of July 22, 2022 No. 482/16
About procedure for making of transactions and calculations with measuring ingots and gemstones (diamonds)
Based on part two of Item 21 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 24, 2020 No. 143 "About support of economy", parts two of Item 6 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 14, 2022 No. 93 "About additional measures for ensuring stable functioning of economy" Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and National Bank of the Republic of Belarus POSTANOVLYAYUT:
1. Approve the Instruction about procedure for making of transactions and calculations with measuring ingots from precious metals and by gemstones (diamonds) made in the Republic of Belarus it (is applied).
2. To the Ministry of Finance to conduct public procurement of works on production in the Republic of Belarus of measuring ingots from precious metals of the State fund of precious metals and gemstones of the Republic of Belarus (further - State fund) using procurement procedure from one source.
3. This resolution becomes effective in the following procedure:
Item 2 - after official publication of this resolution is also effective within two years;
other provisions of this resolution - after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus |
R. Golovchenko |
Chairman of the board of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus |
P. Kallaur |
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and National Bank of the Republic of Belarus of July 22, 2022 No. 482/16
1. This Instruction determines procedure for making of transactions and calculations with measuring ingots from precious metals and gemstones (diamonds) made in the Republic of Belarus.
2. Action of this Instruction extends to the following transactions:
with the measuring ingots from precious metals made in the Republic of Belarus (further – measuring ingots), – production of measuring ingots from precious metals of State fund, transfer of measuring ingots by their producers to the Ministry of Finance, sale of measuring ingots to subjects of managing, to banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations and physical persons, purchase of measuring ingots by the Ministry of Finance from subjects of managing, banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations, purchase of measuring ingots by the republican unitary enterprise for rendering the services "Belskupdragmet" (further – RUP "Belskupdragmet") at physical persons;
with gemstones (diamonds) made in the Republic of Belarus (further – gemstones (diamonds), – production of gemstones (diamonds), sale of gemstones (diamonds) by their producers and subjects of managing to subjects of managing and physical persons.
3. For the purposes of this Instruction the following terms and their determinations are applied:
gemstones (diamonds) – the processed natural diamonds of various form of facet having the polished sides made by producers of gemstones (diamonds) not fixed in jewelry and other household products;
precious metals – gold and silver;
measuring ingots – the ingots of the affined precious metals made by producers of measuring ingots of precious metals of State fund according to specifications and (or) state standards of the Republic of Belarus;
producers of measuring ingots – the legal entities of the Republic of Belarus, individual entrepreneurs registered in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, having the license for the activities connected with precious metals and gemstones, the constituting work and (or) service of which is production of products (products), jewelry and other household products from precious metals and gemstones;
producers of gemstones (diamonds) – the legal entities of the Republic of Belarus, individual entrepreneurs registered in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, having the license for the activities connected with precious metals and gemstones, the constituting work and (or) service of which is processing of gemstones;
extra packing – packaging of the producer of measuring ingots or producer of gemstones (diamonds) into which the measuring ingot or gemstone (diamond), the ensuring safety of measuring ingot or gemstone (diamond) and impossibility of their withdrawal without damage of such packaging is packed;
subjects of managing – legal entities of the Republic of Belarus (except for National Bank, banks and the non-bank credit and financial organizations), the individual entrepreneurs registered in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and also the foreign organizations and individual entrepreneurs registered outside the Republic of Belarus;
physical persons – the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons acquiring measuring ingots and gemstones (diamonds) for the purposes which are not connected with business activity.
4. The Ministry of Finance performs leave of precious metals from State fund to producers of measuring ingots for performance of works on production of measuring ingots with subsequent their transfer to State fund.
Compulsory provisions of transfer of measuring ingots to State fund by producers of measuring ingots are integrity of extra packing and availability of the certificate on measuring ingot issued by the producer of measuring ingots on each measuring ingot (further – the certificate on measuring ingot).
Calculations for the performed works on production of measuring ingots are perfromed by the Ministry of Finance within the means provided in the republican budget on replenishment of the state inventories of precious metals and gemstones.
5. Sale of measuring ingots is performed:
The Ministry of Finance – to subjects of managing (except for the foreign organizations and individual entrepreneurs registered outside the Republic of Belarus), to banks of the Republic of Belarus, the non-bank credit and financial organizations of the Republic of Belarus for the selling prices established by the Ministry of Finance;
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