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of July 4, 2022 No. KR DSM-63

About approval of the state obligatory standards on the education levels in the field of health care

(as amended on 24-05-2023)

According to Item 2 of article 221 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About health of the people and health care system" and article 56 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) the state obligatory standard of technical and professional education according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) the state obligatory standard of postsecondary education according to appendix 2 to this order;

3) the state obligatory standard of the higher education according to appendix 3 to this order;

4) the state obligatory standard of postgraduate education according to appendix 4 to this order.

2. Recognize invalid some orders in the field of health care according to the list according to appendix 5 to this order.

3. To provide to department of science and human resources of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1) and 2) of this Item.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. This order becomes effective from the date of its first official publication.

Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Giniyat

It is approved

Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of science and the higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Appendix 1

to the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 4, 2022 No. KR DSM-63

State obligatory standard of technical and professional education

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This state obligatory standard of technical and professional education (further – the standard) is developed according to Item 2 of article 221 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About health of the people and health care system" (further – the Code), article 56 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education" (further – the Law) and determines requirements to contents of educational programs of technical and professional education (further – educational programs of TIPO).

Chapter 2. Requirements to content of technical and professional education

2. Content of training at the TIPO level is determined by educational programs of TIPO and is guided by competence-based results of training.

Contents of educational programs of TIPO provide studying:

by training qualified personnel:

1) general education, all-humanitarian, all-professional, special disciplines;

2) accomplishment of laboratory occupations;

3) passing of inservice training and professional practice;

4) passing of intermediate and final assessment.

in case of training of specialists of average link:

1) general education, all-humanitarian, social and economic, all-professional, special disciplines;

2) accomplishment of laboratory occupations;

3) passing of professional practice;

4) passing of intermediate and final assessment.

3. Implementation of educational programs of TIPO is provided:

1) availability of library stock of educational literature and educational guidelines manuals, including: electronic educational content (electronic education guidances, audio-and video records), guidelines visual aids and recommendations about disciplines, professional practicians, written and qualification works, independent works of the student;

2) the research and educational personnel having the basic higher, technical and professional, postsecondary education corresponding to profile of the taught discipline and systematically engaged in pedagogical, scientific and methodical activities. The qualified specialists from practical health care having the basic higher, technical and professional, postsecondary education corresponding to specialty profile are attracted.

4. Planning and the organization of educational activities are performed on the basis of training programs and plans.

Training programs and plans are subdivided on working and individual.

When planning educational process curricula are developed on the basis of requirements to amount of academic load of technical and professional education for levels of skilled workers of personnel and the specialist of average link according to appendix 1 to this standard.

In curricula on credit technology of training I will eat around hours of obligatory component (theoretical training, inservice training, professional practice, intermediate and final assessment) and component are for choice determined by the organization of education independently.

5. Educational programs are developed by the TIPO organizations independently with participation of employers on the basis of requirements of this standard, oriented to resulting effects of training, the graduates of the programs of technical and professional education for specialties and qualifications provided in appendix 2 presents of the standard, professional standards (in the presence) and professional standards of WorldSkills (uoldskils) (in the presence) reflected in basic and professional competences.

The educational program includes: passport, working curriculum and working training programs.

The working curriculum is developed for the entire period of training and affirms the head of the TIPO organization.

6. Working training programs are developed on all disciplines of the curriculum with reference point on results of training and affirm the TIPO organization.

7. In case of development of educational programs of the TIPO organization:

1) is independently determined by amount and content of disciplines with preserving total quantity of the credits and (or) hours taken away on compulsory education;

2) is determined by the sequence, the list and amount of qualifications within one specialty;

3) is chosen by various technologies of training, form, methods of the organization and control of educational process.

8. With special educational needs in the conditions of inclusive education are developed for training of persons:

1) special training programs, the providing partial or complete development of the educational program of TIPO, taking into account features of psychophysical development and individual opportunities of students (for persons c not safe intelligence);

2) individual training programs and plans on the basis of the educational program in TIPO, taking into account physical violations and individual opportunities of students (for persons with safe intelligence).

9. The sequence of studying and integration of subject matter, distribution of school hours on each of them on rates and semester is made taking into account cross-disciplinary communications.

When forming the name and content of subject matter succession and reoffsetting of results of training and the credits at the following education level on related qualifications is provided.

10. The list and amount of general education disciplines is determined taking into account specialty profile by the direction: public and humanitarian.

Regardless of profile of specialty treat obligatory general education disciplines: "Kazakh" and "The Kazakh literature", "Russian and literature" (for groups with training Kazakh), "Russian" and "The Russian literature", "Kazakh and literature" (for groups with training Russian), "Foreign language", "Mathematics", "Informatics", "History of Kazakhstan", "Self-knowledge", "Physical culture", "Basic military and technological training". Depending on profile of specialty of the TIPO organization choose two disciplines of profound and standard levels of training for studying. "Chemistry", "Biology" belong to disciplines of profound level of training of public and humanitarian profile.

Treat disciplines of standard level of training: "Physics", "Graphics and designing".

Classes in "Physical culture" are obligatory and at least 4 hours a week during theoretical training from which planning of 2 hours in week through facultative occupations or sports sections are planned.

Classes in basic military and technological training in the organizations of education with girls are held together with young men, according to the Section "Basic medical training" – separately. On the termination of common military syllabus with students educational and field (camp) charges together with local authorities of military management are carried out. During educational and field charges of the girl have medical and sanitary training in the TIPO organizations under the leadership of the health worker. Contents of the training program "Basics of life safety" are implemented within subject matter "Basic military and technological training".

11. Educational programs of TIPO include along with obligatory disciplines and the disciplines determined by the TIPO organization, facultative occupations and consultations.

12. Educational programs of TIPO along with theoretical training provide passing of inservice training and professional practice.

Professional practice is subdivided on educational, production and predegree. Terms of carrying out and content of inservice training and professional practice are determined by the plan of educational process and working training programs.

Educational programs of TIPO with use of dual training provide theoretical training in the organizations of education and at least 60% of inservice training and professional practice based on the company (organization).

13. Assessment of achievements of results of training is carried out by different types of control: current control of progress, intermediate and final assessment.

Examinations, offsettings and the differentiated offsettings are held at the expense of the school hours allowed for studying of discipline and (or) the module, examinations - to the terms allotted on intermediate and (or) final assessment.

The organizations of education are independent in the choice of forms, procedure and frequency of implementation of the current control of progress and carrying out intermediate certification of students.

Intermediate certification for general education disciplines provides holding examinations: on Kazakh, Russian and literature for groups with training Kazakh, to Russian, Kazakh and literature for groups with Russian of training, history of Kazakhstan, mathematics and discipline of profound level. Examinations in general education disciplines are held at the expense of the credits and (or) hours allocated for "General education disciplines".

On completion of the educational program of TIPO the final assessment is held.

The amount of school hours on its carrying out makes no more than 2 weeks.

The final assessment is assessment of professional readiness of graduates of the TIPO programs consists from:

1) estimates of knowledge;

2) estimates of skills.

The final assessment is held to the terms coordinated with the organizations, accredited authorized body in the field of health care according to knowledge and skills of students.

Positive results of final assessment (state exam), final control of graduates of educational programs in the field of health care grant the right to the education document and certificate of the specialist in the field of health care.

Chapter 3. Requirements to the maximum amount of academic load of students

14. The maximum amount of academic load of students makes no more than 54 hours a week, including obligatory academic load in case of full-time courses – at least 36 hours a week.

The amount of school hours on compulsory education makes 60 credits and (or) 1440 hours for academic year.

For assistance and development of the individual capabilities studying consultations and facultative occupations are provided.

The amount of academic load of the student is measured in the credits and (or) hours by results of training mastered by it on each discipline or types of study. 1 credit is equal to 24 class periods, 1 class period is equal to 45 minutes.

15. The amount of school hours of obligatory studies makes 70% of the corresponding amount of the school hours provided for full-time courses for evening form of education.

Chapter 4. Requirements to level of training of students

16. Requirements to level of training of students are determined by set of general requirements to amount of academic load (quantity of the credits) and competence of the graduate.

Requirements to level of training of students are determined by descriptors of national frame of qualifications, industry framework of qualifications, professional standards and reflect the mastered competences expressed in the achieved results of training.

Descriptors reflect the results of training characterizing capabilities of the following levels of training studying in case of achievement:

by training skilled workers of personnel: conduct activities with certain share of independence proceeding from objective, apply the basic, general education and praktiko-oriented professional knowledge, solve standard and simple same practical problems, choose conducts from known on the basis of knowledge and practical experience, adjust activities taking into account the received results;

in case of training of specialists of average link: conduct management of standard work taking into account significant social and ethical aspects, apply professional (practical and theoretical) knowledge to implementation of activities and practical experience, to solve the standard practical problems of wide range requiring the independent analysis of working situation and its predictable changes, to choose technological ways of implementation of activities, message the current and final control, to carry out assessment and correction of activities.

Chapter 5. Requirements to training terms

17. Terms of development of educational programs of TIPO depend on complexity and (or) amount of qualifications and are determined by amount of the provided credits and (or) hours according to standard models.

18. Academic year begins on September 1. Vacation time constitutes 11 weeks a year, including during the winter period – at least 2 weeks.

Appendix 1

to the state obligatory standard of technical and professional education

Requirements to amount of academic load of technical and professional education for levels of skilled workers of personnel and the specialist of average link

Name of cycles, disciplines and types of educational activities

Quantity of the credits and (or) hours

based on the main secondary education

based on general secondary education





Skilled workers personnel


General education disciplines




All-humanitarian disciplines




All-professional disciplines




Special disciplines




Inservice training and professional practice *

at least 40% of the total amount of school hours on obligatory training


Intermediate certification




Final assessment



Total on compulsory education

120/2880-180/4320 **

60/1440-120/2880 **


Facultative occupations

no more than 4 hours a week



no more than 100 hours for academic year

Total quantity of academic load on the student in the credits and (or) hours

138/3312-207/4968 **

69/1656-138/3312 **

Specialist of average link


General education disciplines




All-humanitarian disciplines




Social and economic disciplines




All-professional disciplines




Special disciplines




Inservice training and professional practice *

at least 40% of the total amount of school hours obligatory training


Intermediate certification




Final assessment




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