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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan 

 On July 22, 2022 No. 49


of July 19, 2022 No. 1892

About fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources

Accepted by the Resolution of Majlisi namoyandagon of MORT of June 15, 2022, No. 747

Approved by the Resolution of Majlisi milli of MORT of July 15, 2022, No. 295

This Law governs the public relations in the field of fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources and is aimed at providing the population with fish and products of its conversion.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) fish breeding - the activities directed to cultivation, content and production of fish and products of its conversion, high-quality improvement of types of fish resource in natural or artificial water objects;

2) fish objects - fish, and also water plants which cultivation is performed in natural or artificial water objects;

3) fish products - the food and got from fish other products;

4) fish breeding in natural water objects - package of measures for ensuring process of reproduction of fish resources in the rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and also their stray patch;

5) fish breeding in artificial ponds - cultivation of fishes in the artificial ponds which are specially created for these purposes in which the industrial process control from cultivation of fishes from caviar and whitebaits before receipt of commodity fishes is exercised:

6) commodity fish breeding - business activity on content and cultivation of fish in natural or artificial water objects for the purpose of their further realization;

7) amateur fish breeding - cultivation of fishes for the purpose of private consumption and recreation, and also satisfaction of esthetic requirements;

8) fish farms - the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing cultivation of fishes, reproduction of fish resources, fishery, and also conversion and realization of fish products;

9) fish infrastructure - the parcel of land, capital construction projects, constructions, including auxiliary constructions, installations and the equipment, the artificial islands and other property used for ensuring activities in the field of fish breeding;

10) breed of fishes - steady group of fishes with certain useful qualities and distinguishing separate genetic features;

11) repair ewe flocks - the uneven-aged groups of breed of fishes used for enhancement of genetic features is more whole than reproduction, performance improvement and preserving water resources;

12) acclimatization of fishes - installation in water objects of valuable species of fish and providing favorable conditions for self-cultivation;

13) the State register of fish farms - bank of information on the fish farms which are engaged in cultivation, content, production of fish and products of its conversion, high-quality improvement of types of fish resources according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;

14) fishery - the activities connected with fish crop and in cases, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Tajikistan, activities for acceptance, conversion, movement and production of fish products;

15) amateur and sports fishery - catch of fish for the purpose of private consumption, rest and holding sports competitions;

16) commodity fish - the divorced fish having commodity weight and implemented as food products;

17) protection of fish resources - the measures for preserving and recovery of fish resources performed based on research works, reproduction, reasonable use of water biological resources and protection of the circle of their dwelling;

18) the state monitoring of fish resources - system of the actions including process of observation, studying and accounting of fish resources in natural water objects.

Article 2. Legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources

The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, and also the international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan.

Article 3. Tasks of this Law

Tasks of this Law are:

1) providing the consumer market with fish products;

2) reproduction, cultivation and protection of fish resources;

3) enhancement of engineering procedure of production, storage and realization of fish products;

4) regulation of the economic relations connected with production, storage and realization of fish products;

5) state control of turnover of fish resources;

6) prevention of non-compliance with fishery regulations and illegal catching of fishes;

7) prevention of pollution of the habitat of fishes from dangerous and hazardous substances.

Article 4. Water objects of fish breeding and fishery

1. Natural or artificial water objects, and also their stray patch, are water objects which are used for implementation of activities in the field of fish breeding and fishery.

2. Fish ponds based on the statement of the owner join as water objects of fish value in the State register of fish farms.

Article 5. Features of use of the parcels of land in the fish purposes

1. In the fish purposes the parcels of land (streams, ponds, including the artificial ponds created for fish breeding) occupied with water objects are used.

2. The parcels of land for construction of capital and auxiliary objects are transferred in the fish purposes according to the procedure, established by the land legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Chapter 2. State regulation in the field of fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources

Article 6. The principles of state regulation in the field of fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources

State regulation of the relations in the field of fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources is based on the following principles:

1) productivities of fish breeding;

2) environmental protection and fish resources;

3) state support of development of fish breeding;

4) participations of citizens and public organizations;

5) free information access.

Article 7. Competence of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources

Treat competence of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources:

1) ensuring realization of state policy in this industry;

2) determination of types of the state support in area;

3) acceptance of regulatory legal acts in the field of fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources;

4) approval of state programs on fish breeding, fishery and protection of fish resources;


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