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of September 7, 1998 No. 1388

About approval of the Procedure for state registration (re-registration), removal from accounting of cars, buses, and also the self-propelled machines designed on the landing gear of cars, motorcycles of all types, brands and models, trail cars, semitrailer trucks, microcars, other vehicles and mopeds equated to them

(as amended on 04-12-2019)

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for state registration (re-registration), removal from accounting of cars, buses, and also the self-propelled machines designed on the landing gear of cars, motorcycles of all types, brands and models, trail cars, semitrailer trucks, microcars, other vehicles and mopeds equated to them which is applied.

2. Recognize invalid Rules of state registration and accounting of cars, buses, self-propelled machines designed on the chassis of cars, motorcycles of all types, brands and models, trail cars, semitrailer trucks and microcars approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 21, 1993 No. 873 (the joint venture of Ukraine, 1994, No. 3. Art. 60, No. 9, Art. 223, 227; 1995, No. 3, Art. 71).

3. This resolution becomes effective since October 1, 1998, except Item 8-1 of Rules of state registration and accounting of cars, buses, and also self-propelled machines designed on the landing gear of cars, motorcycles of all types, brands and models, trail cars, semitrailer trucks and microcars who becomes effective since April 1, 2008.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Pustoveytenko

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 7, 1998, No. 1388

Procedure for state registration (re-registration), removal from accounting of cars, buses, and also the self-propelled machines designed on the landing gear of cars, motorcycles of all types, brands and models, trail cars, semitrailer trucks, microcars, other vehicles and mopeds equated to them

General provisions

1. This Procedure establishes the procedure of state registration (re-registration), single in the territory of Ukraine, removal from accounting of cars, buses, and also the self-propelled machines designed on the landing gear of cars, motorcycles of all types, brands and models, trail cars, semitrailer trucks, microcars, other vehicles and mopeds equated to them (further - vehicles), registrations and issues of registration documents and number boards.

2. This Procedure is obligatory for all legal entities and physical persons which are owners of vehicles, make or exploit them. Representatives of owners of vehicles fulfill duties and exercise the rights of such owners in limits of the powers conferred to them.

3. State registration of vehicles is carried out by territorial authorities on provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (further - the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) for the purpose of control of compliance of design and technical condition of vehicles to the established requirements of standards, rules and standard rates, compliance with law which determines payment procedure of taxes and fees (obligatory payments), use of vehicles in the conditions of warlike and emergency state, and also for conducting their accounting and prevention of making concerning them illegal actions.

State registration (re-registration), removal from accounting of vehicles (except the vehicles determined by the paragraph the second Item 12 of this Procedure) the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be carried out through the centers of provision of administrative services formed according to the Law of Ukraine "About administrative services" on the basis of the decisions approved between the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and bodies which made the decision on creation of the centers of provision of administrative services.

The centers of provision of administrative services are connected to electronic databases (registers) necessary for carrying out state registration (re-registration) and removal from accounting of vehicles, for the purpose of acceptance, checks and document transfers, issues of the drawn-up results.

The state accounting of the registered vehicles provides registration, accumulating, generalization, storage and information transfer about such means and data about their owners which are entered in Unified the state register of vehicles which holder is the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The procedure for maintaining the Unified state register affirms the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

4. The service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs record trade organizations, the manufacturing companies and subjects of housekeeping which activities are connected with realization of vehicles and their constituents which have identification numbers, provide them with number boards for one-time trips, forms of acts of acceptance transfer of vehicles of the established sample with payment of cost of the specified number boards and forms, develop procedure for issue of such forms, accounting and control of their use, provide to the corresponding military commissariats on their requests the information on state registration (re-registration), removals from accounting of vehicles (except for cars, trail cars to them, motorcycles, microcars and mopeds).

5. Persons who break this Procedure bear responsibility according to the law.

State registration of vehicles

6. Vehicles are registered behind legal entities and physical persons in the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or through the centers of provision of administrative services. Vehicles which belong to several physical persons or legal entity (co-owners) according to their written application are registered behind one of such persons. In case of absence of one of co-owners state registration of vehicles is carried out based on its written application. The validity of the signature of such co-owner makes sure notarially. In the column "Special Marks" of the registration certificate or the temporary registration coupon of vehicles concerning other co-owner record can be made:


(surname, name, middle name or name of the legal entity)

is co-owner".

The specialists of expert service Ministry of Internal Affairs, court experts performing survey and expert research of vehicles taking into account requirements of Item 15 of this Procedure representatives of the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can participate in work of the centers of provision of administrative services for ensuring accomplishment of the procedural actions necessary for carrying out state registration (re-registration), removal from accounting of vehicles.

Vehicles which belong to physical persons entrepreneurs are registered behind them as behind physical persons.

7. Owners of vehicles and persons who operate such means on legal causes or their representatives (further owners) shall register (to re-register) vehicles within ten days after acquisition (obtaining) or customs clearance, or temporary import on the territory of Ukraine, or emergence of the circumstances which are the basis for modification of registration documents. The term of state registration proceeds in case of provision of documents which confirm lack of possibility of its timely carrying out vehicles by owners (disease, business trips or other reasonable excuses).


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