of April 29, 2022 No. 270
About features of confirmation of conformity
Based on subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of September 5, 1995 No. 3848-XII "About ensuring unity of measurements", article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 24, 2016 "About assessment of conformity to technical requirements and accreditation of conformity assessment bodies" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 437-Z
1. Operation of this resolution extends on:
procedures of accreditation of conformity assessment bodies - residents of the Republic of Belarus;
assessment procedures of compliance of products to mandatory technical requirements in case of its release into the stream of commerce and the address in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
works on metrological assessment.
2. Determine that:
2.1. the effective period of documents on assessment of conformity to mandatory requirements expiring from the date of entry into force of this resolution till September 1, 2022 is prolonged for 12 months;
2.2. issue (registration) of new documents on assessment of conformity to mandatory requirements is performed by the conformity assessment body which issued (registered) these documents based on the request.
Production and (or) release into the stream of commerce in the territory of the Republic of Belarus is allowed to products without carrying out repeated assessment of conformity and (or) periodic assessment of the certified products before expiration of the documents specified in part one of this subitem;
2.3. expansion and updating of area of accreditation are performed by accreditation body without evaluating on the place of implementation of activities of the subject of accreditation by method of the analysis (examination) of documents in time no more than two days from registration date of the request of the accredited subject.
Witness assessment on expanded area of accreditation is performed by method of the analysis (examination) of documents of area of accreditation during the subsequent planned works on accreditation (periodic competency evaluation, repeated accreditation);
2.4. import to the territory of the Republic of Belarus of products which are subject to obligatory assessment of conformity to mandatory requirements is performed without representation to customs authorities of documents on assessment of conformity to mandatory requirements (data on such documents) concerning products which are:
spare parts *, imported for servicing and (or) repair of the finished goods which are earlier released in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
accessories, components, raw materials and (or) materials for production (production) of products in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
single copies, in the quantity provided by the agreement in foreign trade only for own use by the customs applicant (including for the research or representation purposes excluding its distribution in the territory of the Republic of Belarus during business activity on non-paid or paid basis).
* The details, nodes and (or) blocks of finished goods intended for replacement (repair) being (being) in operation worn out (defective, refused) the same details, nodes and (or) blocks for the purpose of maintenance or recovery of operating state of product without the purpose of their distribution in the territory of the Republic of Belarus can belong to spare parts during business activity.
3. For the purpose of release into the stream of commerce in the territory of the Republic of Belarus of products which are subject to obligatory confirmation of conformity to requirements in the form of certification or declaring of compliance based on the evidentiary materials received with participation of accredited test laboratory (center) evaluating compliance in the declaration form of compliance based on own evidentiary materials of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur - residents of the Republic of Belarus is allowed.
Documents and data based on which the declaration of conformity was adopted include:
the copy of the contract (delivery agreement) and shipping documents identifying lot of products or single product;
copy of operational documentation (in the presence);
the list of standards (with indication of their designations and names, and also Sections (Items, subitems) in case of their application in case of production;
protocols of researches (testing) and measurements of samples (tests) of products taken in test laboratories of the third countries;
other documents which formed the basis for adoption of the declaration of conformity (in the presence). As such documents can be provided including certificates of conformity (other documents confirming products compliance) received within systems of confirmation of conformity, including the third countries.
The documents and data which formed the basis for adoption of the declaration of conformity, constituted in foreign language are followed by the translation into Russian (except for appendices to protocols of researches (testing) and measurements).
Protocols of researches (testing) and measurements shall be verified by accredited test laboratory (center) of the Republic of Belarus (in the presence) within its area of accreditation.
Effective period of the declaration of conformity issued according to part one of this Item constitutes six months from the date of its registration.
The list of products to which provisions of this Item are applied with indication of codes of the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, is established by the working group on consideration of problematic issues in the sphere of technical regulation, application of sanitary, veterinary and sanitary and quarantine phytosanitary measures in the conditions of the Eurasian Economic Union.
The declaring of compliance provided by this Item is applied to lot of products or single product.
4. Products released and turned in the territory of the Republic of Belarus concerning which the declaration of conformity according to Item 3 of this resolution was issued can not be marked by single market circulation mark of the Eurasian Economic Union.
For the purpose of product circulation possibility concerning which the declaration of conformity according to Item 3 of this resolution was issued in the territory of other state members of the Eurasian Economic Union the assessment procedures of compliance provided by technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union to which requirements the specified products shall conform shall be carried out. Marking of such products single market circulation mark of the Eurasian Economic Union is obligatory.
5. If the term of planned periodic assessment of the certified products comes in 2022, its carrying out can be postponed by the certification body which issued the certificate of conformity for a period of up to 12 months in coordination with the owner of this certificate.
6. In case of repeated certification serially of products application of the report on the analysis of condition of production and protocols of certification tests within three years under condition is allowed:
lack of changes (introduction of new) of technical requirements concerning the certified products;
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