of August 22, 2022 No. PP-357
About measures for raising on the new level of the sphere of information and communication technologies in 2022-2023
According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 28, 2022 No. UP-60 "About the Strategy of Development for New Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026", and also for the purpose of realization of priority tasks on raising of the sphere it is information communication technologies on new level:
1. Determine the main objectives of further development of the sphere of information and communication technologies in 2022-2023:
a) finishing until the end of 2022:
level of scope of settlements broadband network of mobile communication to 98 percent, the high-speed mobile Internet along highways of the international value - to 60 percent;
scope level lines of fiber optic communication to 80 percent by construction of 40 thousand kilometers of fiber optic communication lines and creation of possibility of connection in addition 800 thousand households to the high-speed Internet;
the number of users electronic state services to 4 million people by increase them twice by means of attraction to rendering these services of private sector;
export volume of IT-services to 100 million dollars by creation in regions of the centers for instilling of necessary skills and to providing youth with the guaranteed orders;
b) implementation until the end of 2023:
annual training in the field of information technologies of more 6,5 thousand young people by development of system of training in the field of digital technologies in the form of remote education;
over 214 information systems and software products in state bodies, including public authorities on places and at the companies of real production sector.
2. Approve:
"Road map" on further enhancement of the sphere of information and communication technologies in 2022-2023 according to appendix No. 1 *;
The list of priority projects of digitalization of public administration in 2022-2023 according to appendix No. 2 *;
The list of priority projects of digitalization of industries of real production sector in 2022-2023 according to appendix No. 3 *;
"road maps" on complex acceleration of processes of departmental digital transformation of separate bodies of the public and economic board in 2022-2023 according to appendices No. No. 3 and - 3 e *;
The list of priority projects of digital transformation of regions in 2022-2023 according to appendices No. No. 4 - 17*.
3. To the ministry of development of information technologies and communications based on Articles 20, 24-1, 30 and 69 of the Land code of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
in two-month time, further - at the end of every quarter to create the list (addresses, coordinates and the areas) of the target parcels of land necessary for installation of antenna and mast constructions, according to proposals of mobile operators;
provide this list to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent for selection to the Ministry of the empty parcels of land of nonagricultural assignment included in the list with the right of permanent use;
lease to mobile operators the parcels of land of nonagricultural assignment selected to the Ministry with the right of permanent use for installation of antenna and mast constructions by open tender. At the same time the special priority is given to promoting of experience of joint operation of the same parcel of land or antenna and mast construction;
provide establishment of the right of limited use of others parcel of land (servitude) between khokimiyats of areas (cities) or owners, users, lessees of lands and telecom operators according to the procedure, No. PP-204, established by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 12, 2022 for the purpose of installation and operation of antenna and mast constructions on the parcels of land of agricultural purpose or the lands selected to other owners, users, lessees included in the list.
4. Determine that since October 1, 2022 operators and providers are allowed to perform installation and construction works in objects of telecommunications from the date of introduction for examination of the design estimates of installation of technical means, at the same time expertize of the design estimates is carried out in 15-day time.
To provide to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Sanitary and epidemiologic service execution of the conclusions of bodies of the state fire supervision and the sanitary passport by means of the Single portal of interactive state services (further - the Single portal) in time, not exceeding two weeks, for the purpose of the beginning of operation of radio-electronic means of networks of mobile communication.
To the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Sanitary and epidemiologic service together with the interested ministries and departments in three-months time critically to review the operating procedure for execution of the conclusions of bodies of the state fire supervision and the sanitary passport and to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on their simplification, including reducing terms, by optimization of the operating procedures.
5. Step by step to form since September 1, 2022 in all regions of the republic the centers of export of remote services by use of information and communication technologies and to determine them the main objectives:
increase in interest in export of software products and IT-services due to training in rendering outsourcing services;
training of specialists for the organizations performing activities for all republic and rendering outsourcing services;
rendering assistance in search of orders to persons owning skills of rendering outsourcing services and to graduates of the training rates organized in the centers of export of remote services.
To provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications placement of the centers of export of remote services in the modern buildings repaired according to requirements of the Technological park of software products and information technologies (further - the IT park) and provided with regular electric utility service.
To provide to agency on cases of youth the centers of export of remote services with the modern computer equipment.
To the ministry of development of information technologies and communications to take measures for regular attraction of orders from the foreign markets in the centers of export of remote services and to employment of youth.
6. For the purpose of creation of additional conveniences to the population and subjects of entrepreneurship when using of electronic state services since November 1, 2022 to permit:
to mobile operators, commercial banks and operators of payment systems rendering electronic state services on the Single portal by means of the mobile applications with observance of requirements of information security;
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