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of August 30, 2022 No. PP-364

About measures for realization of the tasks determined in open dialogue of 2022 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with entrepreneurs

(as amended of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 04.09.2023 No. PP-292)

In the country complex measures for development of entrepreneurship, especially small and medium business, elimination of the problems and obstacles arising in their activities are taken.

As a result only in one last year over 55 thousand buildings intended for business, the number of entrepreneurs whose money turnover exceeded 1 million dollars are built increased by 5 thousand and constituted 26 thousand, the number of the export companies reached 7,5 thousand, the total amount of export increased by 30 percent.

For the purpose of implementation of the offers and initiatives directed to the solution of the system issues touched in more than 12 thousand addresses which arrived from entrepreneurs within "open dialogue the" of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with entrepreneurs who took place on August 22 the current year, and also execution of the priority tasks determined in open dialogue:

1. Approve "Road map" on realization of the tasks determined in open dialogue of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with entrepreneurs (further - "road map"), according to appendix No. 1 *, including the following directions:

separation of entrepreneurs into categories and address work on their support;

creation of convenient system of financing of expansion of business activity and implementation of new projects;

creation of sufficient conditions, infrastructure and the guaranteed markets for entrepreneurs;

implementation of package of measures for providing the property right, transformation of property into real market asset;

liberalization of control of activities of entrepreneurs and attraction them to responsibility;

the organization of realization of the initiatives announced at meeting with entrepreneurs and also broad promotion of results of "open dialogue".

2. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, the Ministry of Economic Development and reducing poverty, the Representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, subjects of entrepreneurship, scientific community and the general public about formation of Public council on support of entrepreneurship for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Public council).

Appendices No. No. 1-2 are given in Uzbek.

3. Determine the main objectives of Public council:

establishment of public control over condition of effective and timely fulfillment by the ministries and departments of offers and the initiatives announced in "open dialogue" with entrepreneurs;

ensuring effective interaction of state bodies, subjects of entrepreneurship, scientific community, non-state non-profit organizations and other institutes of civil society;

implementation of system monitoring and the comprehensive analysis of public opinion, holding social polls, including with use of information and communication technologies, on the most important issues affecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

development and representation to authorized state bodies of the offers on the problem resolution which are barriers and obstacles in way of development of entrepreneurship;

bringing to entrepreneurs of essence and content of the reforms performed in the field of support of business activity, rendering assistance in increase in legal culture and forming of their economic skills.

4. To deputy prime ministers Zh. Hodzhayev and D. Kuchkarov, the Ministry of investments and foreign trade (L. Kudratov), and also to the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty (I. Norkulov) to involve experts and specialists of the authoritative international organizations and national research establishments in implementation of "road map".

5. Confer the personal responsibility on:

heads of the ministries and departments, and also the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent - for timely and high-quality holding the actions provided by "road map";

deputy prime ministers Zh. Hodzhayev and D. Kuchkarov - for the effective organization of activities of the ministries and departments for realization in full the actions provided by "road map" and also ensuring timely and careful project development of regulatory legal acts.

6. Establish procedure according to which:

monthly at meetings of Board of the Cabinet of Ministers reports of the first heads of state bodies and organizations on condition of accomplishment of the tasks determined by "road map" are heard;

quarterly in case of the head of Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan meetings on critical consideration of course of execution of "road map" and taking measures to the corresponding responsible persons for the allowed shortcomings are held.

7. To the Cabinet of Ministers (Zh. Hodzhayev, D. Kuchkarov) to approve the media plan for publicizing of the positive changes which resulted from realization of initiatives and the proposals made within "open dialogue" with entrepreneurs in activities of entrepreneurs in a month.

To the agency of information and mass communications, National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan, National news agency of Uzbekistan and other mass media it is wide to light the work which is carried out on the basis of the approved media plan and also its results in mass media and on pages of the Internet.

8. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov and the head of Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. U. Umurzakov.

To inform the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan till February 1, 2023 on effectiveness of the measures performed on implementation of "road map".

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev

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