of July 6, 2022 No. 466
About the organization and functioning of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection
Based on Items b) and e) article 7 of the Law No. 136/2017 on the Government (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 252, the Art. 412), with subsequent changes, parts (1) and (7) Article 14 and part (1) article 15 of the Law No. 98/2012 on the central branch public management (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, Art. No. 160-164, 537), with subsequent changes, and the Law No. 158/2008 on the state position and the status of the government employee (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, Art. No. 230-232, 840), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government
1. Reorganize consumer protection and supervision Agency of the market by transformation to the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection, the administrative authority subordinated to the Ministry of Economic Development and digitalization.
2. The state inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection is successor of the rights and obligations of the Agency on consumer protection and supervision of the market.
3. Establish the extreme number of staff of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection in number of 63 units, with the annual salary fund according to the legislation.
4. To perform modification or the termination of the office relations of personnel after vising and registration by the State office of the staff list of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection.
To perform release of personnel in connection with reorganization according to the Law No. 158/2008 on public service and the status of the government employee and the labor law.
5. Before appointment of the chief of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection this position is temporarily taken up by the director of the Agency on consumer protection and supervision of the market in reorganization stage, with the right of acceptance of all necessary measures for implementation of process of reorganization according to legislation provisions.
6. To transfer property of the Agency on consumer protection and supervision of the market to the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection, according to the Regulations on procedure for transfer of objects of public property approved by the Order of the Government No. 901/2015.
7. Approve:
1) Regulations on the organization and functioning of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection, according to appendix No. 1;
2) the Organizational structure of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection, according to appendix No. 2;
3) to Organigramm of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection, according to appendix No. 3;
4) Changes which are made to some orders of the Government, according to appendix No. 4;
8. Within 10 working days after approval of structure and extreme number to the chief of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection to approve its staff list.
9. Till 5 days from the effective date of this resolution of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection to request the Agency of the state services about entering of necessary records and changes into the state registers according to the legislation.
10. Declare invalid the Order of the Government No. 1089/2017 about the organization and functioning of the Agency on consumer protection and supervision of the market (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 440, the Art. 1213), with subsequent changes.
11. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Economic Development and digitalizations.
12. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.
Prime Minister
Natalya Gavrilitsa
Countersign: Minister of Economic Affairs |
Serdzhiu Gaybu |
Minister of Finance |
Dmitry Budiyanski |
Appendix № 1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of July 6, 2022 No. 466
1. The regulations on the organization and functioning of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection (further - the Provision) establish mission, fields of activity, functions and the rights of the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection (further - Inspection), and also procedure for the organization of its activities.
2. Inspection is the administrative authority responsible for realization of policy of the state in the spheres of activity entrusted to it.
3. Inspection is legal entity of the public law, has seal with the State Emblem of the Republic of Moldova, treasurer accounts, financial and appliances, and also other specific attributes of bodies of public management, stipulated by the legislation. Inspection is located in municipium of Chisinau.
4. Financing and material logistics of Inspection is performed at the expense of the government budget and other sources which are not prohibited by the law.
5. As a part of Inspection Council for resolution of disputes according to part provisions is established (5) article 30 of the Law No. 131/2012 on the state control of business activity, structure and provisions about which activities affirm the chief of Inspection.
6. For holding control actions inspectors use portable systems of video surveillance. The records fixed by portable watch system during the state control are used according to the legislation on processing of personal data.
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