of April 14, 2004 No. 69
About procedure for acceptance and leave of the precious metals and gemstones and products containing them the State storage of values of the Ministry of Finance
Based on Item part three 5, of paragraph two of part two of Item 6 and the paragraph of third of part one of Item 6-1 of the Regulations on the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 19, 2006 No. 260, of Item 10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1585, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
Approve the Instruction about procedure for acceptance and leave of the precious metals and gemstones and products containing them by the State storage of values of the Ministry of Finance it (is applied).
First Deputy Minister
A. I. Sverzh
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of April 14, 2004 No. 69
1. This Instruction establishes procedure for acceptance of the precious metals or their alloys, gemstones and products containing them, including metal products, jewelry and other products, dental products, coins, the laboratory equipment, works of art, nuggets, objects of faleristika and religious cult and their scrap (further, unless otherwise specified, – values) delivered by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, transferred by authorized or competent state bodies in cases, stipulated by the legislation, donated by physical persons to the state, not demanded from the organizations performing microfinancial activities in the form of provision of microloans on the security of the personal estate intended for personal, family or home use with obligatory transfer to ownership of subject of pledge of such organization (pledge) (further – microfinancial institutions), carried over the state on the bases, stipulated by the legislation, transferred in other cases established by the legislation in the State storage of values of the Ministry of Finance (further, unless otherwise specified, – Gokhran), and also procedure for leave of values from Gokhran.
Values in which precious metals or their alloys are in type of incrustation, notches and coverings, fabric exhibits in which precious metals or their alloys in the form of threads, wire, spangles and other small jewelry (sewing, brocade, laces, fringe, etc.), and also scrap and waste from use of devices, the equipment, computer, medical and other facilities, means of communication and telecommunications, components from them, from the used film photox-ray materials, accumulators, the electrostarting equipment, waste of different productions, products from non-noble materials are used are not accepted by Gokhran.
2. For the purposes of this Instruction the following terms and their determinations are used:
"gemstones", "precious metals", "measuring ingots", "test", "examination of precious metals", "jewelry and other household products" in the values determined respectively by paragraphs the eighth, the ninth, the thirteenth, eighteenth, twenty second and twenty third article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 21, 2002 No. 110-Z "About precious metals and gemstones";
"competent authorities" and "authorized bodies" in the values determined respectively by Items 17 and 39 of appendix 1 to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 19, 2016 No. 63 "About enhancement of work with the property withdrawn, arrested or turned into the income of the state";
"the producer of measuring ingots" in the value determined by the paragraph the fifth Item 3 of the Instruction on procedure for making of transactions and calculations with measuring ingots from precious metals and gemstones (diamonds) made in the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of July 22, 2022 No. 482/16;
"digital signature", "the electronic document", "form of external submission of the electronic document" in the values determined respectively by paragraphs the fifteenth and sixteenth Articles 1, part three of article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2009 No. 113-Z "About the electronic document and the digital signature";
AIS "Gokhran" – the automated information system "State Storage of Values";
dental products – the products from alloys of precious metals which are applied in orthopedic stomatology;
the laboratory equipment – laboratory glassware, accessories laboratory, the mixers and other products from precious metals and their alloys applied in case of laboratory researches;
personal account of the external user (further – personal account) – the specialized software which represents web resource on the global computer Internet, the reference to which is posted on the official site of the Ministry of Finance (further, unless otherwise specified, – the Ministry of Finance), intended for exchange of documents and data in the form of electronic documents between the Ministry of Finance and suppliers (receivers) of values of the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of the Republic of Belarus (further – State fund);
weight ligaturny – the mass of the homogeneous mix from several substances received in the melted condition and having properties of metal;
lump – the actual mass of product (products) including the mass of own product and the components which are not separated under the terms of delivery;
weight in purity – the mass of chemically net precious metal in alloy, conditionally is considered test metal 1000;
the measuring ingots made in the Republic of Belarus – the ingots of the affined gold and silver made of gold and silver of State fund according to specifications and (or) state standards of the Republic of Belarus;
metal products – products from precious metals made according to technical documentation in the form of ingots (including the measuring ingots made in the Republic of Belarus), granules, powder, hire, books of gold leaf or silver, with availability of the documents confirming product quality including the certificate issued by the producer of measuring ingots on each measuring ingot made in the Republic of Belarus (further – the certificate on measuring ingot);
the receiver – the legal entity, the individual entrepreneur, the authorized and (or) competent authorities receiving values from Gokhran;
the supplier – the legal entity, the individual entrepreneur, the authorized and (or) competent authorities delivering (handing-over) values in Gokhran;
sending – departure with attachment of values.
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