of March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ
About days of military glory and memorials of Russia
Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on February 10, 1995
History of Russia is rich with significant events. In all centuries heroism, courage of soldiers of Russia, power and glory of the Russian weapon were integral part of greatness of the Russian state. In addition to military victories there are events, worthy to be immortalized in national memory.
This Federal Law establishes days of glory of the Russian weapon - days of military glory (victorious days) of Russia (further - days of military glory of Russia) in commemoration of nice victories of the Russian troops which played crucial role in the history of Russia, and the memorials in the history of the Fatherland connected with the major historical events in life of the state and society (further - memorials of Russia).
In the Russian Federation the next days of military glory of Russia are established:
April 18 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of the prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Chudskoye (The battle on the ice, 1242);
September 21 - Victory Day of the Russian regiments headed by the grand duke Dmitry Donskoy over mongolo-tatar troops in Battle of Kulikovo (1380);
November 7 - Day of holding military parade at Krasnaya Ploshchad in the city of Moscow in commemoration of the twenty fourth anniversary of Great October socialist revolution (1941);
July 7 - Victory Day of the Russian fleet over the Turkish fleet in Chesmensky battle (1770);
July 10 - Victory Day of the Russian army under Peter I's command over Swedes in the Poltava battle (1709);
August 9 - Day of the first in the Russian history sea victory of the Russian fleet under Peter I's command over Swedes at the cape of Gangut (1714);
December 24 - Day of capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail the Russian troops under A. V. Suvorov's command (1790);
September 11 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under F. F. Ushakov's command over the Turkish squadron at the cape Tendra (1790);
September 8 - Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under M. I. Kutuzov's command with the French army (1812);
December 1 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under P. S. Nakhimov's command over the Turkish squadron at the cape Sinop (1853);
February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
December 5 - Day of the beginning of counterattack of the Soviet troops against fascist troops in battle of Moscow (1941);
February 2 - Day of defeat by the Soviet troops of fascist troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943);
August 23 - Day of defeat by the Soviet troops of fascist troops in the Kursk fight (1943);
January 27 - Day of full relief of Leningrad from fascist blockade (1944);
May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 (1945);
November 4 - National Unity Day;
September 3 - Victory Day over militaristic Japan and the ends of World War II (1945);
October 9 - Day of defeat by the Soviet troops of fascist troops in fight for the Caucasus (1943);
May 12 - Day of victorious completion by the Soviet troops of the Crimean offensive transaction (1944).
In the Russian Federation the following memorials of Russia are established:
January 25 - Day of the Russian students;
February 15 - Day of remembrance about the Russians performing office debt outside the Fatherland;
April 12 - Day of astronautics;
April 19 - Day of acceptance of the Crimea, Tamani and Kuban in structure of the Russian Empire (1783);
April 26 - Day of participants of mitigation of consequences of radiation accidents and catastrophic crashes and memory of the victims of these accidents and catastrophic crashes;
April 27 - Day of the Russian parliamentarism;
On June 22 - Day of remembrance and griefs - day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941);
June 29 - Put guerrillas and underground workers;
July 28 - Day of the Christianization of Kievan Rus';
August 1 - Day of remembrance of the Russian soldiers who died in World War I of 1914 - 1918;
September 3 - Day of solidarity in fight against terrorism;
September 30 - Day of reunion of the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic, the Zaporizhia region and Kherson region with the Russian Federation (2022);
November 7 - Day of the October revolution of 1917;
November 21 - Day of the Military oath;
December 3 - Day of the Unknown Soldier;
December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland;
December 12 - Constitution day of the Russian Federation.
The main forms of perpetuating of memory of the Russian soldiers who caused a stir in the battles connected with days of military glory of Russia and memorials of Russia are:
creation and preserving the memorial museums, establishment and improvement of the monuments, obelisks, steles, other memorial constructions and objects immortalizing days of military glory of Russia and memorials of Russia, the organization of exhibitions, establishment on places of military glory of memorial signs;
preserving and arrangement of the territories which are historically connected with feats of the Russian soldiers who caused a stir in the battles connected with days of military glory of Russia and memorials of Russia;
publications in mass media and on the Internet of the materials connected with days of military glory of Russia and memorials of Russia, creation of works of art and literature, devoted to memory of the Russian soldiers who caused a stir in the battles connected with days of military glory of Russia and memorials of Russia;
assignment of names of the national heroes who caused a stir in the battles connected with days of military glory of Russia and memorials of Russia, to settlements, streets and squares, physiographic objects, military units, the ships and courts.
According to the decision of public authorities of the Russian Federation, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies also other actions for perpetuating of memory of the Russian soldiers who caused a stir in the battles connected with days of military glory of Russia and memorials of Russia can be performed.
The government of the Russian Federation will organize:
plan development and programs of military and historical work;
holding the actions directed to perpetuating of memory of the Russian soldiers who caused a stir in the battles connected with days of military glory of Russia, and also the actions devoted to memorials of Russia;
promotion of days of military glory of Russia and memorials of Russia;
installation of memorial constructions and objects, creation of the memorial museums and exhibitions of federal importance devoted to days of military glory of Russia and memorials of Russia;
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