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of September 8, 2021 No. 619

About approval of Rules and features of transfer, accounting and use of benefits and social payments at the expense of the means of the government budget and (or) funds of the State Social Insurance Fund transferred in the form of electronic money, and also monitoring of use of the address public assistance

According to Item 6-1 of article 42 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 26, 2016 "About payments and payment systems" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules and features of transfer, accounting and use of benefits and social payments at the expense of the means of the government budget and (or) funds of the State Social Insurance Fund transferred in the form of electronic money, and also monitoring of use of the address public assistance (further – Rules).

2. To the Ministry of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in coordination with National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan till January 1, 2022 to approve the plan for the step-by-step translation of benefits and social payments in the form of electronic money on social purses (further – the plan);

2) till July 1, 2022 to provide complete technical readiness of e-wallets according to requirements of Rules.

3. To the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the plan, in process of technical and organizational readiness to take measures for the step-by-step translation of benefits and social payments in the form of electronic money on social purses.

4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its signing and is subject to official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Mamin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 8, 2021 No. 619

Rules and features of transfer, accounting and use of benefits and social payments at the expense of the means of the government budget and (or) funds of the State Social Insurance Fund transferred in the form of electronic money, and also monitoring of use of the address public assistance

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules and features of transfer, accounting and use of benefits and social payments at the expense of the means of the government budget and (or) funds of the State Social Insurance Fund transferred in the form of electronic money, and also monitoring of use of the address public assistance (further – Rules) are developed according to Item 6-1 of article 42 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About payments and payment systems" (further – the Law) and determine procedure and features of transfer, accounting and use of benefits and social payments at the expense of the means of the government budget and (or) funds of the State Social Insurance Fund transferred in the form of electronic money, and also monitoring of use of the address public assistance.

2. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:

1) social purse – the e-wallet of physical person intended for accounting and storage of electronic money, providing the order with them (the social purse opens the operator of system of instant payments for transfer of benefits for it and social payments paid from the government budget and (or) the State Social Insurance Fund in the form of electronic money and write-off from it of electronic money in case of their repayment or implementation of transactions with them);

2) business purse – the e-wallet of the legal entity, individual entrepreneur or physical person who is engaged in private practice, and also payers of single cumulative payments, opened by the operator of system of instant payments for implementation of transactions with the electronic money arriving from social purses of physical persons for payment of the received goods, works and services;

3) payers of single cumulative payments (further – payers of single cumulative payments) – the physical persons performing business activity without registration as the individual entrepreneur, conforming to requirements, stipulated in Clause 774 Codes of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget";

4) centralized purse – the e-wallet opened by the operator of system of instant payments for authorized organization for the purpose of transfer and write-off of the amounts of the electronic money from it intended (used) for allowance payments and social payments;

5) authorized organization – the organization performing allowance payment and social payments on behalf of The Government for Citizens State corporation;

6) participants of electronic payment system – physical persons and legal entities, banks of the second level, the National operator of mail, the authorized organization, state bodies and other subjects performing interaction among themselves concerning transfer, accounting and use of benefits and social payments within these rules.

Other concepts and determinations used in these rules are applied according to the Law.

3. Within these rules are recognized:

1) as electronic payment system – system of instant payments;

2) as the operator of electronic payment system – the operator of system of instant payments providing functioning of system of instant payments, including collection, processing and information transfer, created when implementing transactions within system of instant payments with use of electronic money (further – the operator of system of instant payments);

3) as the agent (further – the agent) – bank of the second level, the National operator of mail who is participants of system of instant payments and performing activities for acquisition of electronic money at owners – physical persons and legal entities with the subsequent repayment by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – National Bank) based on the agreement signed with the operator of system of instant payments in whom the rights and obligations of the Parties, procedure and conditions on acquisition of electronic money are determined.

4. Issuer of electronic money for benefits and the social payments (further – electronic money) paid from the government budget and (or) means of the State Social Insurance Fund (further – Fund), is the National Bank.

5. Business purses open the operator of system of instant payments automatically for all individual entrepreneurs, persons who are engaged in private practice, payers of the single cumulative payments and legal entities who are residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of information provided by judicial authorities and state revenues.


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