of January 17, 2019 No. UP-5635
About the State program on strategy implementation of actions in five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021 in "Year of active investments and social development"
2018 - Year of support of active entrepreneurship, the innovative ideas and technologies is marked by realization of complex measures for implementation of modern scientific achievements, the innovative ideas and technologies in economy, the social sphere and public administration of the country.
Within the practical embodiment in life of the adopted State program for 2018 76 thousand projects on the amount of 21 trillion sum and 1 billion US dollars are implemented.
According to the Rim Kishlak and Rim Waved programs 3 trillion sum are directed to improvement for the purpose of creation of conditions for safe life in more than 400 villages and makhallyakh the republics.
About 2 trillion sum for implementation more than 2 600 business projects on places are in total directed to the Each Family — the Entrepreneur and Youth — Our Future programs.
Close attention was paid to development of the social sphere, strengthening of social protection of the population and further enhancement of wages system that allowed to raise real incomes of the population for 12 percent in comparison with 2017.
Opportunities for receipt of the higher education thanks to opening of the new educational directions and increase in quota of acceptance are considerably expanded.
Thanks to implementation of conceptually new procedure for tax administration at the disposal of local budgets there was 5,5 of trillion sum from overfulfillment of forecast indicators of the fiscal duties that by 6 times exceeds indicators of 2017 and by 32 times - 2016.
Besides, the Concept of enhancement of tax policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan directed to stimulation of economic development, improvement of business environment and investment appeal, increase in disposable incomes of the population and decrease in tax burden for business is accepted.
So, decrease to 12 percent of rate of single social payment and cancellation of obligatory contributions to the state trust funds levied from turnover (revenue) of legal entities created conditions for leaving at the disposal of the companies of additional resources.
In 2018 18 interstate visits are made and agreements according to investment projects on the amount about 50 billion US dollars are reached. Now at the expense of foreign investments in the country 456 projects on the amount are implemented by 23 billion US dollars.
In pursuance of the Strategy of actions in five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021, and also for the purpose of effective and timely realization of the tasks determined in the President's letter of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Oliy Majlis of December 28, 2018:
1. Approve the State program on strategy implementation of actions in five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021 in "Year of active investments and social development" (further - the State program) according to appendix No. 1 *, the providing projects implementation for the total amount of 16,9 of trillion sum and 8, in 1 billion US dollars directed on:
* Appendix No. 1 is given in Uzbek.
in the field of enhancement of system of the state and public construction - activation of activities of parliament in adoption of important decisions and control of execution of the laws, optimization of system of the executive authority, continuation of administrative reform, broad application of modern methods of management, development of the state services, forming of the single personnel policy aimed at involvement of qualified specialists on public service, review of powers and responsibility of public authorities on places, expansion of their independence;
in the field of ensuring rule of law and further reforming of judicial system of law - ensuring authentic independence of judicial authority, acceptance of necessary measures for ensuring peaceful life, safety of the population and legality, to early crime prevention, enhancement and liberalization of the penal legislation;
in the field of development of economy and active investment attraction - ensuring macroeconomic stability, creation of necessary conditions for healthy competition, further improvement of business environment and the investment climate, essential reducing the state presence at economy, preserving high rates of economic growth, counteraction to "shadow" economy and cardinal reducing its share, continuation of liberalization of currency control;
in the field of social development - decline in unemployment among the population, increase in the income of citizens, development of science and life-long education, improvement of quality and expansion of scope of the population with medical services, strengthening of social support of women and youth, improvement of living conditions of people, providing with worthy housing and increase in their welfare, approval in the society of healthy lifestyle, promoting of physical culture and sport, tourism development;
in the field of safety, interethnic concord and religious tolerance, and also foreign policy - increase in defense capability of the country, strengthening of potential of Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, forming of domestic complex of defense industry, providing ecological safety, rational use of water and other natural resources, further increase in efficiency of the foreign policy activities based on the principles of openness, equal and mutually beneficial cooperation.
2. Assign to officials of Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of the ministries and departments, diplomatic representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad regions of the country according to appendix No. 2, having determined their personal responsibility for providing effective and timely implementation of actions, provided in the State program, especially in the field of attraction of foreign investments, creations of the favorable investment circle, and also increase in level of social development of regions of the republic.
Determine that chambers of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan quarterly hear reports on the course of implementation of the State program with introduction of offers on elimination of the available problems and shortcomings, to acceptance of necessary measures for providing high-quality and timely implementation of actions of the State program.
3. Enter practice of holding monthly personal meetings of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with heads of the ministries and departments, executive bodies on places, heads of diplomatic representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad with investors for the purpose of discussion of the course of implementation of investment projects, providing operational and effective solution of the problems interfering their activities including with use of modern information and communication technologies.
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