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of May 18, 2022 No. PP-246

About measures for ensuring harmonization of scientific potential and practical activities in work with the international ratings and indexes

(as amended on 19-06-2024)

For the purpose of the accelerated strategy implementation of development of New Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 28, 2022 No. UP-60, of broad attraction of scientific capacity of the country to development of offers on implementation of the reforms directed to improvement of indicators of the Republic of Uzbekistan in priority international ratings and indexes, uses of international standards of project management, and also increase in knowledge and enhancement of skills of government employees in this sphere:

1. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 19.06.2024 No. UP-91

2. Establish since June 1, 2022 procedure for development and entering into the relevant ministries and departments by the scientific organizations assigned to the international ratings and indexes, offers in state programs on the strategy implementation of development of New Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026 (further - the Development strategy) approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 28, 2022 No. UP-60, proceeding from the international ratings and indexes set to them, according to which:

after publication of annual statements of the agencies of priority international ratings the scientific organizations assigned to the international ratings and indexes responsible for work with the corresponding international ratings, within 20 days introduce information and analytical information in the state bodies responsible for low-indicative indicators;

the state bodies responsible for low-indicative indicators represent to the Agency of innovative development under the Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations orders for scientific grants for project development of elimination of the system mistakes which are available in spheres and industries on low-indicative indicators;

The agency of innovative development under the Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations allocates scientific grants on competitive basis;

the scientific organizations assigned to the international ratings and indexes develop projects of elimination of the system mistakes which are available in spheres and industries on low-indicative indicators on the basis of the international standard of project management PMI PMBOK "Project management body of knowledge" (further - the international standard PMI PMBOK);

working bodies (The Ministry of Economics and finance, and also the Ministry of Justice) Republican council on work with the international ratings and indexes (further - Republican council) include projects of elimination of the system mistakes which are available in spheres and industries on the state bodies responsible for low-indicative indicators, in the annual state programs directed to development strategy implementation;

the state bodies responsible for low-indicative indicators realize the projects included in state programs and provide information on results of project implementation in Republican council.

3. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 19.06.2024 No. UP-91

4. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 19.06.2024 No. UP-91

5. Organize annually since September 1, 2022 in Academy of public administration in case of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Academy) short-term professional development course according to priority international ratings and indexes for managerial personnel of state bodies (further - professional development course).

Determine that:

annually till January 1 the Agency of development of public service represents to Academy the contingent of the government employees participating in professional development course on the spheres estimated within structural indicators of priority international ratings and indexes;

the educational plan - the courses program of advanced training is developed by Academy and approved with working bodies of Republican council;

educational and methodical materials of professional development course are developed by Academy in cooperation with the scientific organizations assigned to the international ratings and indexes;

professors-teachers and scientists of Academy involved to professional development course go to professional development course and training to prestigious foreign universities, scientific centers and the international organizations for the purpose of acquaintance with the best foreign practices and further increase in the scientific potential;

the expenses connected with preparation of educational and methodical materials, the organization and carrying out professional development course for employees of state bodies become covered by fund of support of development of public service;

professional development course for managerial personnel of territorial structures of state bodies are conducted in remote form;

expenses on advanced training according to the priority international ratings and indexes of managerial personnel of economic societies and other organizations become covered at the expense of means of customers on contractual basis.

6. Pay special attention to training in Academy of the government employees responsible for work with the international ratings and indexes, to the following knowledge and skills:

the relevant priority international rating agencies which are engaged in assessment of activities of state bodies on a global scale and also their activities;

techniques and evaluation criteria, indicators and subindicators of rating agencies;

subindicators of regularly low estimated spheres and industries of our country in annual statements of rating agencies, and also their reasons;

experience of the countries leading in global rating by low estimated criteria and prompt rates improving the indicators by the specified criteria, and also the reforms performed by them;

practice of project development of elimination of system mistakes on low estimated subindicators in spheres and industries of the country.

7. To render working bodies of Republican council (T. Ishmetov, R. Davletov) assistance of Academy in the high-quality organization and carrying out professional development course, in particular on:

to involvement of qualified and experienced specialists of state bodies and foreign experts to the organized professional development course on improvement of line items of the country in priority international ratings and indexes;

the organizations in Academy of the international scientific and practical conferences directed to effective implementation of priority international ratings and indexes in cooperation with prestigious foreign universities, scientific centers and the international organizations.


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