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of May 7, 2022 No. 556

Some questions of submission of the declaration on waste

(as amended of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 19.08.2023 No. 876)

According to Item "About waste management" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides 12 parts one of article 19 of the Law of Ukraine:

1. Approve enclosed:

Procedure for submission of the declaration on waste;

form of the declaration on waste.

2. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.

3. To the ministry of environment protection and natural resources to fill till July 1, 2022. The single ecological Ecosystem platform data of the licensed register according to the treatment of dangerous wastes.

4. Provide to the Ministry of Justice till July 1, 2022 electronic information exchange between the Single ecological Ecosystem platform and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, physical persons entrepreneurs and public forming in real time for receipt of information necessary for provision of electronic service in registration of the declaration on waste.

5. To provide to the ministry of environment protection and natural resources, the Ministry of digital transformation till July 1, 2022 electronic information exchange between the Single state web portal of electronic services and the Single ecological Ecosystem platform in real time for possibility of representation by subjects of managing of the declaration on waste electronically.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 7, 2022, No. 556

Procedure for submission of the declaration on waste

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of submission of the declaration on waste (further - the declaration).

2. The declaration moves obrazovatel or owners of waste which activities lead to formation of dangerous wastes, or owners of waste which are not dangerous which annual amount of education exceeds 50 tons.

Action of this Procedure does not extend to households.

3. The terms used in this Procedure have the following value:

the applicant-obrazovatel or the owner of waste whose activities lead to formation of dangerous wastes, or the owner of the waste which is not dangerous which annual amount of education exceeds 50 tons which submit annually the declaration by use of the management information system waste (further - system) which is the functional module of the Single ecological Ecosystem platform;

the list of declarations on waste (further - the list) - the list of the declarations on waste submitted the applicant which is component of subsystem of the reporting of management information system waste.

Other terms used in this Procedure are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About waste management", "About administrative services".

4. The declaration moves the applicant till February 20 of the year following for reporting, electronically through the Single state web portal of electronic services by filling of the form approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 7, 2022 No. 556 "Some questions of submission of the declaration on waste" once a year.

The declaration moves the applicant who underwent testing of authenticity with use of the integrated system of electronic identification, the digital signature based on the qualified certificate according to requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About electronic confidential services", or other means of electronic identification which give the chance of unambiguous identification.

The declaration is created by system software in the form suitable for perception of its content, according to the data provided by form of the declaration on waste approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 7, 2022 No. 556 "Some questions of submission of the declaration on waste" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2022, No. 40, the Art. 2184).

Forming of the declaration stops by means of system software if the data specified in the statement:

are provided not in full;

do not conform to requirements of arithmetic and formato-logical control.

5. Responsibility for accuracy of the information, specified in the declaration, is assigned to the applicant.

6. Submission of the declaration on waste by the applicant comes to the end with imposing of own digital signature based on the qualified certificate according to requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About electronic confidential services" by it.

7. If the applicant incorporates branches or other separate divisions without the status of the legal entity which perform the activities in different administrative and territorial units of Ukraine, such applicant when filling the declaration specifies code according to the codifier of administrative and territorial units and the territories of territorial communities (KATETTO) or coordinate of angular points in the WGS-84 system in the place of implementation of activities by branch or other separate division and in the column "Name of the Subject of Managing" after the name of the legal entity specifies the name of the relevant branch or other separate division and has opportunity software of system to submit at the same time several declarations on waste.

8. Data which are specified by the applicant when forming the declaration are subject to the analysis on their completeness, compliance to format, logicality and coordination.

The analysis of completeness of the provided/entered data is carried out by automatic check of filling of all obligatory fields of form of the declaration.

The analysis of the provided/entered data on their compliance to format is carried out by automatic check of compliance of the provided/entered data to the requirements to structure established for the respective field of form of the declaration.

The analysis of the provided/entered data on their logicality is carried out by automatic verification of the provided/entered data on correctness of arithmetic calculations.

Data which are specified by the applicant when filling form of the declaration are automatically checked for their authenticity by comparison of compliance and confirmation of the provided/entered data with the data arriving according to the procedure of information exchange of the Single state web portal of electronic services and/or the Single ecological Ecosystem platform (further - the Ecosystem) with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, physical persons - entrepreneurs and public forming, according to the Procedure for the organization of electronic information exchange of the state electronic information resources approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 10, 2018 No. 357 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2018, No. 41, the Art. 1450).


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