of August 17, 2006 No. 1055
About approval of Rules of rendering services of telecommunication
Based on article 48 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 19, 2005 "About telecommunication" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 45-Z
1. Approve Rules of rendering services of telecommunication (are applied).
2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
S. Sidorsky
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 17, 2006 No. 1055
1. These rules are developed based on article 48 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About telecommunication" and establish procedure for the conclusion and agreement performance about rendering services of telecommunication (further, unless otherwise specified, – the agreement), and also procedure and the bases for suspension and agreement cancelation, the right and obligation of the Parties, form and procedure of payments for rendering services of telecommunication, responsibility of the parties and other terms of the contract.
2. Action of these rules does not extend to rendering services of telecommunication by means of the networks of telecommunication of special purpose intended for ensuring needs of public administration, homeland security, protection of law and order, the prevention and liquidation of the emergency situations and also allocated and the technological networks of telecommunication which do not have entry into network of telecommunication public.
3. In these rules the main terms and their determinations in the values established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About telecommunication", the laws of the Republic of Belarus of December 15, 2003 No. 258-Z "About mail service" of July 17, 2008 No. 427-Z "About mass media", of May 7, 2021 No. 99-Z "About personal data protection", and also the following terms and their determinations are applied:
subscriber number – the open personalized and (or) address information provided to the subscriber in use in case of the conclusion of the agreement and identifying it in case of connection with it of other subscribers in format of the standard used in network of the operator of telecommunication;
the addressee – the user of services of telecommunication to whom the telegram is addressed;
delivery address – the telegram delivery location determined by the user of services of telecommunication;
address data of users of services of telecommunication – information on physical persons (the residence, surname, own name, middle name (if that is available) or legal entities (the location and full name);
tariffing unit – amount of service for which rendering the payment equal to the rate established for this type of service is levied from the subscriber or the user of services of telecommunication;
the applicant – person who addressed the operator of telecommunication or the service provider of telecommunication with the statement for the conclusion of the agreement;
servicing zone – the territory declared by the operator of telecommunication within which the operator of telecommunication renders services of telecommunication according to the set parameters (indicators) of quality;
zone of consistent reception (coverage) – the territory within which levels of useful signals of the transferring (basic) stations of network of cellular mobile telecommunication on entrance of receivers of the test hardware and software, test mobile stations exceed the normalized values;
the access card – the SIM card, the RUIM card, the USIM card, E-sim or other module including which is built in the terminal subscriber device (terminal) by means of which identification of the subscriber and access of its terminal subscriber device (terminal) to network of telecommunication is provided;
personal account – the account in settlement system of the operator of telecommunication intended for accounting of the services of telecommunication, accounting of receipt and expenditure of money rendered to the subscriber for telecommunication services;
local network of telecommunication – the part of network of stationary telecommunication of one operator of telecommunication providing to users of services of telecommunication of this operator opportunity to establish connections of telecommunication within the territory of the city and (or) the area;
the operator of cellular mobile telecommunication – the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur having the right to rendering services of cellular mobile telecommunication based on the license for activities in the field of communication;
the donor operator – the operator of cellular mobile telecommunication in whose network the subscriber before transfer of subscriber number (numbers) in network of other operator of cellular mobile telecommunication is served;
the operator recipient – the operator of cellular mobile telecommunication in whose network the subscriber after transfer of subscriber number (numbers) from network of other operator of cellular mobile telecommunication is served;
the sender – the user of services of telecommunication who submits the telegram to the employee of collection point for the telegram for delivery to her addressee;
the service provider of OTT-service – the service provider of telecommunication providing access to TV programs by means of the global computer Internet (further – the Internet);
collection point for the telegram – object of telecommunication or mail service in which services of telecommunication in acceptance of telegrams are rendered to the sender of the telegram;
mailing of Sms – automatic transfer to subscribers of Sms on network of cellular mobile telecommunication;
expanded packet of TV programs – the list of TV programs of the Belarusian and foreign production extended in addition to obligatory public packet of TV programs;
roaming – rendering services of cellular mobile telecommunication to the subscriber of one operator of cellular mobile telecommunication in network of other operator of cellular mobile telecommunication;
network of cellular mobile telecommunication – network of telecommunication, using division of the served territory (coverage) into number of cells (honeycombs) formed by base stations and the possibility of establishment of communication providing to mobile subscribers among themselves and with subscribers of other networks of telecommunication;
network of stationary telecommunication – the network of telecommunication providing to stationary subscribers possibility of establishment of communication among themselves and subscribers of other networks of telecommunication;
system of cable television – the system including radio-electronic means, other technical means and cable lines of telecommunication, providing broadcast of TV programs and other messages of telecommunication to wide range of users with use of radio-frequency range;
service of instant exchange of messages (messenger) – the service based on information and communication technologies, functioning including with use of the software established on terminal subscriber devices (terminals) of subscribers (users of services of telecommunication), the exchange of messages, images, files and other information allowing to provide between terminal subscriber devices (terminals) in real time;
service of technical support – the structural division of the operator of telecommunication, the service provider of telecommunication performing consultation, acceptance of information (requests) on the technical defects interfering use of telecommunication services, maintenance of lines and means of telecommunication;
telecommunication connection – condition of network of telecommunication in case of which telecommunication between means of telecommunication and (or) terminal subscriber devices (terminals) on channels of telecommunication is provided;
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