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of May 11, 2022 No. PP-240

About measures for enhancement of mechanisms of elimination of corruption risks in the field of public administration and to expansion of participation of the public in this sphere

In the country within enhancement of activities of state bodies and organizations for anti-corruption the system of assessment of corruption risks consistently takes root in case of realization of the tasks and functions assigned to them.

At the same time in the conditions of New Uzbekistan there is need of further strengthening of attention to questions of digitalization of the respective spheres and establishments of efficient public control in the course of identification, assessment and elimination of corruption risks.

For the purpose of raising on the new level of system of assessment and elimination of corruption risks in case of realization of the functions by state bodies in the sphere of the prevention of corruption in the field of public administration, and also according to the Strategy of development for New Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026:

1. Start since September 1, 2022 in full the E-Antikorruption Project (further - the Project) providing:

obligatory identification and assessment of corruption risks in activities of state governing bodies, including their territorial subdivisions, state unitary enterprises and organizations, organizations from shares of the state more than 50 percent (further - the state organizations);

forming and maintaining "The electronic register of the relations subject to corruption" (further - the Register) for the purpose of system taking measures to elimination of corruption risks by results of identification and assessment of such risks;

elimination of corruption risks by enhancement of acts of the legislation, reducing human factor, digitalization of the corresponding procedures and functions, ensuring transparency, establishment of public control.

Determine that:

The project is implemented on the electronic platform;

The anti-corruption agency (further - the Agency) performs forming and maintaining the Register which is openly published in the Internet.

2. Establish procedure according to which within identification and assessment of corruption risks:

the state organizations carry out the analysis according to the Technique of assessment of corruption risks approved by the Agency and the Ministry of Justice on each of the functions assigned to them for identification of corruption risks in the activities;

by the state organizations it is created and information on the functions and mechanisms of their realization assigned to them is openly published;

sociological surveys and discussions with participation of independent experts with provision of opportunity to online receive proposals of citizens on the published information are conducted;

assessment of level of corruption risk of each function on scale "low", "average" and "high" with use of the electronic platform is carried out;

practice of creation of the card of corruption risks including the description and level of the revealed corruption risks on each function and also measures for their elimination is entered;

on the basis of cards of the corruption risks constituted by results of assessment of corruption risks the Register with the publication on the electronic platform of condition of implementation of actions on elimination of corruption risks is kept.

3. Establish procedure according to which:

assessment of corruption risks (annual) in activities of the state organization and turning on of cards of corruption risks in the Register are performed annually till March 1;

assessment of corruption risks will be organized by divisions of internal anti-corruption control with involvement of division managers of the state organizations. At the same time in the state organizations which do not have structures of internal anti-corruption control the working groups of number of heads of their structural divisions for assessment of corruption risks can be created;

for the purpose of independent assessment of corruption risks activities of the state organization can be subjected to external assessment in coordination with this organization. At the same time in case of recognition of the unsatisfactory assessment of corruption risks which is carried out in activities of the relevant state organization, its activities are subject to carrying out external assessment according to specifying of the Agency;

heads of the state organizations bear the personal responsibility for timely and high-quality evaluating corruption risks on the functions assigned to them.

4. To national council on anti-corruption (T. Narbayev) together with the Agency (A. Burkhanov) to take the following measures following the results of assessment of corruption risks:

hear information of heads of the state organizations on results of assessment and elimination of corruption risks and following the results of to make offers on acceptance of adequate measures of responsibility concerning the officials who allowed shortcomings;

instruct on enhancement of activities of the state organizations in the sphere of assessment and elimination of corruption risks, and also to non-admission of shortcomings of this direction;

it is wide to extend experience of the state organizations which achieved positive results in assessment and elimination of corruption risks.

5. To the agency (A. Burkhanov) together with the Ministry of Justice (R. Davletov), and also with involvement of the international experts:

in three-months time to approve the technique providing specific criteria and methods of identification and assessment of corruption risks in activities of the state organizations;

it is regular to organize educational trainings and seminars for increase in knowledge and skills of the workers responsible for assessment of corruption risks in the state organizations;

it is regular to give methodical help to the state organizations in realization of anti-corruption actions.

6. To the agency (A. Burkhanov) together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications (Sh. Shermatov), and also with involvement of the international organizations till August 1, 2022 to take measures for enhancement of the electronic E-À platform for ensuring effective project implementation, including on creation of electronic system of assessment of corruption risks in activities of the state organizations within this platform.

7. Take into consideration that the Agency and the Ministry of Justice carry out the analysis of certain spheres and number of corruption risks is revealed.

Approve the Program of complex measures for elimination of the relations subject to corruption, according to appendix No. 1.

8. Take into consideration that in system of the Ministry of Justice the automated system directed to elimination of bureaucratic barriers, reducing human factor and corruption risks in the field of work with personnel is implemented.

Implement the system directed to reducing bureaucratic barriers, human factor and corruption risks in the field of work with personnel based on the following requirements:


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