Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

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of May 22, 2022 No. 2265-IX

About prohibition of promotion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation as the states terrorists against Ukraine, symbolics of the Russian military invasion of Nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine

Article 1. Determination of terms

1. In this Law the stated below terms are used in such value:

1) the state terrorist - the state which is open, with use of own armed forces, other paramilitary groups or is hidden, with use of the paramilitary groups acting on behalf and (or) for the benefit of such state conducts terrorist attacks, acts of the international terrorism;

2) bodies of the state terrorist (state aggressor) - public authorities, including law enforcement agencies (militia, police, etc.), the armed forces, judicial bodies, internal troops, divisions of special purpose, bodies responsible for the protection and protection of frontier, bodies which are responsible for the implementation of tax and customs policy, bodies responsible for conducting inquiry or the pretrial (preliminary) investigation, the prosecutor's office, bodies responsible for state security or the safety of the top management of the state terrorist (state aggressor), division, actionees of peacekeeping missions another armed, the military militarized, paramilitarny or other power forming of the state terrorist (state aggressor), them components or structural divisions, including forming, which names do not correspond to the official names accepted in the state terrorist (state aggressor), but which on the performed functions belong to the specified bodies or forming, and also mass media in which the state terrorist (state aggressor) has ownership ratio (corporate laws) directly or through the third parties, including through public authorities, local government bodies, the state companies, etc.;

3) promotion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation as the states terrorists against Ukraine - distribution of information directed to support or justification of criminal nature of activities of the Russian Federation, bodies of the state terrorist (state aggressor), their officials, workers, employees (including the military personnel) and (or) representatives who it is open or hidden act on behalf of the Russian Federation in the territory of Ukraine or from the territories of other states against Ukraine; public denial, including through mass media or with use of the Internet, criminal nature of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine; public use of symbolics of military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine, use, creation, distribution of products containing such symbolics and (or) abroad;

4) symbolics of military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime into Ukraine - symbolics which, in particular, includes:

a) the Latin letters "Z", "V" used as symbols of military invasion into Ukraine by method and according to the signs determined by article 2 of this Law;

b) official or unofficial symbolics (emblems) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including its land forces, aerospace forces, navy, rocket forces of strategic appointment, airborne troops, forces of special transactions, other paramilitary groups and (or) bodies of the state terrorist (state aggressor).

Article 2. Will lock promotion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation as the states terrorists against Ukraine

1. The Russian Federation is the state terrorist, one of the purposes of political regime of which is genocide of the Ukrainian people, physical destruction, massacre of citizens of Ukraine, making of the international crimes against the civilian population, use of the forbidden war methods, destruction of civil objects and objects of critical infrastructure, artificial creation of the humanitarian disaster in Ukraine or its certain regions.

2. The political regime of the Russian Federation is Nazi in essence and practice and ideologically inherits national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regime.

3. Promotion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation as the states terrorists against Ukraine is forbidden. Use of symbolics of military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime into Ukraine in accordance with the terms, determined by this Article, is separate type of promotion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation as the states terrorists against Ukraine.

4. Use of symbolics of military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine, in particular, is:

1) use of the Latin letters "Z", "V" separately (without lawful context or in the context of justification of the armed aggression against Ukraine or other military operations) or by replacement with these letters of the Cyrillic letters "Z", "C", "B", "F" or other letters in separate words with visual emphasis on these letters;

2) use of symbolics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including its land forces, aerospace forces, navy, rocket forces of strategic appointment, airborne troops, forces of special transactions, other paramilitary groups and (or) bodies of the state terrorist (state aggressor).

5. The symbolics of military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine is considered used if it is placed:

1) on carriers, surfaces of public space, including advertizing means (carriers of outdoor, internal advertizing), vehicles, and also in printed materials (posters, cards, etc.), on clothes, etc.;

2) in venues of mass actions of political, educational, religious, cultural, scientific or other nature, entertaining actions and actions for children;

3) in propaganda materials, except the materials directed to counteraction to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine;

4) in TV spots, radio, in mass media, the Internet;

5) in messages on social networks on the Internet;

6) in works (movies, transfers, video blogs, etc.), other objects of copyright and (or) the related rights created after February 24, 2022.

The cases of use of symbolics of military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime into Ukraine provided by this part are not considered as offense if such use is lawful according to part six of this Article.

6. Will lock uses of the symbolics of military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime determined by this Law in Ukraine its lawful use does not extend to cases of its use with the legitimate purpose, have no signs of promotion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation as the states terrorists against Ukraine, in particular:

1) in the works, materials (including materials of social, political advertizing, election propaganda, propaganda of All-Ukrainian referendum) made and (or) spread for the purpose of condemnation of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime, military invasion into Ukraine if this purpose is expressed in obvious form, proceeding from contents of the corresponding work, material;

2) in photographic works, information, information and analytical works, materials of mass media (Article, transfer, the message on social networks) if such works, materials correspond at least to one of the specified signs:


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