Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 29, 2022 No. PP-230

About additional measures for material support of the segments of the population needing social protection and the help

(as amended on 16-07-2024)

For the purpose of raising on qualitatively new level of rendering social services to the population, creation of ample opportunities for social adaptation of persons with disability in society, and also further state support of family and other alternative forms of accommodation of orphan children and children without parental support:

1. Establish procedure according to which since July 1, 2022:

a) the following procedure for allocation to orphanages of family type of means from the Government budget takes root:

in case of assignment from the Government budget for expenses on content of orphanages of family type the size of costs for one pupil, and also necessary funds proceeding from the number of children are transferred on the bank plastic cards opened addressed to parents;

the structure of the monthly expenses financed from the Government budget on each pupil in orphanages of family type joins also utility costs;

b) payments for the utilities consumed by orphanages of family type are made at the prices established for physical persons;

c) to base wage rates of specialists, production, educational and auxiliary, technical and service personnel of the multidisciplinary specialized preschool educational organizations, specialized schools and boarding schools for children with variations in physical or mental development, and also vocational schools for children with disability allowances in the amount of 50 percent are paid.

2. Take into consideration that:

as a result of delivery together with the international non-state non-profit organizations in 2021 for the hearing-impaired children studying in specialized educational institutions, 4 thousand pieces of modern hearing aids for the purpose of simplification of adaptation of hearing-impaired children to regular life improved their acoustical capabilities, the level of assimilation of general education objects increased;

in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Kashkadarya, Navoiy and Tashkent regions about one multidisciplinary specialized preschool educational organization "Imkon" having possibility of rendering services in rehabilitation along with training of children with disability of preschool age is created.

To the Cabinet of Ministers to take measures for creation in 2023 - 2025 in other 10 regions the centers of rehabilitation of the multidisciplinary specialized preschool educational organizations "Imkon" and to scope of children with disability of preschool age by these organizations.

3. Determine that:

a) orphan children and children without parental support, in case of registration on the name of housing acquired for them by the state in the secondary market on the basis of the property right are exempted from payment of the state fee for notarial and cadastral services (the purchase and sale agreement and state registration of real estate objects);

b) practice of allocation to the students who are orphans or without parental support, funds for acquisition in the public highest educational institutions of food, clothes and objects of sanitation extends also to students of non-state highest educational institutions.

At the same time funds for these purposes are provided in the resources allocated in parameters of the Government budget for the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education and are allocated at the request of non-state highest educational institutions;

c) since June 1, 2022 also monthly grant in double size of basic settlement size at the expense of means of the State fund of assistance of employment is paid to persons with disability trained in professions in the monocenters "Ishga Markhamat" on the basis of inclusive education along with disability benefit.

4. Implement since May 1, 2022 procedure for monthly payment to the aged and disabled citizens living in houses Sakhovat who do not have necessary length of service, 20 percent of the size of the corresponding pension on personal expenses.

5. Approve the offer of the Agency on development of medico-social services, the Ministries of Finance, Associations of soldiers veterans and disabled people of Uzbekistan of "Veteran" about providing the soldiers veterans with disability who were involved in the Afghan war, the corresponding modern prosthetic and orthopedic products made to individual measures.

To agency on development of medico-social services (A. Inakov), to Consolidation of soldiers veterans and disabled people of Uzbekistan of "Veteran" in two-month time to develop and approve the schedule of providing the soldiers veterans with disability who were involved in the Afghan war, prosthetic and orthopedic products.

(T. Ishmetov) to allocate to the Ministry of Finance in 2022 from the Government budget additional resources for the actions provided by this Item according to reasonable calculations of the Agency on development of medico-social services.

6. Determine that since January 1, 2023 the procedure for recalculation in each two years of the size of disability pension to the citizens who worked after award of pension on disability of I and II groups taking into account length of service and the salary is entered.

To the Ministry of Finance (T. Ishmetov) together with the interested ministries and departments in three-months time to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with the established procedure the bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About modification and amendments in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the state provision of pensions of citizens" on implementation of the procedure specified in this Item.

7. Determine that since January 1, 2023 the system of allocation of government subsidy to territorial subdivisions of Society of disabled people of Uzbekistan, Society of blind people of Uzbekistan, Society of deafs of Uzbekistan, and also Association of disabled people of Uzbekistan at the expense of public funds for support of non-state non-profit organizations and other institutes of civil society takes root under the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kengashakh of People's Deputies of areas and the city of Tashkent (further - territorial public funds).

Approve the offer of Society of disabled people of Uzbekistan, Society of blind people of Uzbekistan, Society of deafs of Uzbekistan and Association of disabled people of Uzbekistan on implementation of practice of representation by their territorial subdivisions since January 1, 2023 of the annual report before the public commissions on social partnership under the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kengashakh of People's Deputies of areas and the city of Tashkent about results of the done work on rehabilitation of persons with disability in the corresponding territory, to rendering the public assistance to them, assistance to finding of the place by them in society.


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