of July 12, 1999 No. 1228
About provision to subjects of managing of powers on the right of implementation of export, military commodity import and goods which contain the data representing the state secret
According to article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "About foreign economic activity" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Provide till October 1, 2009 powers on the implementation right:
export and military commodity import and goods which contain the data representing the state secret - to affiliated enterprises of State-owned company on export and import of products and services of military and special purpose - to the state company "Ukroboronservice" (Kiev), to the state company "Specialized foreign trade company "Progress" (Kiev), State-owned self-supporting foreign trade and Ukrinmash investment firm (Kiev), to the state foreign trade and investment company "Promoboroneksport" (Kiev), to the state self-supporting foreign trade company "Spetstekhnoeksport" (Kiev);
export and military commodity import on line items ML 1, ML 2, ML 3, ML4a, ML 5, ML 6, ML8b, ML 9, ML 10, ML 14, Ml 16, ML18 of the list of military goods, the international transfers of which are subject to the state export control which is applied to the Procedure of the state control of the international transfers of military goods approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 20, 2003 No. 1807 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2003, No. 48, by Art. 2506; 2004, No. 51, Art. 3359; 2005, No. 30, the Art. 1805) including containing data which are the state secret, to affiliated enterprise of Ukrspetseksport State-owned company, the state company "TASKO-export foreign trade company (Kiev);
military commodity export of own production and military commodity import for requirements of own production, including export and commodity import which contain the data representing the state secret - the State-owned joint-stock holding company "Artyom" (Kiev), to the State company "Plant of V. O. Malyshev" (Kharkiv).
military commodity export of own production and military commodity import for requirements of own production, and also export of services on air transportation of military goods - to the state company "ANTONOV" (Kiev);
export of services on air transportation of military goods to the state company of the Ministry of Defence "Ukrainian aviation transportation company" (Kiev), and also export of the military equipment given it according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 3, 1997 No. 1197 "About the Ukrainian aviation transportation company" and military commodity import for repair of the aircraft equipment belonging to the specified company. Military commodity export shall be performed in interaction with State-owned company on export and import of products and services of military and special purpose.
military commodity export of own production and military commodity import for the requirements of own production, including export and commodity import containing data which represent the state secret, and also export of services on air transportation of military goods - to MOTOR SICH public joint stock company (Zaporizhia) (Zaporizhia);
to export of services on air transportation of military goods to production association "Southern Machine-Building Plant" (Dnipropetrovsk).
1-1. Provide to the state Company "Industrial Complex of Gas-turbine Construction of Zor — Mashproyekt Nikolaev)" of power till October 1, 2009 on the right of implementation of commodity export of the military purpose of own production and commodity import of the military appointment for self-produced requirements.
1-2. Provide till September 1, 2007 powers on the implementation right:
export of services on repair and servicing of military AN airplanes, engines and components to them, and also military commodity import for requirements of own production (repair of the aircraft equipment) - to the state company "PLANT of 410 HECTARES" (Kiev);
military commodity export of own production and military commodity import for requirements of own production - to the Kharkiv state air production enterprise;
1-3. Provide till May 1, 2008 to the state company "Zaporizhia Machine-building Design Office "Progress" of Name of the Academician O. G. Ivchenko" of power on the right of implementation of military commodity export of own production and military commodity import for requirements of production.
1-4. No. 685 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 14.06.2022
1-5. Provide till June 1, 2019 to private joint-stock company "Avtokraz" in the form of open joint stock company of power on the right of implementation of military commodity export of own production and military commodity import for requirements of own production.
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