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It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
July 15, 2022
No. 788/38124
of June 29, 2022 No. 87
About approval of the Regulations on the register of the radio equipment and the radiating devices
According to Articles 64, of 65, "About electronic communications" and to Items 1, 7 and 26 parts four of article 4 of the Law of Ukraine "About the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and rendering services of mail service" the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and rendering services of mail service DECIDES: 72 Laws of Ukraine
1. Approve Regulations on the register of the radio equipment and the radiating devices which is applied.
the decision of the National commission on questions of regulation of communication of Ukraine of November 3, 2005 No. 117 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure and form of maintaining the register of radio-electronic means and the radiating devices which can be used in the territory of Ukraine in strips of radio frequencies public", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 28, 2005 for No. 1574/11854;
the decision of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of communication and informatization, of February 13, 2018 No. 78 "About approval of the Procedure for import from abroad and realization in Ukraine of radio-electronic means and the radiating devices", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 12, 2018 for No. 282/31734.
3. To submit to department of licensing in the procedure established by the legislation this resolution on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
Chairman of NKEK
A. Zhivotovsky
The resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and provision of services of mail service of Ukraine of June 29, 2022 No. 87
1. This Provision establishes:
1) procedure for maintaining by the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and provision of services of mail service (further - regulating authority), the register of the radio equipment and the radiating devices (further - the Register of the radio equipment);
2) the procedure of determination of possibility of use of the radio equipment by regulating authority (further - RO) and the radiating devices (further - IU) in the territory of Ukraine, including as temporarily permitted;
3) the procedure of reference of RO and IU to permitted for application in the territory of Ukraine by general users in strips of radio frequencies public, and also types of RO concerning which the requirements provided in Item 10 of the Technical regulation of the radio equipment approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 24, 2017 No. 355 extend to producers (further - the Technical regulation of the radio equipment);
4) structure of registration number RO and procedure for its drawing;
5) special procedure for registration of RO (for import, operation);
6) the procedure of reference by the RO and IU regulating authority to prohibited for import and application in the territory of Ukraine, the corresponding criteria for such reference;
7) procedure for temporary use of RO or IU, reconciliation procedure of temporary use of RO and IU by regulating authority according to article 72 of the Law of Ukraine "About electronic communications" (further - the Law).
2. Action of this Provision is limited only to the provisions of the law and does not concern requirements to general procedure and rules of customs clearance of the property rights, protection of health, control of the international transfers of goods of double use and so forth which are regulated by other laws of Ukraine.
3. In this Provision terms are used in such values:
subscriber station of radio access - RO which is the transmission medium and/or acceptance of data from the base station or point of wireless access under the administration of which it functions using radio technologies of broadband (multiservice) radio access and belongs to the final (terminal) equipment which cannot be used for mutually connection of networks of electronic communications;
the adapter (radio adapter) - any autonomous realized RO (the device, the block, the module) which is delivered separately or together with the corresponding products (goods, etc.) and is intended for ensuring the approved wireless functioning of several parts of these products or goods which is not RO. The adapter is identified as RO or to set of delivery of products which part RO is;
active antenna system (Active Antenna System, AAS) - complex of the radio-electronic equipment which combines the transceiver and the antenna system constructed mainly by the principle by the phased lattice antenna (further - HEADLIGHTS) where amplitude and/or phase between the HEADLIGHTS elements is constantly regulated that leads to change of the directional pattern of the antenna in response to change in radiosreda.
the base station - one or several stationary send-receive means with the service equipment located in certain place and intended for ensuring (organization) work of other RO in network of radio communication, resource allocation of network, etc.;
radio equipment type - the classification unit combining RO according to similar technical and operational characteristics including its place in radio network (classification signs). Multistandard RO is classified by the main functional purpose and can include additional (nonbasic) classification signs. For example, the radio telephone of cellular communication with the corresponding additional radio interfaces belongs to type "the final (terminal) equipment of networks of cellular radio communication of standards", and on additional classification signs of types "The terminal equipment of radio access of RLAN of the corresponding standards / interfaces", "devices of short radius of action, the device of radio-frequency identification of RFID", etc.;
demonstration (testing) of the radio equipment - evident short-term display by the producer (the authorized representative in Ukraine) its RO (products, the vehicle, system of radio communication or IU) for the purpose of acquaintance of potential customers (consumers) with technical characteristics and functionality by expansion of network or segment of network of radio communication or the presentation (testing) of functional and consumer properties, with possibility of inclusion of RO on radiation;
the experiment connected with start of new radio technology - scientific and technical (applied) experiment which is part of research work on studying of possibility of distribution of radio-frequency range, to allocation and assignment of radio frequencies, their international legal protection, ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of RO (IU), scientific ensuring functioning and development of the sphere of electronic communications and radio-frequency range, ensuring development of scientific and technical and innovative capacity of the sphere of electronic communications;
the experimental station (experimental RO) - the station (RO) which, (which) uses radio waves for carrying out researches for the purpose of development of science and technology taking into account provisions of Article 27 of Regulations of radio communication of International union of telecommunication;
operational conditions (before application of RO or IU) - set of requirements to category of the general user of the radio-frequency range using type of RO or IU, conditions of establishment, placement and application of RO or IU, receipt of the assignments of radio frequency and so forth necessary for realization of the rights to use of radio-frequency range according to the principles of general authorization (in the unlicensed range of radio frequencies) or according to the individual rights (in the licensed range of radio frequencies);
use of the radio equipment in rooms - method of installation and use in rooms of buildings in case of which the coverage provided to such RO is limited to external walls of the building and density of the flow of capacity created by the antenna of this RO at distance of 100 m from outside walls of the building does not exceed value minus 110 dB (W/sq.m x 1 MHz);
the integrated (built-in) antenna (integral antenna) - the antenna which is integral part of RO and to which connection the external connector is applied and which the user cannot disconnect, without destroying RO, for the purpose of connection of other antenna;
other equipment of radio network - any RO which is not the base station, the repeater (repeater, repeater) or the subscriber station;
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