of July 1, 2022 No. 436
About the list of persons
Based on subitem 2.13 of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 14, 2022 "About additional measures for ensuring stable functioning of economy" and the paragraph of the fifteenth parts one of article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2015 No. 231-Z "About the security market" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 93
1. Determine the list of legal entities of the Republic of Belarus, alienation of the shares (shares) in authorized funds of such legal entities belonging to them, according to appendix is forbidden to participants (shareholders) of which who are persons from the foreign states making unfriendly actions concerning the Belarusian legal and (or) physical persons (further – the list).
2. For protection of interests of the Republic of Belarus of the share are blocked on accounts of "depot" of their owners according to the list based on the instruction of the Ministry of Finance about imposing of restrictions on the order by securities.
The depository operations connected with change of the name (surnames, own name, middle name (if that is available) the shareholder included in the list (further – the owner), transfer of shares into the account of "depot" of the owner, into the account of "depot" of the owner opened in other depositary are performed by the translation of shares with preserving blocking of such shares. Implementation of other depository operations is not allowed.
In case of modification of the list the Ministry of Finance issues:
the instruction about imposing of restrictions on the order with securities for ensuring blocking of shares on accounts of "depot" of the new owners included in the list;
the instruction about lifting of restrictions according to the order securities for providing unblocking of shares on accounts of "depot" of the owners excluded from the list.
3. To the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Finance to take measures for implementation of this resolution.
4. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
R. Golovchenko
to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 1, 2022 No. 436
Name of the legal entity of the Republic of Belarus, accounting number of the payer |
Participants (shareholders) |
Brest region | |
1. Belarusian-Polish joint business "Kaspol" limited liability company, 200658379 |
Levatsyak Grzegorz Yang (Republic of Poland) Markovsk Marya (Republic of Poland) |
2. Foreign private company "INTERBALKAN", 290391889 |
individual limited liability company "PRK-2002" (Republic of Bulgaria) individual limited liability company "STINEKS" (Republic of Bulgaria) |
3. Foreign private company "SEYFTRONIKS-B", 809000658 |
NVS a.s. (Slovak Republic) SEYFTRONIKS joint-stock company (Slovak Republic) |
4. Foreign limited liability company "A-Belaplus", 290500647 |
Oganesyan Arsen Surenovich (Federal Republic of Germany) He Alexey (Federal Republic of Germany) Ebli Heinrich (Swiss Confederation) |
5. Foreign limited liability company "It Is White Organic Chemistry", 290502374 |
6. Foreign limited liability company "Belagrokultura", 290495320 |
limited liability company "AGROBEL S.R. L." (Republic of Italy) |
7. Foreign limited liability company "Belenergiya", 290497216 |
limited liability company "3P S.R. L. Energy" (Republic of Italy) limited liability company "MAEG FIN of S.R. L." (Republic of Italy) limited liability company with the single member of "ENERGY ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT of S.R. L." (Republic of Italy) ENERDZHIYA FUTURA SRL limited liability company (Republic of Italy) EDLO POLSKA ENERDZHIYA limited liability company (Republic of Poland) |
8. Foreign limited liability company "Bissologabrielefarm", 290504719 |
JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FINANCIAL SOCIETY of ASSISTANCE to ECONOMIC COOPERATION WITH COUNTRIES OF EASTERN EUROPE – JSC FINEST" (Republic of Italy) limited liability company "BISSOLO GABRIEL TRADE of S.R. L." (Republic of Italy) ITALYAN PARTECHIPATSIONI'S COMPANY limited liability company (Republic of Italy) Spinella Vito (Republic of Italy) |
9. Foreign limited liability company "Vetriya", 290478234 |
Daukshis Gyadiminas (Republic of Lithuania) Vetriya private company (Republic of Lithuania) |
10. Foreign limited liability company "Kobvar", 200041091 |
ENERGOPOL-VARSHAVA joint-stock company (Republic of Poland) ENERGOPOL-TRADE joint-stock company (Republic of Poland) |
11. Foreign limited liability company "Langkhaynrikh Konfektsion Is White", 290433952 |
Zyullvold & Resh Gmbh (Federal Republic of Germany) firm "Ostkhessishe Tekstilverke Gmbh & Co. KG" (Federal Republic of Germany) |
12. Foreign limited liability company "Tarena-Eko", 200420994 |
Karchevski Bogdan (Republic of Poland) Levchuk Ezhi (Republic of Poland) Nezbetski Krzysztof Bogdan (Republic of Poland) |
13. "Moguntion — Spices and Technology" overseas enterprise limited liability company, 200662436 |
"MOGUNTION FUD GRUP AG" joint-stock company (Swiss Confederation) INTERMIK LLC (Republic of Poland) |
14. Additional liability company Zapadgazservice, 200127604 |
E 100 Baltia LLC (Republic of Estonia) |
15. Automation Robotics Mechanical Engineering limited liability company, 291263862 |
"DYNASTY CAPITAL" limited liability company (Czech Republic) |
16. Aviasiti limited liability company, 690660294 |
LEYK TH limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) Tecos limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) |
17. Artimas limited liability company, 291225789 |
Ostapyuk Lukash (Republic of Poland) |
18. Akhaglassbel limited liability company, 291232301 |
Gryko Tsezara (Republic of Poland) Mazurek Robert Daniel (Republic of Poland) Filonovich Dariusz (Republic of Poland) |
19. Baranovichiinvest limited liability company, 200167111 |
Pinkhasov Josh (United States of America) |
20. Bvsolyushens limited liability company, 291555992 |
Borsani Massimo (Republic of Italy) Leonardo's (Republic of Italy) Verga |
21. BELAVIP limited liability company, 290503342 |
Vakhl Yaanus (Republic of Estonia) |
22. BELDREVAR limited liability company, 291692493 |
Klevinski Andrzej Wlodzimierz (Republic of Poland) |
23. Beldok limited liability company, 291627528 |
Tsvayfel Sergey (Federal Republic of Germany) |
24. Bematekhgroup limited liability company, 291319392 |
Van Nuil Lucas (Kingdom of the Netherlands) |
25. "BENNING of the Electrician and Electronic Engineer" limited liability company, 290359905 |
BENNING limited liability company (Republic of Austria) |
26. Biogran limited liability company, 291560234 |
Dazha private company (Republic of Lithuania) |
27. Biolodzhiko-Company limited liability company, 291237821 |
D "ANGELO LUIGI (Republic of Italy) |
28. Bitoriya limited liability company, 291194075 |
"Euromak Makinariya and Servisyos" limited liability company (Kingdom of Spain) |
29. Limited liability company "Blya Solyushen", 291347050 |
Stanchik Slavomir (Republic of Poland) |
30. Budorama limited liability company, 291046642 |
Budorama Development limited liability company (Republic of Poland) |
31. VEA Trance Bai limited liability company, 291269235 |
Izzac Alexander (Federal Republic of Germany) Schultz Erykah (Federal Republic of Germany) |
32. GALKA limited liability company, 291194126 |
private company "YOVAYGE" (Republic of Lithuania) |
33. Globalmarketingbel limited liability company, 291665310 |
Konforti Evgenia (Republic of Italy) Partenop Mario of Domenico (Republic of Italy) |
34. GLOBNANOTEKHNO limited liability company, 291194325 |
"Global Ays Tek AG" joint-stock company (Federal Republic of Germany) |
35. GOLDENTEKS limited liability company, 290479853 |
Dzhkh Piush Randzhan (Republic of Poland) |
36. Gudpauer limited liability company, 291043669 |
KIPLING HOLDING LLP limited liability partnership (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) |
37. Dzhiyenko limited liability company, 291547130 |
Nasser Vincenzo (Kingdom of Belgium) Nery Giuseppe (Republic of Italy) |
38. Dzhikey International Logistiks limited liability company, 291537869 |
Kozlovich Hedgehogs (Republic of Poland) |
39. Dzhikey International Pinsk limited liability company, 291242398 |
Kozlovich Hedgehogs (Republic of Poland) |
40. Design Boom limited liability company, 291551545 |
Bardon Marek (Slovak Republic) Krishtofik Phillip Lubomir (Slovak Republic) |
41. DMTDEVELOPMENT limited liability company, 291137017 |
JSC DMT Group of Ampere-second. (Czech Republic) DIREKT MARKET TRADING of Ltd company (Czech Republic) |
42. Drimtim Development limited liability company, 291658305 |
KONTEKST VENCHURES LIMITED limited liability company (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) |
43. Evroeksport limited liability company, 291303045 |
Lysak Victor (Republic of Estonia) |
44. Limited liability company of Etsoberra, 291301213 |
Kabrt Ludek (Czech Republic) Rösler Bogdan (Czech Republic) |
45. IMIDA limited liability company, 291194509 |
IMIDA Gmbh limited liability company (Federal Republic of Germany) |
46. Karbologistiks limited liability company, 291194616 |
"ENTENA SI AI LODZHISTIKS LIMITED" company (Republic of Cyprus) |
47. Konglomerat limited liability company, 291193982 |
Dabo Treyd limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) |
48. Kseniglobalbel limited liability company, 291665180 |
Konforti Evgenia (Republic of Italy) KSENIA limited liability company (Republic of Italy) Partenop Mario of Domenico (Republic of Italy) |
49. Lutskov and To limited liability company, 291412138 |
Vattenbakh Folker (Federal Republic of Germany) To Knospa Gerd (Federal Republic of Germany) |
50. Mazhiko Bambino Pianeta limited liability company, 291707175 |
Clemente's (Republic of Italy) Choff |
51. MIShLYuR limited liability company, 291207905 |
Vendler Pshemyslav Slavomir (Republic of Poland) Karbovski Hedgehogs Wlodzimierz (Republic of Poland) Shimanski Krzysztof Leshek (Republic of Poland) |
52. ILO limited liability company, 291194100 |
DEMO limited liability company (Republic of Poland) |
53. NYYUBELSTARS limited liability company, 291537141 |
Naira Prakash (Republic of Poland) Nayar Pradeep Kumar (Republic of Poland) |
54. ORIZZONTE Group limited liability company, 291193648 |
55. Glinko's PVK limited liability company, 291586994 |
Glinko Artyom (Republic of Latvia) Glinko Vadim (Republic of Latvia) Glinko Vasily (Republic of Latvia) |
56. First Engineering Company limited liability company, 290984212 |
Fellings Elena Sergeyevna (Republic of Estonia) |
57. Polipol Mebel Is White limited liability company, 291194417 |
"Polipol Produktsions Fervaltungs Gmbh" limited liability company (Federal Republic of Germany) |
58. Prokarbo limited liability company, 291539938 |
Sykhnyak Janusz Yang (Republic of Poland) |
59. PYACHERE KAChChA limited liability company, 291448887 |
Karato Adolfo (Republic of Italy) Tosini Andrea (Republic of Italy) |
60. Rada Moda Bai limited liability company, 291724486 |
Knyukshta Valdas (Republic of Lithuania) |
61. REALIS GROUP limited liability company, 291477978 |
PAGOTTO IVANO (Republic of Italy) |
62. SAWABAI limited liability company, 291602839 |
Sadlovski Mieczyslaw (Federal Republic of Germany) |
63. SLM-TRUST limited liability company, 200292164 |
SLUSARChIK.PL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (Republic of Poland) Slusarchik Tomasz (Republic of Poland) |
64. Solyushenpak limited liability company, 291194644 |
INTER-PAK POLONIUS limited liability company (Republic of Poland) |
65. Tekhnonatur's TDS limited liability company, 291505370 |
Polavski Tomasz Albert (Republic of Poland) Fisherman Stefan Michal (Republic of Poland) |
66. BRV Trading Company limited liability company, 291383491 |
BRV CAPITAL S.a.R.l limited liability company (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) |
67. FAYV STARS limited liability company, 200027624 |
"Kontinental of the USA, INK." (United States of America) Boychuk Tatyana (United States of America) |
68. PHARMSKOT limited liability company, 291543985 |
Tseslik Tomasz Pavel (Republic of Poland) |
69. HLT-ROS-BEL limited liability company, 291504438 |
Fialkovsky Alexey (Republic of Poland) |
70. Charypolesya limited liability company, 291238379 |
Stshonsk Vintsenta's (Republic of Poland) Hedgehogs |
71. En Em's SI limited liability company, 291611995 |
Fabrizio Gerardo (Republic of Italy) Fabrizio Leonardo (Republic of Italy) Fabrizio Federico (Republic of Italy) |
72. Epol Soft limited liability company, 290476137 |
Epol Holding Limited liability company (Republic of Poland) Jan Józef Smela (Republic of Poland) |
73. Alesya service open joint stock company, 200019270 |
limited liability company of Intermedia Italy Trading S.R. L. (Republic of Italy) |
74. Brest Beer open joint stock company, 200209849 |
Multigroup Trade of OOD Limited liability company (Republic of Bulgaria) |
75. Belsolod open joint stock company, 200075434 |
KOO Komskill Enterprayzes Limited (Republic of Cyprus) |
76. Berezastroymaterialy open joint stock company, 200034522 |
Lemures private company (UAB "Lemures") (Republic of Lithuania) |
77. Joint Belarusian-American business "Kamsil" private company, 200501724 |
Silicone of Materialz Ink. (United States of America) |
78. Joint Belarusian-Polish-Dutch limited liability company "MEBELYuKS of BREST", 200637616 |
"LVK International B. V." limited liability company (Kingdom of the Netherlands) FROFISh limited liability company (Republic of Poland) |
79. The joint Belarusian-Polish business "TRANSOEXPRESS" in the form of limited liability company, 200664694 |
Zayonchkovski Veslav (Republic of Poland) |
80. Joint limited liability company "Beltornado", 290389436 |
Sukhetski Jacek Yang (Republic of Poland) |
81. Joint limited liability company "Germesekogroup", 291047358 |
Kabrt Ludek (Czech Republic) Mrkvitsa Radek (Czech Republic) Rösler Bogdan (Czech Republic) |
82. Joint limited liability company "De Yong Tekstil", 290359854 |
"REA Trading B. V." private company (Kingdom of the Netherlands) |
83. Joint limited liability company "Domsnab", 290482889 |
Yundt Sergey Yuryevich (Federal Republic of Germany) |
84. Joint limited liability company "Evroshcheben", 291021966 |
Emerald Baltik private company (Republic of Lithuania) share partnership "Helledy" (Republic of Estonia) |
85. Joint limited liability company "Evroepl", 290501309 |
Lipetsk Machey Janusz (Republic of Poland) Payonk Mariusz Yaroslav (Republic of Poland) |
86. Joint limited liability company "Kolor-Buzzard", 290370253 |
М&Е Trade and share limited liability company (Federal Republic of Germany) |
87. Joint limited liability company "NINKOBTRANS", 291123752 |
Kolmyuller George (Federal Republic of Germany) |
88. Joint limited liability company "Pilonyumi", 291042938 |
Manukyan Armen (Republic of Poland) |
89. Joint limited liability company "PL International Plus", 290354390 |
Lebedzinsk Eva Ioanna (Republic of Poland) |
90. Joint limited liability company "Promagropak-2007", 290476576 |
SAMSON TECHNOLOGY of L.P. limited liability partnership (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) |
91. Joint limited liability company "Stanlekh AG", 291127799 |
Novak Lieshek Yang (Republic of Poland) Odolyak Stanislav Yang (Republic of Poland) |
92. Joint limited liability company "Dobrynya real estate development company, 290475618 |
"INKOGA" limited liability company (Republic of Poland) |
93. Joint limited liability company "Taboni", 290506803 |
Peroni Fabricio (Republic of Italy) |
94. Joint limited liability company "BLACK RED UAYT trading company, 290476589 |
"BLEK of RED UAYT" joint-stock company (Republic of Poland) |
95. Joint limited liability company "Shtotts Brest Agro-service", 291193329 |
limited society Shtotts ГмбХ&Ко.КГ Agro-service (Federal Republic of Germany) |
96. Joint open joint stock company "Lyakhovichsky Milk Recombining Plant", 200069267 |
B.S.A. INTERNEShNL (B.S.A. INTERNATIONAL) (Kingdom of Belgium) |
97. Agrointer joint business limited liability company, 200676420 |
Zhizhkin Nikolay (Federal Republic of Germany) |
98. Polsav joint business limited liability company, 200366198 |
Optaleks (Republic of Poland) |
99. TRANSIT joint business in the form of limited liability company, 200296713 |
TRANSIT-POL limited liability company (Republic of Poland) |
100. TROKOB joint business limited liability company, 200041022 |
Trobeks production trade firm (Republic of Poland) |
Vitebsk region | |
101. AMPERY private company, 391621965 |
Józef Fedorovich (Republic of Lithuania) |
102. BELPOZHSTROY private company, 391059573 |
SUNLIGHT limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) SUNLIGHT-BUVE limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) |
103. Glubokoyebioprodukt private company, 391000431 |
Parkvud Capital Ltd. company (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) |
104. Foreign limited liability company "LINPAK of Pekedzhing Ist", 811002985 |
LINPAK Group Holdings Limited (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) LINPAK Pekedzhing Limited (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) |
105. Foreign limited liability company "Prodeksim", 811000293 |
Bakingly Miroslav (Republic of Poland) |
106. Foreign limited liability company "Salling Plast Production Orsha", 391003137 |
SALLING of PLAST A/S limited liability company (Kingdom of Denmark) |
107. Foreign limited liability company "SOYuZ-KABEL", 811000331 |
TRENLAYT INDASTRIAL LTD company (Republic of Cyprus) |
108. Foreign limited liability company "UNIS Petroproject", 390295660 |
JSC UNIS (Czech Republic) LEVIMONT INTERNATIONAL limited liability company (Slovak Republic) |
109. Avestra Bituminous Materials limited liability company, 391006230 |
RURIK AB (publ) (Kingdom of Sweden) |
110. Baltbioeksport limited liability company, 391002886 |
GEOGET International OU limited liability company (Republic of Estonia) LatBioTrade limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) |
111. Belbaltikpit limited liability company, 391006350 |
"ALEGROSTA of Neuter of the Lake." limited liability company (Czech Republic) |
112. BEROLI limited liability company, 391565988 |
the closed Spetsialiosios Sistemos joint-stock company (Republic of Lithuania) |
113. Beshenkovichienergokabel limited liability company, 391016181 |
Tkachenko Tamara (Republic of Lithuania) |
114. BRASMET limited liability company, 391006322 |
KROKUS INDASTRIAL GRUP limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) |
115. BUMEKS limited liability company, 391349432 |
Romanovs Aleksandrs (Republic of Latvia) |
116. VUDBERG limited liability company, 391763986 |
Antsans Yanis (Republic of Latvia) |
117. Darmate limited liability company, 391407849 |
Spasibyenoks Petrs (Republic of Latvia) |
118. Dzhe Treyting limited liability company, 390455345 |
GEFA LATVIA limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) Sipka Vera (Republic of Latvia) |
119. Dokura limited liability company, 391006044 |
Dokura limited liability partnership (Republic of Estonia) |
120. Inno Treyd limited liability company, 390333476 |
Khan Sarfaraz Alam (Republic of Finland) |
121. KARBONIUM limited liability company, 391067452 |
Moyseykov Victor (Republic of Latvia) |
122. KARELIA VENIRS limited liability company, 391908962 |
Losan Romania SRL (Romania) |
123. Kimabel limited liability company, 391049650 |
Klyavinya Liga (Republic of Latvia) |
124. Mirafleks limited liability company, 391411536 |
Lakkini Enrico (Republic of Italy) |
125. MK Agro Capital limited liability company, 391005290 |
"MK Indastrial Engineering Gmbh" limited liability company (Swiss Confederation) |
126. Neftestroyinzhiniring limited liability company, 490854107 |
UNIS Capital joint-stock company (Czech Republic) LAVIMONT INTERNATIONAL, Ltd company (Slovak Republic) |
127. Novus Vudart limited liability company, 391006151 |
VMG HOLDINGS LIMITED (Republic of Cyprus) |
128. Ozero limited liability company, 390287289 |
IBA TsZ limited liability company (Czech Republic) |
129. Orlit limited liability company, 391738329 |
LTP GRUP joint-stock company (Kingdom of Denmark) |
130. Plast-Boks Ist limited liability company, 391005474 |
JSC Conversion of Plastic Plast-Box (Republic of Poland) |
131. Indastra PRB limited liability company, 391183377 |
Babris Gints (Republic of Latvia) Pavars Martinsh (Republic of Latvia) Ratkevichs Girts (Republic of Latvia) |
132. Rosslatles limited liability company, 391004095 |
ORNATE limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) |
133. Rubeleko limited liability company, 391412892 |
BALTOMA limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) |
134. SAULESKALNS limited liability company, 391035811 |
Kotkin Vladislav (Republic of Latvia) |
135. Tekhnovolokno limited liability company, 391833031 |
Schindler Valeri (Republic of Latvia) |
136. GRIKAR limited liability company, 391034537 |
Rombakhs Pavels Dmitriyevich (Republic of Latvia) |
137. HETENG Engineering-BEL limited liability company, 391006483 |
"HETENG Engineering, Neuter of the Lake." limited liability company (Czech Republic) |
138. Tsilinders-Bel limited liability company, 811003103 |
"TSILINDERS HOLDING, Ampere-second." joint-stock company (Czech Republic) |
139. Kidma Flowed open joint stock company, 191607211 |
Elektrooptika LLC (Republic of Latvia) |
140. Real Estate Releks open joint stock company, 391732984 |
Hilden Keith Michael (United States of America) |
141. Joint limited liability company "Bel-ASUSINK", 390353758 |
UNIS SLOVAKIA limited liability company (Slovak Republic) |
142. Joint limited liability company "Bellitdizayn", 391002779 |
TRPITAS private company (Republic of Lithuania) |
143. Joint limited liability company "NODVIG Plant, 300041774 |
Koyro-Tratsevsk Yoanna Magdaléna (Republic of Poland) Femili Investments limited liability company (Republic of Poland) |
144. Joint limited liability company "Iratreyd", 391003099 |
Khan Sarfaraz Alam (Republic of Finland) |
145. Joint limited liability company "Manuli Gidravliks Manufacturing Is White", 391002605 |
Manuli Gidravliks Polsk joint-stock company (Republic of Poland) |
146. Joint limited liability company "Natriks", 811002694 |
147. Joint limited liability company "NATIVITA", 391002753 |
AB Vetras Management (Republic of Lithuania) Investfarm joint-stock company (Slovak Republic) |
148. Joint limited liability company "FORTEKS — WATER TECHNOLOGIES", 300602750 |
Indastrial Dinamiks, LLC (Czech Republic) |
149. Joint limited liability company "FRIZKHOLD-MASTER", 811000888 |
sole proprietor company "FROSTOM" (Republic of Lithuania) |
Gomel region | |
150. The Belarusian-Netherlands joint business "AMIPAK" – open joint stock company, 400054120 |
Amibarton V. B. limited liability company (Kingdom of the Netherlands) |
151. Belarusian-Polish joint limited liability company "GOMEL TV lump", 800016190 |
Knotsinski Miroslav (Republic of Poland) |
152. BELPLASTKHIM private company, 810000931 |
Veyka private company (Republic of Lithuania) |
153. Gomel Car-building Plant private company, 400069471 |
share partnership Stiffler (Republic of Estonia) |
154. Mozyrles private company, 400084259 |
155. Organik Pharming Is White private company, 490986907 |
Natural Resources and Science OOO/Natural Resources and Science SIA (Republic of Latvia) |
156. Foreign limited liability company "Invest-kompaniya", 490424776 |
Kobrin Andrey (Republic of Estonia) Kovalyov Alexey (Republic of Estonia) Nikiforov Alexander (Republic of Estonia) Frolov Leonid Viktorovich (Republic of Estonia) |
157. Foreign limited liability company "MIG FORREST KAMPANI", 490318228 |
Baltic International Forest Group limited liability company (Republic of Latvia) Rusetsky Igors (Republic of Latvia) |
158. Foreign limited liability company "Micro Leasing", 490849929 |
joint-stock company "Mikro Kapital Management S.A." (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) |
159. Foreign limited liability company "Fuel and Technological Complex", 490822905 |
Agrarian Complex Biomax. limited liability company (Republic of Poland) DEMETRA KORP limited liability company (Republic of Poland) Rubus Invest limited liability company (Republic of Poland) |
160. Additional liability company "Allured", 490556236 |
Stempkovski Mariusz Ireneush (Republic of Poland) |
161. Additional liability company of "Rebs", 400212573 |
Babinsk Anna (Republic of Lithuania) |
162. Limited liability company "7 Didzhital", 491341479 |
Simes of Mathew Jonathon (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) |
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The document ceased to be valid since January 18, 2024 according to Item 6 the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of January 12, 2024 No. 27