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of November 23, 2006 No. 1644

About procedure and the amount of cash cover and encouragement of persons liable for call-up and reservists, money payment to reservists

(as amended on 19-04-2017)

According to the Law of Ukraine "About military obligation and military service" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Determine that:

in transit from military commissariat to the venue of charges daily allowance in the following sizes, percent of daily allowance in case of official journey is also back paid to the persons liable for call-up and reservists called on charges for each day of stay on charges taking into account stay time:

to the highest officers - 50;

to the senior officers - 40;

to younger officers - 35;

to sergeant and foreman structure:

to ensigns, senior warrant officers, warrant officers, seniors michmanam35;

to lance sergeants, sergeants, staff sergeants, foremen, foremen 2 Articles, to foremen of 1 Article, the chief foremen, the chief ship foremen - 30;

to ordinary structure - 20.

Payment of daily allowance is carried out by military units in which persons liable for call-up and reservists, undergo charges.

To reservists for all the time of accomplishment of obligations of service by them in war reserve perform money payments in the following sizes (quantity of the subsistence minimums established for able-bodied persons for January 1 of calendar year):

to the highest officers - 2;

to the senior officers - 1,9;

to younger officers - 1,8;

to sergeant and foreman structure: 

to ensigns, senior warrant officers, warrant officers, the senior warrant officers - 1,7;

to lance sergeants, sergeants, staff sergeants, foremen, foremen 2 Articles,

to foremen of 1 Article, the chief foremen, the chief ship foremen - 1,6;

to ordinary structure - 1,5.

2. Payment of average earnings to the persons liable for call-up and reservists called on charges is carried out by the companies, organizations and the organizations in which the citizens called on charges, work with the following compensation of these expenses at the expense of the means provided in the government budget on content of the Ministry of Defence and other central executive bodies which perform management of military forming.

For the entire period of charges taking into account journey time to the place of their carrying out and back military units in which they undergo charges cash cover in the amount of the subsistence minimum established for able-bodied persons for January 1 of calendar year at the expense of the means provided in the government budget on content of the Ministry of Defence and other central executive bodies which perform management of military forming is paid to persons liable for call-up and reservists who on the date of appeal do not work.

3. Pay to reservists who executed the program of preparation did not make the offenses connected with service in war reserve, one-time cash encouragement in such sizes, hryvnias a year:

to the highest officers - 3100;

to the senior officers - 2800;

to younger officers - 2500;

to sergeant and foreman structure:

to ensigns, senior warrant officers, warrant officers, senior warrant officers of 2200;

to lance sergeants, sergeants, staff sergeants, foremen, foremen 2 Articles, to foremen of 1 Article, the chief foremen, the chief ship foremen - 1900;

to ordinary structure - 1600.

In case of failure to carry out by the reservist of the program of preparation or making of the offenses connected with service in war reserve or in which the reservist is enlisted on service in war operational reserve of the first priority, noted remuneration by military unit with which commander the reservist signs the contract for service in war reserve it is not paid or its size decreases. The bases for deprivation or reduction of the amount of one-time cash encouragement are determined by the bodies specified in item 4 of this resolution.

4. To the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Security service, Administration of the State Border Service, Service of foreign intelligence to determine conditions of payment of cash cover and encouragement to the person liable for call-up.

5. The expenses connected with accomplishment of this resolution in 2006 and the next years are performed in borders of the means provided on this purpose in the government budget.

6. Declare invalid, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 2, 1993 No. 76 "About procedure and the amount of cash cover of the persons liable for call-up called on training sessions".

7. This resolution becomes effective since December 1, 2006.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Yanukovych


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