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of July 27, 2022 No. UP-178

About measures for implementation of effective system of dialogue with subjects of entrepreneurship and further strengthening of their legal protection

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 14.11.2024 No. UP-184)

For the purpose of enhancement of system of work with problems of subjects of entrepreneurship by means of digital technologies, and also further strengthening of mechanisms of protection of their rights and legitimate interests:

1. Agree with the proposal of the Comissioner for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on protection of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of entrepreneurship (further - the Representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs), the Ministry of Economic Development and reducing poverty, Chamber of Commerce and Industry about transformation of the single interactive portal "" to information portal the "Virtual office of the entrepreneur" (further - the portal) having the following opportunities:

round-the-clock acceptance, solution of addresses of subjects of entrepreneurship and control of these processes;

identification of the system problems interfering business activity and also forming of offers on their elimination by carrying out thematic online discussions and polls among state bodies and the organizations, and also subjects of entrepreneurship;

acceptance of collective addresses of subjects of entrepreneurship on enhancement of the legislation;

connection to the information systems allowing subjects of entrepreneurship to receive necessary services, including receipt of licenses and allowing documents, the credits, subsidies, compensations and guarantees, implementation of tax and customs administration.

2. Establish procedure according to which since August 1, 2022:

a) addresses are entered into the portal:

subjects of entrepreneurship;

service "Sall-center" under Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

The representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs - on the basis of the addresses which arrived from entrepreneurs during exit acceptances;

assistants to hokim of areas (cities) concerning development of entrepreneurship, employment of the population and reducing poverty in the makhall. At the same time assistants to hokim take measures for consideration and the solution of addresses of subjects of entrepreneurship is direct in the makhall, and addresses which to solve at the level waved it is not possible, enter into the portal;

b) the addresses entered into the portal in automatic procedure or the Representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs (if in the address the authorized body is not specified) go to the relevant authorized bodies for consideration and the decision;

c) authorized bodies consider the addresses which arrived on the portal according to the procedure and the terms established by the legislation and also enter information on results in the portal;

d) Representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs:

establishes digital control of procedure and terms of consideration of the addresses entered into the portal, and also applies adequate measures of impact on the facts of offenses;

together with the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty, Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the basis of the analysis of addresses monthly brings in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the offer on development of entrepreneurship by regions and industries.

3. Approve the scheme of acceptance, generalization and control of addresses of subjects of entrepreneurship through information portal "Virtual office of the entrepreneur" according to appendix No. 1.

4. Establish the extreme number of managerial personnel of the office of the Representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in number of 101 established posts and create their additional 15 established posts due to reducing established posts of the Agency on work makhallabay and to development of entrepreneurship.

5. Determine that:

a) The representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs together with Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other interested departments on the basis of the scheduled plan approved annually till February 1:

carries out studying of legality of checks of subjects of entrepreneurship, condition of activities of state bodies and organizations, including local khokimiyats for execution of acts of the legislation in the field of entrepreneurship;

carries out exit acceptances in regions and takes measures for the solution on site of the questions which are brought up by subjects of entrepreneurship;

will organize educational seminars on work with addresses of subjects of entrepreneurship and procedure for conducting checks for authorized bodies with departure to regions;

b) The representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs annually till August 1 submits to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan the annual statement about condition of observance of acts of the legislation by state bodies on protection of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of entrepreneurship.

6. To provide to the representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications, and also the interested ministries and departments till the end of 2022 enhancement of the portal according to requirements of this Decree and its integration with interdepartmental integration platform of the Electronic Government system, and also creation of mobile version of the portal with possibility of identification through the Mobile-ID system.

7. To the Ministry of Finance according to reasonable calculations of the Representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs till September 1, 2022 to provide assignment, necessary for enhancement of the portal, financing of service "Sall-center" under Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and also financings of other costs connected with enhancement of activities of the office of the Representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs provided by this Decree due to optimization of the means allocated from the Government budget for forming of funds of the Center of development of national cinematography for 2022.

At the same time since 2023 use of the portal and activities of service "Sall-center" under Chamber of Commerce and Industry are financed by off-budget fund of the office of the Representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs.

8. To the Ministry of Justice together with the State Tax Committee, Service of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing and public health till September 1, 2022 to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the regulatory legal act providing measures for simplification of the requirements regulating activities in spheres of public catering and retail trade, and also support of subjects of entrepreneurship in these spheres.

9. To the state committee on geology and mineral resources together with the Representative for protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas to create lists of the subsoil users having permission and also the parcels of land included in the inventory of the state fund of subsoil in a month.

At the same time according to the created lists:


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