetic medicines.
Use in experimental and other scientific purposes of the wild animals included in appendix II to the Convention on preserving fauna and the environment of dwelling in Europe (Bern, 1979) is forbidden which the Republic of Moldova joined the Resolution of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova of N1546-XII of June 23, 1993, in appendix I to the Convention on international trade in the types of wild fauna and flora which are under the threat of disappearance (CITES) (Washington, 1973) which the Republic of Moldova joined the Law of the Republic of Moldova of N1246-XIV of September 28, 2000, in appendices I and II to the Convention on preserving the migrating types of wild animals (Governesses, 1979) which the Republic of Moldova joined the Law of the Republic of Moldova of N1244-XIV of September 28, 2000, in appendix 3 to the Law on fund of the natural territories protected by the state of N1538-XIII of February 25, 1998, except as specified, when experiments have the task:
a) research for the purpose of establishment of adequate measures for preserving these types;
b) accomplishment of very essential biomedical researches for which these animal species which list affirms national competent authority are single, answering the set experimental objects.
(1) the Order of the Minister of Agriculture, regional development and the environment establishes instructions for provision of shelter and care of experimental animals.
(2) Any restrictions concerning reduction of satisfaction of physiological and etiological needs of experimental animals shall be minimized.
(3) dwelling Conditions in which experimental animals are grown up, contain or used are daily controlled.
(4) Observation of the state of health and comfort of experimental animals is performed by the competent person qualified in the prevention of pains or avoidance of sufferings, tortures or disability.
(5) the Most bystry whenever possible elimination of any revealed shortcoming or suffering is performed according to the plans of intervention approved by national competent authority.
(1) For the purpose of this law competent national authority is the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment on behalf of the State veterinary inspection.
(2) the State veterinary inspectorate can request the advisory proceeding about need of experiment and the applied methods from experts of the Commission on ethics concerning carrying out experiments with animals.
(3) as a part of the State veterinary inspection the service of protection of animals within the approved personnel functions, and at the level of district veterinary sanitary managements person to whose service duties also protection of experimental animals belongs is designated.
(4) the State veterinary inspection has the following obligations:
a) approval of materials on permission of activities and registration of the companies for cultivation and the companies for use;
b) development of instructions for application of the regulations provided in this law relating to permission of activities and registration of the companies for cultivation and the companies for use;
c) establishment of requirements for receipt of the conclusions and permissions to pilot projects;
d) establishment of requirements for control of application of this law and special instructions and inspection of protection of experimental animals.
(1) Experiments shall be made only by the competent certified persons or under direct observation of one of such persons.
(2) in the presence of other scientific method of the receipt of the same results which is not requiring use of animals, the experiment is not allowed.
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The document ceased to be valid since January 5, 2019 according to article 42 of the Law of the Republic of Moldova of October 19, 2017 No. 211