Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 14, 2022 No. PP-319

About measures for growth in volumes of production, conversion of uranium and transformation of the State company "Navoiyuran" in 2022 - 2030

For the purpose of sustainable development of source of raw materials of uranium, growth in volumes of its production and conversion, transformation and attraction in industry of investments and modern technologies, finally the organizations of activities of the modern cluster covering processes from geological studying before product receipt of deep conversion:

1. Determine the main directions of further development of activities of the State company "Navoiyuran" (further - GP "Navoiyuran"):

bringing mineral resources of uranium to 100 thousand tons, implementation of the exploration and research works aimed at providing opening of new fields, increase in their efficiency and effectiveness;

implementation of modern corporate management system, effective use material, financial and manpower, implementation of single digital system in all links beginning from exploration works before production with high value added by acceleration of transformation of GP "Navoiyuran";

implementation of trial works on extraction of uranium and passing metals from undeveloped today and the fields prepared for industrial development, and also increase in level of extraction of uranium on the developed fields;

increase twice amount of production and conversion of uranium raw materials, and also implementation of effective extraction technologies of rare and rare-earth metals and increase in amount of their conversion;

implementation of scientific research on conversion of uranium raw materials, product receipt with high value added, including to the prospects of establishing production for links of technological chain to the nuclear reactor of nuclear fuel cycle in the territory of the republic;

implementation of modern resource-saving digital technologies in production processes, and also implementation of scientific and applied researches on improvement of ecological features of processes of production and conversion of uranium raw materials by implementation of safe technology solutions;

implementation of scientific researches on development of production and conversion of uranium raw materials, creation of value added, improvement of quality and conversion of waste, and also studying of the international experience of production and conversion of uranium raw materials, implementation in republican practice of the most optimum experience;

development of the interconnected system of project and engineering services, research and development works within production and conversion of uranium, rare and rare-earth metals, and also creation of new system of interaction of science and production in implementation modern and enhancement of the acting technologies and innovations on the basis of the best foreign practices;

radical enhancement of system of preparation and advanced training of personnel in the sphere of production and conversion of uranium, rare and rare-earth metals, and also ensuring with highly qualified domestic and foreign specialists the operating and new production capacities under construction.

2. Approve:

Target indicators of building-up of uranium stockpiles by exploration works according to appendix No. 1 *;

Target indicators of production and conversion of uranium according to appendix No. 2 *;

The list of the investment projects realized by the State company "Navoiyuran" for the purpose of increase in production and conversion of uranium according to appendix No. 3 *;

"Road map" on development and transformation of the State company "Navoiyuran" according to appendix No. 4*.

3. To provide to GP "Navoiyuran" together with the responsible ministries and departments complete execution at the scheduled time of the plan of measures for sharp increase in production and acceleration of the programs of transformation of the company realized in 2022 according to appendix No. 5*.

To agency on management of the state assets in case of distribution of net profit in the annual business plan of GP "Navoiyuran" to take into account financing of the projects and measures planned to realization by appendices No. 3 *, 4 * and 5 * to this resolution.

4. To the supervisory board of GP "Navoiyuran":

a) in a month to provide taking measures to creation in organizational structure of GP "Navoiyuran" of Project office for the purpose of complete implementation of processes of transformation, and also to approval of its expense budget and involvement of qualified specialists. At the same time to assign to Project office of task on:

to development of modern organizational structure of the company and work with the foreign recruiting organizations for attraction in the Supervisory board - independent members, on executive positions of the company - the highly qualified specialists having work experience abroad;

to development jointly with specialists of the recruiting organizations and the Orano Mining companies (France) of the "Development of Skills of Managerial Personnel" program, and also the organizations of advanced training of employees of the company in foreign highest educational institutions and the leading foreign companies on system basis;

to implementation together with the recruiting organizations of system of assessment of positions for the purpose of increase in personnel capacity of the company;

to development together with the consulting company of the Development strategy of the company till 2030;

the organizations of increase in operating efficiency and carrying out technical audit of the company on the basis of recommendations of foreign consultants;

to implementation and taking measures of regular enhancement of the principles of ecological, social and corporate management (ESG) according to recommendations of the international rating agencies;

to enhancement together with the consulting companies of work on step-by-step assessment of uranium stockpiles according to international standards;

to reorganization and carrying out "forenzik-audit" of purchasing system, and also increase in efficiency of systems of anti-corruption of the company;

the organization of phased transition on international standards and to carrying out financial records audit by internationally acknowledged audit companies prepared on the basis of national standards;

complete digitalization of calculations, purchases, personnel work, storages, management of export of products, and also stages of production, primary and final processing of uranium raw materials;

b) according to each investment project planned at the company to provide:

careful development and carrying out in accordance with the established procedure examinations of the feasibility statement with attraction in need of the foreign consulting companies on the basis of direct agreements;

receipt of the positive conclusion of Committee on strategy and investments under the Supervisory board regarding compliance to the approved long-term and short-term strategy;

approval in accordance with the established procedure solutions on implementation of the investment project, its main technical technology solutions, economic, financial performance and schemes of financing after approval of this project by Advisory council with the assistance of foreign consultants.


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