of May 18, 2022 No. 324
About government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign)
Based on Items c) and d) article 22 of the Law No. 467/2003 on informatization and the state information resources (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 6-12, 44), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government
1. Found government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign).
2. Approve:
1) the Concept of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign), according to appendix 1;
2) Regulations on procedure for functioning and use of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign), according to appendix 2.
3. Assign public organization "Agency of Electronic Control" the owner of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign).
4. Assign public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cybernetic Safety" the holder of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign).
5. To public organization "Agency of Electronic Control":
1) to provide the creation adjusting and adaptive servicing, and also continuous development of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign);
2) to provide access to mobile application by the publication on the main platforms / online stores of mobile applications.
6. To public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cybernetic Safety":
1) to provide administration and preventive maintenance of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign);
2) to provide provision of certified services for creation of the strengthened qualified digital signature by means of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign);
To provide 3) configured technical and/or the software used for implementation of data concerning creation / verification of the digital signature;
4) to provide check of identity of person, order taking for certification of public key, withdrawal of the certificate of public key and suspension of the service MobiSign through:
a) own registration centers;
b) multipurpose centers of public institution "Agency of the state services";
c) diplomatic missions / consular establishments;
d) other suppliers of registration services.
7. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and public institution "Agency of the state services" through the organizations mentioned in letters b) and c) the subitem 4) Item 6, in accordance with the terms of the agreement signed with public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cybernetic Safety" to realize provision on a grant basis of registration services in receipt of the qualified certificate of public key.
8. Provide to public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cybernetic Safety" on a grant basis the services relating to certification process of public key, and also service in creation and verification of the digital signature by means of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign).
9. To the public organizations participating in process of implementation of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign) to take necessary actions for adjustment of the accompanying regulatory base.
10. The state office together with public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cybernetic Safety" and public organization "Agency of Electronic Control" for the purpose of implementation of this resolution annually to evaluate the costs necessary for provision and continuous development of government service of mobile electronic identity and the signature (MobiSign), and to the Ministry of Finance according to provisions of the Law No. 181/2014 on public finance and budget and tax responsibility to provide selection on these purposes in the law on the government budget for the corresponding year of necessary budgetary funds.
Prime Minister
Natalya Gavrilitsa
Countersigns: the Deputy Prime Minister on digital development |
Yury to Tsurkan |
Appendix 1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of May 18, 2022 No. 324
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