of August 9, 2022 No. 514
About procedure for forming and maintaining the register of subjects of tourist activities
Based on part one of Item 3 and part one of Item 6 of article 32 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 11, 2021 "About tourism" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 129-Z
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the register of subjects of tourist activities it (is applied).
2. Establish:
the application form for inclusion of data in the register of subjects of tourist activities according to appendix 1;
form of the notification on change of the data containing in the register of subjects of tourist activities according to appendix 2;
form of the notification on exception of data of the register of subjects of tourist activities according to appendix 3;
the application form for provision of data from the register of subjects of tourist activities according to appendix 4.
3. Suspend till January 1, 2024 Item 42 appendices to the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 6, 2020 No. 271 "About change of resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus concerning implementation of ministerial procedures".
4. This resolution becomes effective in the following procedure:
Item 3 and this Item – after official publication of this resolution;
Item 7 of the Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the register of subjects of tourist activities approved by this resolution – since January 1, 2024;
other provisions of this resolution – since January 1, 2023.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
R. Golovchenko
to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 9, 2022 No. 514
The statement for inclusion of data in the register of subjects of tourist activities
| |||
from ___ _________ 20 __ No. ________ | |||
____________________________________________________________________________ (name (trade name) of the legal entity, surname, own name, asks the Ministry of Sport and tourism to include the following data in the register of subjects of tourist activities: | |||
1. |
The name of the subject of tourist activities (surname, own name, middle name (if that is available) the individual entrepreneur) |
2. |
Location of the subject of tourist activities (residence of the individual entrepreneur) |
3. |
Registration number in the Single state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (for subjects of tourist activities – residents) or the register (register) of foreign state in which the subject of tourist activities (for subjects of tourist activities – nonresidents is registered (in the presence of such number) |
4. |
Accounting number of the payer (for subjects of tourist activities – residents) |
5. |
Separate divisions (branches, representations) of the legal entity (in case of their availability), the location |
6. |
Organizational forms of tourism: |
6.1. |
international outbound tourism |
6.2. |
international entrance tourism |
6.3. |
internal tourism |
7. |
Type of tourist activities: |
7.1. |
tourist's agency activities |
7.2. |
tour operator activities |
8. |
Surname, own name, middle name (if that is available) the head of the subject of tourist activities or the name (trade name) of the legal entity, surname, own name, middle name (if that is available) the individual entrepreneur performing functions of sole executive body of the subject of tourist activities, its contact information |
9. |
The address of the official site on the global computer Internet, the e-mail address (in case of their availability) |
10. |
Data on availability of the insurance contract of responsibility of tour operator (number and date of the agreement, the name of insurance company), extradition treaties of bank guarantees (number and date of the agreement, the bank name) or about their participation in forming of fund of responsibility of tour operators |
11. |
Data on membership in association (union) if the subject of tourist activities consists in association (union) |
12. |
Data on suspension of tourist activities, term of such suspension, source of publication of such data |
13. |
Data on voluntary certification of tourist services (in the presence) |
Applicant's details | |||
Name of the subject |
Location of the subject |
_______________________________ (signature) |
__________________________________________ (surname, initials of the head of the legal entity, |
Note. Item 10 is filled only with the tour operators performing activities in the field of the international outbound tourism.
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