Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 22, 2022 No. 247

About movement of vehicles

(as amended on 17-05-2024)


Based on article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of August 14, 2007 "About road transport and motor transportations" and Item 2-3 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 14, 2022 No. 93 "About additional measures for ensuring stable functioning of economy" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 278-Z

1. Establish prohibition on movement on the territory of the Republic of Belarus:

the cargo vehicles and tractors registered in state members of the European Union (further – vehicles);

trail cars (semitrailer trucks) registered in the Republic of Poland;

the cars registered in the Republic of Poland and performing international delivery according to individual delivery notes or international commodity-transport superimposed "CMR".

Violation by drivers of the prohibition established in paragraphs second and third part one of this Item is recognized implementation of the international motor transportation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus without the permission on implementation of such transportation and attracts administrative prosecution, provided by legal acts.

2. Item 1 of this resolution is not applied in cases:

followings at the scheduled time of vehicles, trail cars (semitrailer trucks) except for registered in the Republic of Poland from road check points to specially established places corresponding to them according to appendix 1 for making of cargo operations, and (or) peretsepka, and gas station of vehicles (if necessary), from such specially established places to the road check points corresponding to them after making of cargo operations, and (or) peretsepk, and gas stations of vehicles (if necessary), and also between specially established places in empty condition;

followings at the scheduled time of the vehicles registered in the Republic of Poland from the road check points located on the Belarusian-Polish site of Frontier of the Republic of Belarus to specially established places corresponding to them specified in appendix 1, for making of cargo operations and (or) peretsepka, and gas station of vehicles (if necessary), from such specially established places to the road check points corresponding to them located on the Belarusian-Polish site of Frontier of the Republic of Belarus after making of cargo operations, and (or) peretsepk, and gas stations of vehicles (if necessary), and also between such specially established places in empty condition;

followings at the scheduled time of trail cars (semitrailer trucks) registered in the Republic of Poland from the road check points located on the Belarusian-Polish site of Frontier of the Republic of Belarus to specially established places corresponding to them specified in appendix 1, for making of cargo operations from such specially established places to the road check points corresponding to them located on the Belarusian-Polish site of Frontier of the Republic of Belarus after making of cargo operations, and also between such specially established places in empty condition;

followings of the cars specified in paragraph four of part one of Item 1 of this resolution on the territory of the Republic of Belarus from the road check points located on the Belarusian-Polish site of Frontier of the Republic of Belarus and also from the territory of the Republic of Belarus to such road check points;

the paragraph of the sixth – for office use;

in other cases determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

2-1. Determine that at the gas stations specified in appendix 1, when implementing retail trade by oil products to consumers automobile gasolines of all brands, and also diesel fuel taking into account the seasonal demand only of the DT-L-K5, brand grade of C, ECO, either DT-Z-K5, grade of F, ECO, or DT-Z-K5, class 0, by ECO, or DT-Z-K5, class 2, ESO of production of JSC Mazyr Oil Refinery or JSC Naftan are implemented.

2-2. Determine that entrance to specially established places specified in appendix 1, for making of cargo operations and (or) peretsepka according to this resolution except cargo vehicles and tractors, trail cars (semitrailer trucks) following from the road check points located on customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union, or performing delivery to such specially established places of the goods placed under customs procedure of customs transit in the Eurasian Economic Union is allowed to the cargo vehicles and tractors registered in the states which list is determined by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, with trail cars (semitrailer trucks) or without them.

3. Items 1, 2 and 4 presents of the resolution are not applied when moving the following types of goods and vehicles, trail cars (semitrailer trucks):


bulky cargoes which transportation requires special permission if proceeding from technical characteristics of the transported load and (or) technological features of transportation following to specially established places specified in appendix 1, for making of cargo operations and (or) peretsepk, and vehicles, trail cars (semitrailer trucks) for their transportation on condition of approval of movement of these vehicles, trail cars (semitrailer trucks) by the Ministry of Transport and Communications is impossible;

specialized vehicles, trail cars (semitrailer trucks) intended for transportation of automobile and (or) cargo vehicles, tractors, trail cars (semitrailer trucks), motorcycles, ATVs (autocarts) including in case of their following for loading by such goods according to the documents confirming the specified purpose;

humanitarian aid;

live animals, and also eggs incubatory and specialized vehicles, trail cars (semitrailer trucks) for their transportation;

finished pharmaceutical products, including bulk, raw materials, materials, pharmaceutical substances, standard samples and reactants for production and monitoring procedure of quality of medicines, medical products, spare parts and component parts to them, raw materials, materials for production of medical products;

ready veterinary medicines, including bulk, raw materials for production of veterinary medicines;

blood, bodies and tissues of the person;

radio isotope products and multireusable tare for its transportation when following in Item of customs clearance "Minsk-2 Airport";


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