of May 31, 2022 No. UP-145
About additional measures for ensuring price stability in the consumer markets and to increase in effectiveness of anti-monopoly measures
For the purpose of secured provision of needs of the population of the republic for separate types of food products, prevention of artificial and unreasonable overestimate of the prices of socially important goods in the domestic consumer market, and also mitigations of negative impact of the rate of inflation due to broad application of means of tariff and non-tariff regulation:
1. Determine that during the period from May 1, 2022 to January 1, 2026:
zero rates of the customs duties on commodity importation specified in appendix No. 1 are established;
to the goods coming from the countries with which trade and economic relations do not provide most favored nation treatment double rate of customs duty it is not applied.
2. To temporarily prohibit since June 1, 2022 export (export) out of limits of customs area of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
oils cotton, sunflower, corn and soy, except as specified advance payments within current contracts (agreements) till June 1, 2022, and also processed according to customs regime of the Republic of Uzbekistan "conversion on customs area";
sunflower seeds (the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity code 1206 00), and also seeds and fruits of other oil-bearing crops (the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity code 1207), except as specified, established by the legislation.
Grant to the Cabinet of Ministers the right to resume commodity export, specified in this Item, on condition of availability of sufficient amount of these goods in the domestic market.
3. To the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty together with the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, if necessary, to make offers in the Cabinet of Ministers on feasibility of change of the list of separate types of food products (including the raw materials necessary for their production) which export is temporarily limited, proceeding from food security, level of security of the population of the country with main types of food products and price stability in the domestic market.
4. Determine that during the period till January 1, 2026 temporarily stop:
the restrictions for purchase by the state customers of the imported food products within public procurements provided by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of January 29, 2021 No. 41 "About measures for support of domestic manufacturers";
procedure for obligatory marking in state language of the food products imported into the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5. To the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty together with the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, the Ministry of Finance, the State Customs Committee to develop and make offers in the Cabinet of Ministers:
a) in a month - on decrease in rates of customs duties on nonfoods based on recommendations of Council for tariff and non-tariff regulation;
b) till August 1, 2022 - on implementation of the mechanism of additional accumulating and intervention on the public market of the main food products by involvement of subjects of entrepreneurship on free capacities of the warehouses belonging to the Management committee the state reserves with preserving regulation of nation-wide reserves in case of seasonal fluctuations of the prices and deficit in the market;
c) till September 1, 2022 - on enhancement of procedure for establishment of effective rates of customs duties, and also determinations of customs value of goods with involvement of experts of the international financial institutions and scientific organizations.
6. Allocate Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection by the following additional powers:
a) for acute fluctuation of the prices of socially important goods:
introduction of obligatory representations to execution in business entities, irrespective of their revenue which arrived from sales of goods (services) for the last calendar year and also state bodies, public authorities on places and associations of legal entities in case of identification of signs of abuse of dominant position, coordinated actions and collusion, not exposure in full and reduction of the offer of the exclusive and highly liquid products which are subject to obligatory exposure to the exchange biddings, manipulations, hindrance to steady functioning of the goods or financial market. At the same time non-execution of representation for the disrespectful reasons attracts the established responsibility for non-execution of instructions of antimonopoly authority;
direct access to buildings of business entities irrespective of their form of business and carrying out inventory count of the available inventories in warehouses for the purpose of identification of cases of unreasonable increase in prices, coordinated actions and collusions to the notification of the Representative for protection of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of entrepreneurship;
introduction of obligatory representations and instructions to execution on decrease in unreasonably predatory prices, realization of excessive amounts of the socially important goods revealed in case of the inventory count which is carried out according to the procedure, provided by the paragraph the fourth this Item.
At the same time the period of acute fluctuation of the prices of socially important goods is established by the Cabinet of Ministers for a period of up to 6 months, in case of increase in prices for these goods for the size equal or above the main rate of the Central bank during the period till last 30 days;
b) introduction of instructions to producers and sellers about suspension of production, import on the territory of the republic, realization, retirement and forced withdrawal at consumers of the goods recognized dangerous and low-quality for health of the person, property of legal entities and physical persons;
c) in malls, networks and in the markets specializing in trade in consumer goods, identification (studying) and introduction of instructions, obligatory to execution, on:
to elimination of the wrongful acts directed to manipulations, unreasonable and artificial increase in prices for the main food products, creation of deficit of goods and excessive demand for them;
to observance of the established pricing mechanisms on the main food products;
to elimination of artificial barriers and restrictions of entrance for the markets and retail chain stores.
To the Antimonopoly Committee in two-month time to develop and bring procedure of the additional powers specified in this Item in the Cabinet of Ministers.
7. Determine the main objective of structural divisions by monitoring of the prices in the consumer markets in central office of Committee on development of the competition and consumer protection and its territorial administrations carrying out price analysis of consumer goods in the domestic market, import concentration, influences of tariff and non-tariff measures on the prices and ensuring the competition in trading activity.
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