Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of January 26, 2022 No. PP-103

About measures for prevention and improvement of quality of treatment of cardiovascular diseases

(as amended on 08-09-2023)

For the purpose of improvement of quality of the cardiological and cardiac services rendered to the population, expansion of works on prevention, early identification and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases in regions, creating favorable conditions for patients, uninterrupted providing them with necessary medicines, and also transformations of activities of the Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of cardiology:

1. Determine the main directions in prevention of cardiovascular diseases:

organization by primary medical institutions of periodic medical examinations and broad promotion of healthy lifestyle;

providing the needing segments of the population with necessary medicines on a grant basis;

expansion of scale of the high-technology, low-invasive cardiological and cardiac medical services provided in regions;

development of professional skills and increase in potential of specialists of primary link, development of science in the sphere;

digitalization of system of rendering medical services to patients with cardiovascular diseases.

2. For the purpose of cardinal increase in role of "medical crews" and the family polyclinics which are directly working with the population in makhallyakh in primary link of health care system, and also early identification and prevention of cardiovascular diseases since 2022 to organize:

health profile assessment (nature of food, tobacco addiction, body weight index, arterial pressure, level of sugar and cholesterol in blood and others) the populations aged from 18 up to 40 years - once a year;

carrying out address screening inspection of the population is aged more senior than 40 years by means of family polyclinics and medical crews - at least once a year;

maintaining the unified electronic register of patients with cardiovascular diseases, and also free distribution to citizens with these types of disease of medicine enalaprit (Enalapril);

providing laboratories of district (city) hospitals with the devices "koagulometr" and necessary reactants in full, on requirement.

3. Take into consideration that according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 30, 2020 No. UP-6099 "About Measures for Widespread Introduction of Healthy Lifestyle and Further Development of Mass Sport" for program implementation on promoting and development of such sports as walking, run, five-a-side football, cycling, badminton, streetball and "Workout" (street fitness) is determined allocation from the Government budget since 2021 annually of means in the amount of 104 billion sum.

To the chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas and city of Tashkent, and also areas (cities):

a) ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 12.06.2023 No. UP-92

b) together with the Ministry of Health (A. Inoyatov) until the end of 2022 to organize in district (city) multi-profile central clinics the "schools of prevention" directed to prevention of noninfectious diseases including cardiovascular diseases and their complications, forming of skill of constant control behind the disease.

At the same time to organize offices "Healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle", to provide patients with 35 types of evident materials.

4. To the Ministry of Health (B. Musayev), to the Republican medical center of cardiology specialized scientific practically (H. Fozilov):

a) till January 1, 2023:

together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications (Sh. Shermatov) for the purpose of simplification and increase in overall performance of the family doctors performing activities in primary link of medicine to create and implement in practice mobile application for assessment of the risk stratification of cardiovascular diseases based on the protocol of the World Health Organization;

provide bringing to the 15th amount of the types of service rendered due to equipping of district (city) hospitals by 4 types of the cardiological equipment according to reasonable calculations and for requirement;

b) increase step by step from 15 to 35 types of high-technology surgeries in the direction of cardiology in regional branches of the Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of cardiology (further - the Center).

5. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent in week time to develop regional programs for enhancement of system of rendering the cardiological help in 2022 - 2024 in the corresponding territories according to requirements of this resolution, and also to provide their consideration and approval in the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and local Kengashakh of People's Deputies.

6. (T. Ishmetov) in 2022 to provide to the Ministry of Finance:

allocation from the Government budget of 60 billion sum to the Ministry of development of sport for the purpose of stimulation of the youth which participated in mass soccer, five-a-side football, volleyball, track and field athletics competitions, to chess, checkers, table tennis, "Workout", streetball, further increase in its number and expansion of scales of the carried-out work in this direction, and also digitalization of system of sport;


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