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of August 16, 2022 No. 2524-IX

About official statistics

This Law determines legal and organizational basis of functioning of national statistical system, competence and powers of bodies of the state statistics governing legal relations in the field of official statistics for the purpose of providing the state and society with impartial and objective official state statistical information rather economic, social, demographic, ecological, cultural and other spheres of life of society in Ukraine and its regions.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Determination of terms

1. In this Law the stated below terms are used in such value:

1) administrative data - the data obtained by state bodies (except bodies of the state statistics), local government bodies and other legal entities according to the legislation and documented by them;

2) use in the statistical purposes - use only for the organization and carrying out statistical observations;

3) producers of official statistics - the bodies of the state statistics and other state bodies authorized by the law to perform production and distribution of official state statistical information according to the basic principles of official statistics determined by article 4 of this Law which make national statistical system;

4) production of official state statistical information - set of the actions connected with development of statistical methodology, collection, preserving, processing, the analysis, protection and distribution of official state statistical information at all stages of its production;

5) the state statistical activities - set of the actions connected with carrying out the state statistical observations and directed to production and distribution of official state statistical information;

6) individual data - data or set of data on physical person and/or legal entity;

7) information system of bodies of the state statistics - set of the technical, program, telecommunication and other means providing process of collection, preserving, processing, the analysis, protection and distribution of official state statistical information;

8) confidential data - the data allowing to perform direct or indirect identification of the respondent thus opening individual data on it. In case of determination of possibility of identification of the respondent all means which the third party for such identification can use shall be considered;

9) the user - the physical person or legal entity using official state statistical information;

10) metadata - data which by the standardized method describe statistical data and statistical processes by reduction of information on data sources, statistical methodology, determination, statistical classification and quality of data;

11) microdata - set of data containing individual data on respondents;

12) indirect identification - identification of the respondent any different way, than direct identification;

13) not continuous statistical observation is observation concerning separate units of population which is studied;

14) bodies of the state statistics - the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of statistics (further - the central executive body concerning statistics), and functional bodies of the state statistics;

15) official state statistical information - the documentary quantitative and high-quality, aggregative and representative information obtained by results of the state statistical observations or created on the basis of administrative data which characterizes the mass phenomena and processes which happen in economic, social, demographic, ecological, cultural and other spheres of life of society in Ukraine and its regions;

16) official statistics - centralized system of collection, storage, processing, the analysis, protection and distribution of official state statistical information;

17) primary data - information on the quantity and quality characteristic of the phenomena and processes provided by respondents during statistical observations;

18) the list of respondents of statistical observations - the automated information system of collection, accumulating and processing of statistical data about respondents which provides selection of sets of respondents by certain criteria for carrying out statistical observations;

19) the plan of the state statistical observations - the legal act containing list and terms of carrying out the statistical observations made by bodies of the state statistics and other producers of official statistics for the purpose of production and distribution of official state statistical information;

20) distribution of official state statistical information - set of the actions aimed at providing availability to users of official state statistical information and metadata;

21) direct identification - identification of the respondent - the legal entity according to the name or the address, or identification code, and also personal data of the respondent - physical person according to the primary data containing in the reporting;

22) the respondent - person or set of persons determined in article 5 of this Law who are subject to statistical observation in the procedure established by the legislation;

23) managers of administrative data - state bodies (except bodies of the state statistics), local government bodies and other legal entities having administrative data;

24) statistical classification - component of reporting and statistical documentation which affirms the central executive body concerning statistics or other producer of official statistics in coordination with the central executive body concerning statistics and it is systematized distributes the phenomena and objects on certain groups, classes, categories based on their similarity or distinction. Basis of classification is the qualitative character characterizing subject to classification;

25) statistical methodology - set of evidence-based methods, rules and methods of statistical studying of the mass social and economic phenomena and processes which determine procedure for collection, processing and analysis of statistical information;

26) statistical observation - systematic scientifically organized production process of statistical information of rather mass phenomena and processes which happen in economic, social, demographic, ecological, cultural and other spheres of life of society in Ukraine and its regions, to the subsequent distribution of this statistical information;

27) continuous statistical observation is observation concerning one and all units of the studied set;

28) functional bodies of the state statistics - the companies, organizations and the organizations relating to the sphere of management of the central executive body concerning statistics.

Other terms which are not specified in this Law are used in value, stipulated by the legislation Ukraine and international treaties which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Article 2. Legal basis of the state statistical activities

1. The legal basis of the state statistical activities is constituted by the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law, other laws of Ukraine and regulatory legal acts governing the relations in spheres of official statistics, information, informatization, scientific and technical activities, standardization and also the international agreements of Ukraine in the sphere of official statistics which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


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