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of June 21, 2022 No. 702

About approval of the Procedure for assistance on partial unemployment

(as amended of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 03.03.2023 No. 188)

According to part six of article 47 of the Law of Ukraine "About employment of the population" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for assistance on partial unemployment which is applied.

2. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.

Prime Minister of Ukraine 

D. Shmygal

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 21, 2022, No. 702

Procedure for assistance on partial unemployment

1. This Procedure determines conditions, the payment mechanism to the insured faces of benefit by partial unemployment, terms, the size and criteria of its provision, and also the mechanism of return of the funds allocated for financing of such help.

2. In this Procedure terms are used in such value:

regional jobcenters - regional and Kiev city jobcenters;

the centers of employment branches of interregional/regional jobcenters, and also city, district, gorrayonny jobcenters (before their termination);

the help with partial unemployment - type of the state support of insured persons (workers and physical persons entrepreneurs) in case of loss of part by them the salary (income) in connection with stop (reducing) of production (performance of works, rendering services) for the reasons of economic, technological nature, emergence of emergency situation, introduction of emergency or warlike situation, establishment of quarantine;

suspension (reducing) of production (performance of works, rendering services) - temporary suspension (reducing) of economic activity of the employer or physical person entrepreneur which is insured face, for the reasons of economic, technological nature, emergence of emergency situation, introduction of emergency or warlike situation, establishment of quarantine that led to partial reducing duration of working hours of his workers or physical person entrepreneur who is insured person, and loss of part by them the salary (income);

the organizational and production reasons - reshaping, technical retrofitting, change of the production technology, transition to other types of raw materials for the purpose of overcoming the reasons which led to stop (reducing) of production (performance of works, provision of services) the employer or physical person - the entrepreneur which is insured face and in particular are not connected with the termination of employment relationships with workers.

The term "insured person" is used in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About collection and accounting of single fee on obligatory national social insurance", "term" insignificant government assistance" - in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About government assistance to subjects of managing", the term "employer" - in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About the organizations of employers, their associations, the rights and guarantees of their activities".


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