Unofficial transfer (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of May 7, 2022 No. 564
Some questions of maintaining and functioning of the state land cadastre in the conditions of warlike situation
According to articles 12-1, 20 of the Law of Ukraine "About legal regime of warlike situation", to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of February 24, 2022 "About introduction of warlike situation in Ukraine" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides No. 64:
1. Determine that in the conditions of warlike situation in Ukraine and within one month from the date of its termination or cancellation entering into the State land cadastre of data (changes in them) on subjects of the State land registry and use of such data, including by access to the State land cadastre, promulgation of data of the State land cadastre, including through the Public cadastral map which is part of the software of the State land cadastre is provided taking into account the following features:
1) entering of data (changes in them) into the State land cadastre and provision of data on subjects of the state land registry are performed by exclusively state cadastral registrars of Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory and its territorial authorities (further - the state cadastral registrars) included in the list of the state cadastral registrars which in the conditions of warlike situation perform the powers determined by the Law of Ukraine "About the State land cadastre" which affirms Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory in coordination with the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food (further - the list). The list can provide restriction (conditions) of acceptance by the state cadastral registrars of decisions on introduction of data (changes in them) included in it in the State land cadastre, provisions of such data, and also refusal in introduction or provision of data, implementation of other powers determined by the Law of Ukraine "About the State land cadastre". Appropriate authority can be performed by the state cadastral registrars within the administrative and territorial units which are not included in the list of administrative and territorial units approved by Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory according to the subitem 1 of Item 2 of this resolution;
2) provision of data from the State land cadastre in the cases determined by the Law of Ukraine "About the State land cadastre" administrators of the centers of provision of administrative services according to the procedure established by the Law of Ukraine "About administrative services", or authorized officers of executive bodies and local government bodies which successfully passed training in the field of land relations within the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit can be performed if such administrative and territorial unit is not included in the list of administrative and territorial units approved by Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory according to the subitem 1 of Item 2 of this resolution;
3) provision of access to the state land cadastre to users who had such access till February 24, 2022 is performed according to the decision of Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory based on appeals of such users to the specified service. Provision of access to the state land cadastre to other users is performed according to requirements of the Procedure for maintaining the State land cadastre approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 17, 2012 No. 1051 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2012, No. 89, the Art. 3598);
4) requirements of the legislation concerning promulgation on the official website of Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory, including through the Public cadastral map which is part of the software of the State land cadastre, cartographic basis, index cadastral maps (plans), basic, analytical, cadastral, information layers and all data of the State land cadastre provided by Articles 12 - 15 Laws of Ukraine "About the State land cadastre", in particular, in vector type, are not applied;
5) access to data of the State land cadastre on coordinates of rotary points of borders of subjects of the State land registry is provided through the official website of Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory according to the procedure, determined by the legislation, only to the state cadastral registrars which are included in the list, and also to persons who in the procedure established by the law are entered in the State register of the certified engineers land surveyors and the State register of the certified surveying engineers and are authorized on accomplishment during action of warlike situation in the corresponding territories of obsledovatelsky, prospecting, land works, in particular, for creation of documentation on land management;
6) data of the State land cadastre for physical persons and legal entities in the form of excerpts from the State land registry, vykopirovka from cartographic basis of the State land cadastre, the cadastral map (plan), copies of the documents created during maintaining the State land cadastre, in particular, of cadastral plans of the parcels of land are provided without data on coordinates of rotary points of borders of subjects of the State land registry;
7) in case of obtaining by Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory it is direct or from the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food, the regional, Kiev city, district military authorities of information on the facts of violations by the state cadastral registrar included in the list, restrictions (conditions) of decision making about entering of data (changes in them) into the State land cadastre, provisions of such data, and also refusal in introduction or provision of data, implementation of other powers determined by the Law of Ukraine "About the State land cadastre" and other violations of requirements of the legislation Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory makes the decision on temporary blocking of access for such state cadastral registrar to the state land cadastre for a period of up to seven days. Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory provides the corresponding order to the administrator of the State land cadastre instantly;
8) during the term specified in subitem 7 of this Item Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory considers the provided information and in coordination with the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food makes the final decision on renewal of access to such state cadastral registrar to the state land cadastre or its cancellation;
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