of May 30, 2022 No. PP-264
About additional measures for development of entrepreneurship in northern areas of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
For the purpose of effective operation of the available land and water resources, support of agricultural industry and entrepreneurship, employment and increase in the income of the population, and also creation of favorable agrobusiness environment in Bozatausky, Karauzyaksky, Kegeyliysky, Kungradsky, Kanlykulsky, Muynaksky, Nukus, Takhiatashsky, Takhtakupyrsky, Hodzheyliysky, Chimbaysky and Shumanaysky districts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (further - northern areas):
1. Approve the offer of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Ministry of Economic Development and reducing poverty, the Ministry of Finance and Agency on management of the state assets on implementation as exception for a period of up to January 1, 2027 of the procedure for realization of the empty state real estate objects located in the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, providing:
to all buyers, irrespective of sales price on biddings, possibility of payment by installments redemption payments for a period of 7 years;
discounts in the amount of 25 percent of cost of the agreement in case of complete payment within 3 months of payments according to the purchase and sale agreements concluded on the state real estate objects implemented on biddings;
possibilities of payment by installments in the procedure established by the legislation physical persons and legal entities of acquisition value at electronic online auction of the right to lease of the empty parcels of land of nonagricultural appointment for the purpose of implementation of business and town-planning activity
;to subjects of entrepreneurship - the empty buildings which are on balance of khokimiyats of areas for creation of the private preschool educational organizations on the basis of public-private partnership by tender with leaving of these buildings on balance of khokimiyats of areas, and also provision to private partners of possibility of privatization of the buildings provided with payment term by installments within five years of 50 percent of cost of assessment at the time of agreement signature about public-private partnership after three years.
2. Implement procedure for transfer to investors to lease for a period of up to January 1, 2025 as experiment of land in the northern areas which left agricultural turnover and intended for new development for the purpose of implementation of agricultural activities for the term of 30 years on the basis of open tender on electronic trade platform of "E-AUKSION" according to which:
a) the priority is provided to the applicant who offered the maximum amount of the payment paid for receipt of the right to lease, at the same time the procedure for charge of points by other criteria is not applied;
b) the winner of open electronic tender can sell the right to lease of the corresponding land to the third party and pledge this right for receipt of the credit in commercial bank from the date of payment of 50 percent of the maximum amount of the payment paid for the lease right;
c) for the subjects of entrepreneurship registered and performing activities on land in northern areas (except for clusters), rates of the receipts tax according to income gained from implementation of these activities, and also the land tax and the property tax of legal entities for the parcels of land and property used for cultivation and storage of agricultural products in the specified areas decrease by 50 percent;
d) on development of the project documentation of development of the irrigated lands removed from turnover, land management of the irrigated lands, land reclamation, and also creation and regular updating of the automated land information system of farmlands according to requests of the Ministry of Agriculture funds of the Government budget are allocated;
e) part of expenses on introduction into circulation of each hectare of the earth which is not used in agricultural industry, if necessary - to drilling of vertical irrigating wells or construction and putting into operation of pumping points becomes covered once within the investment agreement or the agreement of public-private partnership signed at the expense of means of the Government budget.
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