Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 13, 2022 No. 51

About procedure for access of customs authorities to system of accounting of goods

(as amended on 08-04-2024)

Based on part two of Item 5 of article 343 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 10, 2014 No. 129-Z "About customs regulation in the Republic of Belarus" and subitem 10.7 of Item 10 of the Regulations on the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 21, 2008 No. 228, the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Determine that:

1.1. for receipt of access, including remote, to the system of accounting of goods determined by the subitem 7 of Item 1 of Article 433 of the Customs code of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - system of accounting), the customs authority sends to the legal entity in written or electronic form the address about need of provision of access to system of accounting (further - the address);

1.2. the appeal is signed by the head of customs authority or its deputy, and during their absence persons fulfilling their duties;

1.3. in the address surname, own name, middle name (if that is available) officials of customs authority who need to provide access to system of accounting are entered;

1.4. the legal entity within ten working days from the date of receipt of the address informs in written or electronic form customs authority on provision of access to system of accounting with indication of data on personal accounting records of officials of customs authorities;

1.5. remote access to system of accounting is provided:

by means of the Internet or secure channel of data transmission by authorization of officials of customs authorities in system of accounting;

with use of login and the password or personal key of the digital signature which certificate of the corresponding open key is published by republican certification center of the State management system open keys of verification of the digital signature of the Republic of Belarus;

with the rights of viewing of the data specified in the list of the data containing in system of accounting, remote access to which is provided to customs authorities, according to appendix.

2. This resolution becomes effective since December 31, 2023.



It is approved

Operational analytical center in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus



to the Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus of June 13, 2022 No. 51

The list of the data containing in system of accounting, remote access to which is provided to customs authorities,

1. Data on the goods imported (imported) on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union:

1.1. registration number of the declaration on goods;

1.2. registration number of the statement for release of goods before submission of the declaration on goods (in the presence);

1.3. article number in the declaration on goods or the statement for release of goods before submission of the declaration on goods;

1.4. numbers and dates of receipt documents according to data of system of accounting;

1.5. acceptance date of goods to accounting;

1.6. names of partners under agreements;

1.7. the name (description) of goods according to data of system of accounting;

1.8. net weight of goods in kilograms (in the presence);

1.9. goods quantity according to data of system of accounting, goods quantity unit of measure (in the presence);

1.10. the price of goods which is actually paid or subject to payment in accordance with the terms of the paid transaction according to which goods are accepted to accounting, in Belarusian rubles;

1.11. data on movement of goods (in the presence depending on transaction type about movement of goods according to data of system of accounting) after their import to customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union:

numbers and activity dates about movement of goods according to data of system of accounting;

names of transactions about movement of goods according to data of system of accounting;

numbers and dates of agreements (in the presence);

names of partners under agreements (in the presence);

the name (description) of goods according to data of system of accounting;

net weight of goods in kilograms (in the presence);

goods quantity according to data of system of accounting, goods quantity unit of measure (in the presence);

the price of goods concerning which movement transactions, in Belarusian rubles are made;

numbers and dates of transport (transportation), business and (or) accounting documents in case of internal transfer of goods;

the name (description) of the goods formed as a result of conversion of goods (in the presence);

net weight of the goods formed as a result of conversion of goods in kilograms (in the presence);

goods quantity according to data of system of accounting, the goods formed as a result of conversion, goods quantity unit of measure (in the presence);

location of goods (name of the organization, and (or) warehouse, and (or) division) (in the presence).

2. Data on the goods which are exported (exported) from customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union:

2.1. registration number of the declaration on goods;

2.2. article number in the declaration on goods;

2.3. numbers and activity dates about movement of goods according to data of system of accounting;

2.4. names of transactions about movement of goods according to data of system of accounting;

2.5. names of partners under agreements;

2.6. the name (description) of goods according to data of system of accounting;

2.7. net weight of goods in kilograms (in the presence);

2.8. goods quantity according to data of system of accounting, goods quantity unit of measure (in the presence);

2.9. the price of goods according to data of system of accounting for transaction date about their movement, in Belarusian rubles;

2.10. data on movement of goods (in the presence depending on transaction type about movement of goods according to data of system of accounting) after their export from customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union:

registration number of the declaration on goods submitted for goods placement, specified in paragraph one of this Item, under customs procedure for the purpose of completion of action of customs procedure according to which such goods were exported from customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union (in case of need completion of action of such customs procedure);

article number in the declaration on goods.


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