of May 20, 2022 No. UP-139
About measures for creation of chain of value added by means of effective use of source of raw materials and support of conversion of herbs
For the purpose of effective use of source of raw materials of herbs, broad application of herbs in prevention and treatment of diseases, the organization of deep conversion by support of the subjects of entrepreneurship who are engaged in construction of cultural plantations of herbs and also creation of chain of value added:
1. Determine that:
areas specialize in cultivation of glycyrrhiza, saffron, giant-fennel, lavender, stevia, camomile, dogrose, rhubarb, sage, St. John's Wort, marjoram, yarrow, ziziphora, capers, peppermint and other herbs by regions. At the same time in 2022 - 2026 on the area of 36 000 hectares new plantations of herbs will be created;
for the purpose of drilling of boreholes for production of water on each 10 hectares of land area of the created cultural plantations of herbs, and also constructions of pumping points for pumping of water from the rivers, canals and other reservoirs based on the relevant act of the State committee on geology and mineral resources through Fund of development of gardening and greenhouse facility at the expense of the republican budget the subsidy respectively on 600 thousand sum for each meter, but no more than 120 million sum, with condition of use of water saving technologies is provided;
placement of other types of crops on the parcels of land allocated in accordance with the established procedure for cultivation of herbs by creation of cultural plantations is not allowed;
for the purpose of expansion of cultivation of export-oriented herbs of privilege and procedure for financing, stipulated in Item 4 resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 5, 2021 No. PP-5214 "About additional measures for further support of entrepreneurship and development of cooperation between subjects of entrepreneurship and the population in махаллях", extend also to the entrepreneurship subjects which are engaged in cultivation of herbs.
2. Establish procedure according to which:
since June 1, 2022 by fund of the state support of agricultural industry in the amount of 100 billion sum through commercial banks are allocated:
the credits for cultivation of herbs for the term of 12 months, including six-months grace period, at the rate of 14 annual interest rates (including margin of bank - 2 percent) - to farmer, Dehkan farms and other producers of products;
the "revolving" credits for replenishment of the current assets required for purchase of the grown-up products for the term of 12 months at the rate of 14 annual interest rates (including margin of bank - 2 percent) - to processors, keepers and exporters of herbs.
At the same time repayment of other credits obtained by clusters and cooperations at the expense of the specified credits in commercial banks is not allowed.
3. To the Ministry of Agriculture (Zh. A. Hodzhayev) together with the Ministry of Finance (T. A. Ishmetov) for the purpose of financing of deep conversion of herbs (production of finished goods on the basis of deep conversion of herbs) to take measures for allocation to commercial banks of means in the amount of 20 million US dollars within projects of the World Bank "Upgrade of agricultural industry" and "Development of rural entrepreneurship in the Fergana Valley", and also the project of the International fund of agricultural development "Diversification and upgrade of agricultural industry". At the same time:
these means are placed in commercial banks as resources in national currency at the rate of 14 annual interest rates;
commercial banks allocate commercial credits for the term of 10 years, including five-year grace period, at the rate of 17 annual interest rates (including margin of bank - 3 percent).
To the Minister of Agriculture Zh. A. Hodzhayev, the chairman of the State committee on forestry N. Zh. Bakirov, the director of the Agency on development of pharmaceutical industry S.Kh. Kariyev together with the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and hokimama of areas in two-month time to develop project offers on creation at least one cluster of herbs in each region.
To the Cabinet of Ministers to approve the Address list of projects on conversion of the herbs realized in 2022-2023 in a month.
for a period of up to January 1, 2025 the tax rates of the land tax, the income tax and the property tax levied from subjects of entrepreneurship which income from cultivation of herbs following the results of the current accounting (tax) period constitutes at least 80 percent of total income decrease by 50 percent.
At the same time the means exempted from taxes based on this paragraph shall be directed to expansion of plantations of herbs;
the processing and laboratory equipment which are not made in the Republic of Uzbekistan, their component parts and spare parts, sandwich panel and ventilating systems, and also the raw materials, materials and packaging materials used for production of dietary supplements, imported for own needs by producers of dietary supplements, essences and medicinal vegetable raw materials extracts according to the lists created in accordance with the established procedure are exempted from customs duty for a period of up to January 1, 2025;
when importing the processing and laboratory equipment, their component parts and spare parts, sandwich panels and the ventilating systems, tools and devices, raw materials, materials, chemical medicines and remedies used for cultivation and conversion of herbs the opportunity of the tax deferral on value added for the term of 180 days is given.
5. To the Ministry of Health together with Agency on development of pharmaceutical industry to take measures for inclusion since September 1, 2022 in licensed requirements and conditions of retail sale of medicines and products of medical purpose of condition of placement of the dietary supplements and medicines made of medicinal vegetable raw materials, at least in 10 percent counter of trade floors of drugstores.
6. To the Prosecutor General's Office (Sh. Zh. Rakhimov) and Audit Chamber (B. T. Turabov) to establish constant control behind target allocation and use of means within projects of realization of conversion of herbs, each half a year to enter the relevant information in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
7. Recommend to chambers of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan to establish parliamentary and public control over allocation of quotas for collection of herbs from the environment and strict observance of their conditions.
8. To the agency of information and mass communications (A. A. Hodzhayev), to National news agency of Uzbekistan (A. K. Kuchimov), National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan (A. Zh. Hadzhayev) together with the Ministry of Agriculture (Zh. A. Hodzhayev) and Council of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots of Uzbekistan (A. A. Haitov) to organize publication of materials and demonstration of cycle of telecasts on explanation to the population of essence and contents of this Decree in mass media.
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