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of December 8, 2020 No. 1984

About approval of procedure and conditions of licensing of space activities and form of the license

Accepted the Government of the Republic of Armenia on December 3, 2020

According to item 4 of part 1 of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About space activities" and parts 3 of Article 10 and part 2 of article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About licensing", the Government of the Republic of Armenia decides:

1. Approve:

1) procedure and conditions of licensing of space activities according to Appendix No. 1;

2) form of the license for implementation of space activities according to Appendix No. 2.

2. This Resolution becomes effective next day after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia

N. Pashinyan

Appendix № 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of December 3, 2020 No. 1984

Procedure and conditions of licensing of space activities

I. General provisions

1. The relations on licensing of space activities are governed by the laws of the Republic of Armenia "About licensing" and "About space activities" and this Procedure. In the Republic of Armenia licensing of space activities performs the Ministry of the high-tech industry of the Republic of Armenia.

2. This Procedure establishes procedure, terms of licensing for implementation of space activities in the Republic of Armenia (further - the license), the compulsory provisions and requirements imposed to the legal entities who addressed for receipt of the license (further - the applicant), and also the necessary documents shown for receipt of the license.

3. The space activities which are subject to licensing include production, repair, upgrade, alienation of space objects and (or) the equipment, implementation of researches and (or) testing with use of the space equipment, acceptance and processing of remote satellite data on the earth, start of space objects, management of them in landing time and flight, creation and operation of space infrastructures.

4. For licensing the state fee according to the procedure and the size, established by the Law "About the State Fee" is collected.

II. Conditions and requirements to the license and licensing of space activities

5. The license is granted by the licensing body is termless if other term is not provided by the Law "About Space Activities". The license is granted in one copy.

6. The licensed persons who are engaged in space activities shall perform these activities which are subject to licensing only in the place specified in the license.

7. In the license are specified:

1) the name of the licensing body;

2) license number;

3) day, month, year of licensing;

4) words "License for Implementation of Space Activities";

5) name of the legal entity, location and activities implementation;

6) license effective period;

7) the signature of the head of the licensing person and impress of a seal of this body with the image of the coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia.

8. Proceeding from need of ensuring the international security, the world, environmental protection, ensuring the international responsibility, and also protection of life, health, interests of the state and society by use of scientific achievements in the field of space activities and the equipment, the legal entities performing space activities shall:

1) to have adopted agenda for implementation of space activities (rendering services) (the name of the organization, the detailed description of organization activity, data on the expected investments, the technical proposal, design documents, agreements and other supporting documents);

2) during implementation of space activities (rendering services) to provide protection of information which is passed/reported from space objects and (or) processed;

3) to provide requirements of the Law "About the State and Official Secret";

4) in case of change of the list of the works which are carried out during implementation of space activities, and the rendered services and (or) adopted agenda licensed person shall provide within 10 days in the licensing body information on change.

9. The applicant represents to the licensing body:

1) the request for receipt of the license in form, having specified:

and. name of the legal entity, location and activities implementation, number of state registration,

. type of activity, subject to licensing which the applicant intends to perform;

2) the list of the carried-out works and the rendered services during implementation of space activities;

3) information on international cooperation (agreement, agreement, memorandum);

4) the intra organizational program for implementation of space activities including criteria of storage, protection and supervision of the all documents and electronic media concerning implementation of works (rendering services), information on availability of employees with necessary professional knowledge and capabilities;

5) the receipt on payment of the state fee according to the Law "About the State Fee".

10. The documents necessary for receipt of the license can be transferred to the licensing body personally or by mail or through electronic system.

III. Licensing of space activities

11. The licensing body checks the documents attached by the applicant to the request. In the presence in the request for receipt of the license or the enclosed documents of insignificant shortcomings (typographical errors, legal inaccuracies, arithmetic mistakes and other similar omissions) and also if documents are incomplete, the licensing body within 2 working days after their detection suggests the applicant to eliminate violations within 5 working days, having warned about the effects established by part 5 of article 29 of the Law "About Licensing".

12. Before licensing the licensing body sends the corresponding inquiry to Service of homeland security of the Republic of Armenia for the purpose of receipt of line item by licensing.

13. The licensing body within 23 days after submission of documents by the applicant according to this Procedure grants the license or, in the presence of the bases, the stipulated in Article 29 Laws "About Licensing", refuses licensing.

14. The request for receipt of the license is rejected if:


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