Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 30, 2022 No. 49

About renewable energy resources

(as amended on 13-09-2024)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 16, 2022

This Law establishes legal, organizational, economic and financial basis, mechanisms of regulation of the relations of the state, producers, suppliers and consumers of renewable energy resources, the equipment for production, installations with use of renewable energy resources.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purposes of this Law

The purposes of this Law are development and use of renewable energy resources, enhancement of energy structure, diversification of energy resources, social improvement of the population, ensuring energy security of the Kyrgyz Republic, environmental protection and sustainable development of economy.

Article 2. Subjects to regulation of this Law

1. Subjects to regulation of this Law are production, consumption and sale of heat, electrical energy and fuel with use of renewable energy resources, and also production and supply of equipment and technologies in the field of renewable energy resources in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. Voided according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 13.09.2024 No. 164

Article 3. Basic concepts and terms

1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) biomass - the cumulative mass of the vegetable and animal organisms which are present at biogeocenosis at the time of observation;

2) renewable energy - the environmentally friendly energy received by use of renewable energy resources including from renewable fuel;

3) renewable energy resources - sources of continuously renewable types of energy:

a) solar energy, energy of Earth, energy of vacuum, wind power, energy of water;

b) power sources of not fossil and not carbon origin, energy of decomposition (sbrazhivaniye) of biomass of any organic waste and/or materials;

c) energy of secondary heat (the cooler, transformer substations, other industrial plants and aggregates as a result of which operation secondary heat energy is emitted);

4) renewable fuel - the fuel received from renewable sources, biomass and any organic or natural raw materials and/or source;

5) use of renewable energy resources - set of the actions directed to transformation, accumulating, distribution and consumption of renewable energy, and also material logistics of these actions;

6) solar energy - the energy received from use of solar radiation;

7) network (electric and/or thermal, gas) - set of technical means for transportation and/or distribution and redistribution of electrical and heat energy;

8) biogas installation - system of the equipment for anaerobic sbrazhivaniye of organic waste and drains for development of gas, secondary heat and receipt of organic fertilizers;

9) the electrical energy made from renewable energy resources - the electrical energy received only from renewable energy resources;

10) wind power - the energy received from energy potential of wind;

11) hydraulic power - the energy made by the hydroenergy aggregates using energy of water;

12) traditional energy - the energy received from non-renewable resources, in particular from hydrocarbonic raw materials (coal, oil, gas) and hydroelectric power stations with installed capacity 30 and more than a megawatts;

13) solar installation - system of the equipment for transformation of energy of the sun in heat or electrical energy;

14) Ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 09.08.2023 No. 174

15) the consumer of renewable energy - legal entity or physical person which uses the technical means and devices functioning on the basis of the energy received by development of renewable energy resources;

16) Ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 09.08.2023 No. 174

17) diversification of renewable energy resources - expansion of activities in production of renewable energy resources due to development of its new types;

18) grace period - the rate effective period established by the law for installations with use of renewable energy resources using the raising coefficients;

19) object of RES - the technical devices intended for production of electrical and (or) heat energy with use of RES, interconnected with them the constructions and the infrastructure technologically necessary for operation of object for use of RES which are on balance of the owner of object for use of RES;

20) the subject of RES - the legal entities, foreign legal entities, individual entrepreneurs (physical persons, including foreign) who expressed intention and/or the productions (all types of the modes) performing activities in the sphere, deliveries (sale) of the electrical energy developed with use of RES;

21) microgeneration - production of electricity on the place or near the place of its consumption, irrespective of the size, technology or fuel, both out of network, and in parallel with network;

22) object of microgeneration - the facility for production of electrical energy belonging on the property right or other legal cause to the consumer of electrical energy whose power receiving devices are technologically attached to electric grid economy objects with the level of voltage no more than 1 kV and the maximum capacity no more than 15 kW if for issue of electrical energy of such object in power network the electric equipment intended for servicing more than one room in the building, including which is part of common property of the apartment house or apartment house is not used;

23) the automated system of commercial accounting of electrical energy (further - ASKUE) - the system consisting of complex of the specialized, metrological certified technical means, software, means of communication, allowing to make commercial accounting of electrical energy, data transmission of commercial accounting, their processing in the automated mode including reliability assessment, possibility of data exchange.

ASKUE can be added with system of documentation, including use of the digital signature;

24) settlement center - the legal entity authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic on production of calculations of balance of electrical energy by means of centralized system of collection and data processing (TsSSOD) and accounting of electrical energy (ASKUE) for all participants of the market of electrical energy (capacity) including the subjects performing in the activities development, transfer, distribution and sale of electrical energy in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;

25) centralized system of collection and data processing (TsSSOD) - the system of automatic collection and data processing of accounting of electrical energy consisting of hardware (computers, servers, peripheral devices, data transmission channels, communication devices, etc.) and the software (operating system, software applications, etc.);

26) the register of subjects of renewable energy resources - single system of the state accounting of subjects of the renewable energy resources which are subject to state regulation and control;

27) the system operator - exercises centralized supervisory control of national power supply system of the Kyrgyz Republic;


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