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of July 14, 2022 No. 253-FZ

About the Military innovative technopolis of Ayr of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and about modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation

Accepted by the State Duma on June 28, 2022

Approved by the Federation Council on July 8, 2022

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law governs the relations arising when functioning the Military innovative technopolis of Ayr of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (further - the Technopolis) as specialized innovative center, the research, industrial and educational complex combining the scientific organizations, the educational organizations of the higher education, the state corporations, the companies of the industry, the organization of defense industry complex and other Russian organizations performing scientific and technological activities for the benefit of ensuring defense of the country and safety of the state and the specialized innovative center.

2. The organization of activities of the Technopolis is performed according to this Federal Law and Regulations on the Military innovative technopolis of Ayr of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation approved by the President of the Russian Federation (further - Regulations on the Technopolis).

3. The relations arising when functioning the Technopolis and which are not settled by this Federal Law and Regulations on the Technopolis are regulated by other Federal Laws and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Article 2. Purposes of creation of the Technopolis

1. The purposes of creation of the Technopolis are:

1) forming of effective model of the organization of scientific and technological activities for the benefit of ensuring defense of the country and safety of the state;

2) creation of the innovative infrastructure providing promotion, support and implementation in production of high-technology products of military, special and dual purpose, scientific (scientific and technical) results concerning which reasons for opportunity and feasibility of their use are received.

2. Tasks of the Technopolis are:

1) search of the innovative scientific and technical ideas, the advanced design and technology solutions in the field of creation (development) and production of high-technology products of military, special and dual purpose and bringing the specified ideas and decisions to the level of scientific (scientific and technical) projects concerning which theoretical and (or) experimental reasons for opportunity and feasibility of practical application (implementation) for the results of intellectual activities created in case of their realization for the benefit of ensuring defense of the country and safety of the state will be received;

2) promotion and support of scientific (scientific and technical) results concerning which reasons for opportunity and feasibility of their implementation in production of high-technology products of military, special and dual purpose are received;

3) production of experimental samples, prototypes of products and their elements, samples of arms, military and special equipment;

4) preserving and building-up of scientific potential of participants of the Technopolis, organizations of military and scientific complex of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and organizations of defense industry complex;

5) other tasks which solution is assigned to the Technopolis in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 3. The basic concepts applied in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are applied:


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