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of May 11, 2022 No. UP-134

About approval of the National program for development of school education in 2022 - 2026

(as amended on 30-09-2024)

For the purpose of forming of knowledge and skills of pupils of schools, their education in the spirit of commitment to national and universal values, increases in the authority of profession of the teacher and the high-quality list of teachers, enhancement of textbooks and educational and methodical complexes on the basis of modern requirements, construction of modern models of the organizations of school education meeting international standards and also according to the State program on strategy implementation of development of New Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026 in "Year of ensuring interests of the person and development waved":

1. Approve the National program for development of school education in 2022 - 2026 (further - the Development program) according to appendix No. 1.

2. Determine the main directions of the Development program:

full implementation in school education of the National training program developed on the basis of the best international practices and also practical application of the modern textbooks created by domestic and foreign authors;

increase in the company of the authority of profession of the teacher, creation of favorable social conditions for teachers and worthy stimulation of their work;

increase in responsibility of teachers for education and training of youth, their insistence in the continuous professional development;

forming of national personnel reserve for organizations of general secondary education, development of criteria of the advanced principal and exemplary teacher, and also carrying out on their basis of regular assessment of activities of the leading and pedagogical personnel;

the system organization of spiritual and educational work in organizations of general secondary education, implementation of mechanisms of continuous monitoring, assessment and forecasting in this direction, increase in role of family, especially parents, in education and education of the child;

informative organization of free time of pupils, enhancement of system of their professional orientation;

strengthening of integration of children with special educational needs in system of preschool and school education, and also acceleration of processes of inclusive education;

ensuring implementation of all processes of data exchange in general secondary education by means of the Single program complex of management of system of preschool and school education, expansion of range of rendering electronic state services in this sphere;

bringing coefficient of working in shifts of organizations of general secondary education to optimum level, implementation of construction, reconstruction, capital repairs and equipment of schools necessary stock on the basis of modern models.

3. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 30.09.2024 No. UP-152

4. Permit public institutions of general secondary education to implement in coordination with the Ministry of preschool and school education in educational process internationally acknowledged educational programs, including make changes to training programs within the state educational standards and perform the choice of textbooks (except for the native language, literature, history, education and jurisprudence).

To the ministry of national education (B. Saidov):

in a month to approve procedure for implementation of internationally acknowledged educational programs in educational process of public institutions of general secondary education;

in two-month time to create and post the list of internationally acknowledged educational programs on the official website;

render assistance to organizations of general secondary education in implementation in their educational process of internationally acknowledged educational programs, including hold negotiations with the foreign organizations rendering services in the field of education and also allocate the funds necessary for acquisition and implementation in practice of programs.

5. Prohibit the ministries and departments (except for the Ministries of preschool and school education) to initiate development of the acts of the legislation providing modification of curricula and programs of general secondary education, and also introduction at schools of new objects.

To the Cabinet of Ministers to establish strict control of observance by the ministries and departments of the prohibition provided by this Item.

6. Form:

the national centers of training of teachers in new techniques (further - the Centers of pedagogics) based on the regional centers of retraining and advanced training of workers of national education;

National research institute of professional development and training of teachers in new techniques of A. Avloni (further - the National research institute) based on Research institution of studying of problems and determination of perspectives of national education of A. Avloni.

Transfer the Tashkent state pedagogical university of name by Bottoms (further - the Tashkent state pedagogical university), and also the educational and scientific organizations in case of it to maintaining the Ministry of preschool and school education.

Determine the Tashkent state pedagogical university the lead highest educational institution by development of training programs of the pedagogical direction.

7. Approve the offer of the Ministry of national education on implementation in practice of training of pedagogical personnel by the techniques based on competences and directed to forming of professional skills (further - modern techniques).

To the ministry of preschool and school education (H. Umarov) together with the Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations (I. Abdurakhmanov) for implementation in practice of training of pedagogical personnel on the basis of modern techniques:

a) in the direction of retraining and advanced training of pedagogical personnel:

till September 1, 2022 - to attract in the Centers of pedagogics of qualified foreign specialists in exact and natural sciences;

till July 1, 2022 - to create under the Centers of pedagogics the trainer's groups consisting of foreign specialists, skilled workers of general averages, average special, professional, highest educational institutions and the Centers of pedagogics;

until the end of 2022 together with trainer's groups - to provide carrying out with departure on places for teachers in at least 20 percent of organizations of general secondary education of the studies and seminars trainings based on modern techniques;

pay to the trainers who are directly involved to advanced training of pedagogical personnel, the additional allowance at the rate to 100 percent of monthly payment of work depending on results of their activities;

until the end of 2022 - to implement on the special electronic platform "Life-long Professional Education" for teachers of schools the additional individual professional development course conducted without separation from pedagogical activities;

b) in the direction of enhancement of educational programs:

take measures for purchase of the educational programs and textbooks based on modern techniques and also to their implementation in system of general secondary education;

till August 1, 2022 with involvement of qualified foreign specialists - completely to review and enhance curricula and training programs of the Tashkent state pedagogical university and the Centers of pedagogics on the basis of the international requirements;


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