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of December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ

(as amended on 13-12-2024)

Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 20, 2001

Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2001

Section I. General provisions

Chapter 1. Tasks and principles of the legislation on administrative offenses

Article 1.1. Legislation on administrative offenses

1. The legislation on administrative offenses consists of of this Code and the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses adopted according to it.

2. This Code is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the conventional principles and rules of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. If the international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes other rules, than stipulated by the legislation about administrative offenses, then rules of the international treaty are applied.

Article 1.2. Tasks of the legislation on administrative offenses

Tasks of the legislation on administrative offenses are protection of the personality, protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, protection of public health, sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population, protection of public morality, environmental protection, established procedure of implementation of the government, public order and public safety, property, protection of legitimate economic interests of physical persons and legal entities, societies and the states from administrative offenses, and also the prevention of administrative offenses.

Article 1.3. Areas of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation in the field of the legislation on administrative offenses

1. Establishment belongs to maintaining the Russian Federation in the field of the legislation on administrative offenses:

1) general provisions and principles of the legislation on administrative offenses;

2) list of types of administrative punishments and rules of their application;

3) the administrative responsibility on the questions having federal importance including the administrative responsibility for abuse of regulations and the regulations provided by the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

3. 1) the administrative responsibility for abuse of regulations and the regulations provided by the regulatory legal acts of bodies of the public power of the federal territory establishing features of regulation of the separate relations in the federal territory in the spheres determined by the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, or provided by the regulatory legal acts of bodies of the public power of the federal territory adopted within implementation of the powers delegated to them by the Russian Federation;

4) procedure for production on cases on administrative offenses, including establishment of measures of ensuring production for cases on administrative offenses;

5) procedure for execution of resolutions on purpose of administrative punishments.

2. According to the legislation on judicial system this Code determines cognizance of cases on administrative offenses to courts.

3. According to the legislation on protection of the rights of minors this Code determines jurisdiction of cases on administrative offenses to the commissions on cases of minors and protection of their rights.

4. According to the established structure of federal executive bodies this Code determines jurisdiction of cases on the administrative offenses provided by this Code, to federal executive bodies.

5. According to the tasks and functions assigned to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation by the Federal Laws, this Code determines jurisdiction of cases on the administrative offenses provided by this Code, to executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Article 1.3.1. Areas of jurisdiction of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of the legislation on administrative offenses

1. In the field of the legislation on administrative offenses treats maintaining subjects of the Russian Federation:

1) establishment by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses of the administrative responsibility for violation of the laws and other regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of local government bodies;

1. 1) establishment by the laws of the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic, the Zaporizhia region, Kherson region on administrative offenses of the administrative responsibility for overestimate of the prices (rates) for goods and (or) limits of such prices (rates) established by regulatory legal acts of these subjects of the Russian Federation taking into account the features provided by the Federal constitutional Laws;

1. 2) establishment by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses of the administrative responsibility for abuse of regulations and the regulations provided by regulatory legal acts of bodies of the public power of the federal territory, except as specified, stipulated in Item 3.1 parts 1 of Article 1.3 of this Code;

2) production organization on cases on the administrative offenses provided by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation;

3) determination of jurisdiction of cases on the administrative offenses provided by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation according to part 2 of Article 22.1 of this Code;

4) creation of the commissions on cases of minors and protection of their rights;

5) creation of the administrative commissions, other collegiate organs for the purpose of administrative prosecution, the Russian Federation provided by the laws of subjects;

6) determination of the list of officials, representatives to constitute protocols on the administrative offenses provided by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation;

6. 1) determination of lists of officials, representatives to constitute protocols on the administrative offenses provided by this Code in cases, stipulated in Article 28.3 of this Code;

7) regulation by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation of other questions according to this Code.

2. The laws of subjects of the Russian Federation local government bodies can be allocated with separate powers of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the solution of the questions specified in items 4 - 6 parts of 1 this Article, with transfer of material and financial resources, necessary for their implementation. In case of investment of local government body with the specified powers his officials have the right to constitute protocols on the administrative offenses provided by the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation.

3. In the cases provided by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, officials of local government bodies have the right to constitute protocols on the administrative offenses provided by this Code or the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation when implementing of the powers by local government bodies on control (supervision) delegated by the Russian Federation or subjects of the Russian Federation and also when implementing municipal control.

4. Executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation within the competence established by Chapter 23 of this Code are authorized to consider cases on the administrative offenses provided by this Code.

5. Officials of executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation within competence of relevant organ of the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation are authorized to constitute protocols on the administrative offenses provided by this Code in the cases specified in Article 28.3 of this Code.

Article 1.4. Principle of equality before the law

1. Persons who made administrative offenses are equal before the law. Physical persons are subject to the administrative responsibility irrespective of floor, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official capacity, the residence, the relation to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations, and also other circumstances. Legal entities are subject to the administrative responsibility irrespective of the location, forms of business, subordination, and also other circumstances.

2. Special conditions of application of measures of ensuring proceeedings about administrative offense and administrative prosecutions of the officials performing certain state functions (deputies, judges, prosecutors, the staff of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and other persons) are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Laws.

3. Special conditions of application of measures of the administrative responsibility concerning the non-profit organizations and also which are subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship of persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity, and legal entities, and also heads and other workers of the specified legal entities who made administrative offenses in connection with accomplishment of organizational and administrative or administrative functions (further - their workers), are established by this Code.

Article 1.5. Presumption of innocence

1. Person is subject to the administrative responsibility only for those administrative offenses concerning which his guilt is ascertained.

2. Person concerning whom proceeedings about administrative offense are conducted is considered innocent until his guilt is proved according to the procedure, provided by this Code, and is established by the judge's ruling which took legal effect, body, the official who considered case.

3. Person brought to the administrative responsibility shall not prove the innocence, except as specified, provided by the note to this Article.

4. Unremovable doubts in guilt of person brought to the administrative responsibility are interpreted for benefit of this person.

Note. The provision of part 3 of this Article does not extend to the administrative offenses provided by parts 3.1 - 3.4 Articles 8. 2, Chapter 12 of this Code, and administrative  offenses    in the field of improvement of the territory, the administrative offenses expressed in non-compliance with procedure for introduction of fare of the vehicle on paid highways public of regional, intermunicipal and local value, private highways public, paid sections of highways public of regional, intermunicipal and local value, private highways public, provided by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, made with use of vehicles, in case of fixing   of these administrative offenses working in the automatic mode special technical means having functions photo and filmings, videos or means photo and filmings, videos.

Article 1.6. Law enforcement in case of application of measures of administrative coercion in connection with administrative offense

1. Person brought to the administrative responsibility cannot be subjected to administrative punishment and measures of ensuring proceeedings about administrative offense differently as on the bases and according to the procedure, established by the law.

2. Application authorized on that by body or the official of administrative punishment and measures of ensuring proceeedings about administrative offense in connection with administrative offense is performed within competence specified body or the official according to the law.

3. In case of application of measures of administrative coercion decisions and the actions (failure to act) degrading human dignity are not allowed.

Article 1.7. Operation of the legislation on administrative offenses in time

1. Person who made administrative offense is subject to responsibility based on the law existing during making of administrative offense.

2. The law mitigating or canceling the administrative responsibility for administrative offense or otherwise improving provision of person who made administrative offense has retroactive force, that is extends also to person who made administrative offense to the introduction of such law in force and concerning whom the resolution on purpose of administrative punishment is not performed. The law establishing or aggravating the administrative responsibility for administrative offense or otherwise worsening situation of person, has no retroactive force.

2.1. In case of simultaneous entry into force of the provisions of the law canceling the administrative responsibility for deeds and establishing criminal liability for the same act, person is subject to the administrative responsibility based on the law existing during making of administrative offense.

3. Proceeedings about administrative offense are performed based on the law existing during production on the specified case.

Article 1.8. Operation of the legislation on administrative offenses in space

1. Person who made administrative offense in the territory of the Russian Federation is subject to the administrative responsibility according to this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on the administrative offenses, except as specified, provided by the international treaty of the Russian Federation.

2. Person who made administrative offense outside the Russian Federation is subject to the administrative responsibility according to this Code in the cases provided by the international treaty of the Russian Federation and also in the cases provided by part 3 of this Article.

3. The legal entity who made administrative offense, stipulated in Article 15.27.3 or 19.28 of this Code outside the Russian Federation, and person who made administrative offense, stipulated in Article 20.33 of this Code outside the Russian Federation, are subject to the administrative responsibility according to this Code in cases if the specified administrative offenses are directed against interests of the Russian Federation, and also in the cases provided by the international treaty of the Russian Federation if specified persons were not involved for the corresponding actions in the criminal or administrative responsibility in foreign state.

Chapter 2. Administrative offense and administrative responsibility

Article 2.1. Administrative offense

1. Administrative offense illegal, guilty action (failure to act) of physical person or legal entity for which this Code or the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses establishes the administrative responsibility is recognized.

2. The legal entity is found guilty of making of administrative offense if it is determined that it had opportunity for observance of rules and regulations for which violation this Code or the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation provides the administrative responsibility, but this person did not take all measures for their observance depending on it.

3. Purpose of administrative punishment to the legal entity does not exempt from the administrative responsibility for this offense guilty physical person, as well as attraction to administrative or criminal liability of physical person does not exempt from the administrative responsibility for this offense the legal entity, except as specified, provided by parts 4 and 5 of this Article.

4. The legal entity is not subject to the administrative responsibility for making of administrative offense for which the official or other worker of this legal entity are brought to the administrative responsibility or its sole executive body having the status of the legal entity is brought to the administrative responsibility if such legal entity took all stipulated by the legislation measures of the Russian Federation for observance of rules and regulations for which violation the administrative responsibility is provided, except as specified, provided by part 5 of this Article.

5. If for making of administrative offense to the legal entity administrative penalty in the form of administrative penalty which is established according to Item 3 or 5 of part 1 of Article 3.5 of this Code is imposed, the official or other worker of this legal entity or his sole executive body having the status of the legal entity are not subject to the administrative responsibility.

Article 2.2. Fault forms

1. The administrative offense is recognized committed intentionally if person which made it understood illegal nature of the action (failure to act), expected its harmful effects and wished approach of such effects or consciously allowed them or was indifferent to them.

2. The administrative offense is recognized committed on imprudence if person which made it expected possibility of approach of harmful effects of the action (failure to act), but without the bases, sufficient to that, self-confidently expected prevention of such effects or did not expect possibility of approach of such effects though it shall and could expect them.

Article 2.3. Age on reaching which there comes the administrative responsibility

1. Person which reached by the time of making of administrative offense of age of sixteen years is subject to the administrative responsibility.

2. Taking into account the specific facts of the case and data on person who made administrative offense aged from sixteen up to eighteen years the specified person can be exempted by the commission on cases of minors and protection of their rights from the administrative responsibility using to it the corrective action provided by the federal legislation about protection of the rights of minors.

Article 2.4. Administrative responsibility of officials

The official in case of making of administrative offense by it in connection with non-execution or improper execution of the service duties is subject to the administrative responsibility.

Note. In this Code it is necessary to understand person as the official, it is permanent, temporary or according to special powers performing functions of the public agent, that is given in the procedure established by the law administrative authority concerning persons which are not in job dependency from it, and person performing organizational and administrative or administrative functions in state bodies, bodies of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, the state and municipal organizations, and also in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military forming of the Russian Federation is equal. The made administrative offenses in connection with accomplishment of organizational and administrative or administrative functions heads and other employees of other organizations, arbitration managers, and also the made administrative offenses provided by Articles 9. 22, 13.25, 14.24, 14.25, 14.55, 14.56, part 3 of Article 14. 57, 14.61, 14.63, 14.64, 15.17 - 15.22, 15.23. 1, 15.24. 1, 15.25, 15.26. 1, 15.26. 2, 15.29 - 15.31, 15.37, 15.38, parts 9 and 9.1 of Article 19. 5, Articles 19.7. 3, 19.7.12 of this Code, members of the boards of directors (supervisory boards), collegiate executive bodies (boards, directorates), counting boards, audit committees (auditors), liquidation commissions of legal entities and heads of the organizations performing powers of sole executive bodies of other organizations the physical persons which are founders (participants) of legal entities heads of the organizations performing powers of sole executive bodies of the organizations which are founders of legal entities bear the administrative responsibility as officials. Persons performing functions of the member of the commission on implementation of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs, the contractual managing directors, the employee of contractual service who made the administrative offenses provided by Articles 7.29 - 7.32, 7.32. 5, parts 7, 7.1 Articles 19. 5, Article 19.7.2 of this Code, bear the administrative responsibility as officials. Persons performing functions on the organization and implementation of purchases in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of purchases of goods, works, services as separate types of legal entities including the members of the commission on implementation of purchases who made administrative offenses stipulated in Article 7.32. 3, part 7.2 of Article 19. 5, Article 19.7.2-1 of this Code, bear the administrative responsibility as officials. The persons which are performing functions of the member of the licensed commission and who made administrative offense, stipulated in Article 19.6.2 of this Code bear the administrative responsibility as officials. The persons which are performing business activity without formation of legal entity, who made administrative offenses bear the administrative responsibility as officials if this Code does not establish other. Persons performing functions on the organization and carrying out the biddings obligatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including members of tender committee, the auction commission, the made administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 7.32.4 of this Code, bear the administrative responsibility as officials. The persons which are performing activities in the field of assessment of fire risk (audit of fire safety), who made the administrative violations provided by part 9 of Article 20.4 of this Code bear the administrative responsibility as officials. The physical persons which are performing activities in the field of conducting examination in the field of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs, who made administrative offense, stipulated in Article 7.32.6 of this Code bear the administrative responsibility as officials.

Article 2.5. The administrative responsibility of the military personnel, the citizens called on military charges, and persons having special ranks

1. For administrative offenses, except for the administrative offenses provided by part 2 of this Article, the military personnel, citizens called on military charges, and having special ranks the staff of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, law-enforcement bodies, troops of national guard of the Russian Federation, bodies and organizations of criminal executive system, bodies of forced execution of the Russian Federation, the Public fire service and customs authorities according to the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating passing of military service (service) by specified persons and their status bear disciplinary responsibility.

2. For the administrative offenses provided by Articles 5.1 - 5.26, 5.45 - 5.52, 5.56, 6.3, 7.29 - 7.32, 7.32. 1, Chapter 8, Article 11.16 (regarding violation of requirements of fire safety out of the place of military service (service) or passing of military charges), Chapter 12, Article 14. 9, part 7 of Article 14. 32, Article 14. 55, Chapters 15 and 16, Articles 17. 3, 17.7 - 17.9, parts 1 and 3 of Article 17. 14, Articles 17. 15, 18.1 - 18.4, parts 2.1, 2.6 of Article 19. 5, Articles 19.5. 7, 19.7.2, part 5 of Article 19. 8, Article 19. 12, Article 20.4 (regarding violation of requirements of fire safety out of the place of military service (service) or passing of military charges) and part 1 of Article 20.25 of this Code, persons specified regarding 1 this Article bear the administrative responsibility in accordance with general practice.

Article 2.6. Administrative responsibility of foreign citizens, stateless persons and foreign legal entities

1. The foreign citizens, stateless persons and foreign legal entities who made in the territory of the Russian Federation administrative offenses are subject to the administrative responsibility in accordance with general practice.

2. The foreign citizens, stateless persons and foreign legal entities who made administrative offenses on the continental shelf, in exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, provided by part 2 of Article 8. 16, Articles 8.17 - 8.20, 11.7.1, part 2 of Article 19.4 of this Code, are subject to the administrative responsibility in accordance with general practice.

2.1. The foreign legal entity who made administrative offense outside the Russian Federation, stipulated in Article 15.27.3 or 19.28 of this Code and directed against interests of the Russian Federation is subject to the administrative responsibility in accordance with general practice.

3. The question of the administrative responsibility of the foreign citizen using immunity from administrative jurisdiction of the Russian Federation according to the Federal Laws and international treaties of the Russian Federation and who made in the territory of the Russian Federation administrative offense is allowed according to rules of international law.

Article 2.6.1. Administrative responsibility of owners (owners) of vehicles

1. To the administrative responsibility for administrative offenses in the field of environmental protection and environmental management (regarding the administrative offenses provided by parts 3.1 - 3.4 Articles 8.2 of this Code), administrative offenses in the field of traffic and administrative offenses in the field of improvement of the territory, the administrative offenses expressed in non-compliance with procedure for introduction of fare of the vehicle on paid highways public of regional, intermunicipal and local value, private highways public, paid sections of highways public of regional, intermunicipal and local value, private highways public, provided by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, made with use of vehicles in case of fixing of these administrative offenses the special technical means working in the automatic mode having functions photo and filmings, videos or means photo and filmings, videos are attracted owners (owners) of vehicles.

2. The owner (owner) of the vehicle is exempted from the administrative responsibility if during consideration of the claim to the decree on the case of administrative offense issued according to part 3 of Article 28.6 of this Code the data containing in it that at the time of fixing of administrative offense the vehicle was in ownership or in use of other person are confirmed or by this moment was disposed from its possession as a result of illegal actions of other persons.

Article 2.6.2. Administrative responsibility of owners or other owners of the parcels of land or other real estate objects

1. To the administrative responsibility for the administrative offenses in the field of improvement of the territory provided by the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation regarding content, operation, movement, re-equipment or destruction of subjects to improvement in case of fixing of these administrative offenses by the special technical means working in the automatic mode having functions photo and filmings, videos or means photo and filmings, videos are attracted owners or other owners of the parcels of land or other real estate objects.

2. The owner or other owner of the parcel of land or other real estate object is exempted from the administrative responsibility if during consideration of the claim to the decree on the case of administrative offense issued according to part 3 of Article 28.6 of this Code the data containing in it that at the time of fixing of administrative offense the parcel of land or other real estate object was in ownership or in use of other person, or that the administrative offense is made as a result of illegal actions of other persons are confirmed, at the same time the owner or other owner of the parcel of land or other real estate object did not have opportunity to prevent making of administrative offense or it took all measures depending on it for prevention of making of administrative offense.

Article 2.7. Emergency

Causing by person harm to the interests protected by the law in emergency condition, that is for elimination of the danger which is directly menacing to the personality and the rights of this person or other persons and also to the interests of society or state protected by the law is not administrative offense if this danger could not be eliminated with other means and if the damage suffered is less considerable, than the prevented harm.

Article 2.8. Diminished responsibility

The physical person which during making of illegal actions (failure to act) was in diminished responsibility condition is not subject to the administrative responsibility, that is could not realize the actual nature and illegality of the actions (failure to act) or to direct them owing to chronic mental disturbance, temporary mental disturbance, weak-mindedness or other disease state of mentality.

Article 2.9. Possibility of release from the administrative responsibility in case of insignificance of administrative offense

In case of insignificance of committed administrative offense the judge, body, the official, representatives to solve case on administrative offense, can exempt person who made administrative offense from the administrative responsibility and to be limited to the oral note.

Article 2.10. Administrative responsibility of legal entities

1. Legal entities are subject to the administrative responsibility for making of administrative offenses in the cases provided by Articles of the Section II of this Code or the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

2. If in Articles of Sections I, III, IV, V of this Code it is not specified that the regulations established by these Articles are applied only to physical person or only to the legal entity, these regulations equally are effective in the relation of both the physical, and legal entity, except as specified, if in sense these regulations belong and can be applied only to physical person.

3. In case of merge of several legal entities again arisen legal entity is brought to the administrative responsibility for making of administrative offense.

4. When joining the legal entity to other legal entity to the administrative responsibility for making of administrative offense the attached legal entity is brought.

5. In case of separation of the legal entity or in case of allocation from the list of the legal entity of one or several legal entities that legal entity to whom according to the separation balance sheet passed the rights and obligations according to the concluded bargains or property in connection with which the administrative offense was made is brought to the administrative responsibility for making of administrative offense.

6. When transforming the legal entity of one type to the legal entity of other type again arisen legal entity is involved in the administrative responsibility for making of administrative offense.

7. In the cases specified in parts 3 - the 6th this Article, the administrative responsibility for making of administrative offense comes irrespective of whether it was known to the legal entity brought to the administrative responsibility of the fact of administrative offense before reorganization completion.

8. The administrative penalties imposed according to Items 2 - 4 parts 1 of Article 3.2 of this Code to the legal entity for making of administrative offense before completion of reorganization of the legal entity, are applied taking into account provisions of parts 3 - the 6th this Article.

9. In case of making of administrative offense by the sole executive body of the legal entity having the status of the legal entity, administrative penalty is imposed to it within the sanction provided for legal entities.

Chapter 3. Administrative punishment

Article 3.1. Purposes of administrative punishment

1. Administrative punishment is the measure of responsibility for making of administrative offense established by the state and is applied for the purpose of the prevention of making of new offenses by both the offender, and other persons.

2. Administrative punishment cannot aim at humiliation of human dignity of the physical person who made administrative offense, or causing to it physical sufferings and also harming of goodwill of the legal entity.

Article 3.2. Types of administrative punishments

1. For making of administrative offenses the following administrative punishments can be established and be applied:

1) prevention;

2) administrative penalty;

3) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 28.12.2010 No. 398-FZ

4) confiscation of the tool of making or subject of administrative offense;

5) deprivation of the special right granted to physical person;

6) administrative detention;

7) administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation the foreign citizen or the stateless person;

8) disqualification;

9) administrative suspension of operations;

10) obligatory works.

11) administrative prohibition on visit of venues of official sports competitions in days of their carrying out.

2. The administrative punishments listed in Items 1 - 4, 9 parts of 1 this Article can be applied to the legal entity.

3. The administrative punishments listed in Items 3 - 11 parts of 1 this Article, are established only by this Code.

Article 3.3. Primary and additional administrative punishments

1. The prevention, administrative penalty, deprivation of the special right granted to physical person, except for the rights of vehicle control of the corresponding type, administrative detention, disqualification, administrative suspension of operations and obligatory works can be established and be applied only as the primary administrative punishments.

2. Confiscation of the tool of making or subject of administrative offense, deprivation of the special right in the form of the right of vehicle control of the corresponding type, administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation of the foreign citizen or the stateless person, administrative prohibition on visit of venues of official sports competitions in days of their carrying out can be established and be applied in quality as the main, and additional administrative punishment. Deprivation of the special right in the form of the right of vehicle control of the corresponding type is applied as additional administrative punishment for making of the administrative offenses provided by part 1 of Article 11.7. 1, parts 1 and 2 of Article 12. 8, part 1 of Article 12. 26, part 3 of Article 12.27 of this Code.

3. For one administrative offense the primary or primary and additional administrative punishment from the punishments specified in the sanction of the applied Article of the Special part of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on the administrative responsibility can be imposed. If the sanction of the applied Article provides obligatory purpose of the main and additional administrative punishments, but at the same time one of them cannot be to the nominated person concerning which proceeedings about administrative offense are conducted, only that from administrative punishments which can be appointed to the specified person is appointed.

Article 3.4. Prevention

1. The prevention - the measure of administrative punishment expressed in official censure of physical person or legal entity. The warning is issued in writing.

2. The prevention is established for for the first time committed administrative offenses in the absence of damnification or emergence of threat of damnification of life and to human health, objects of animal and flora, the environment, objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the people of the Russian Federation, safety of the state, threat of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, and also in the absence of property damage.

3. In cases if purpose of administrative punishment in the form of the prevention is not provided by the relevant article of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty is subject to replacement by the prevention according to Article 4.1.1 of this Code.

Article 3.5. Administrative penalty

1. The administrative penalty is cash collection, is expressed in rubles and established for citizens in the amount of, not exceeding five thousand rubles, and in the cases provided by part 2 of Article 6. 23, parts 5 and 7 of Article 6. 35, parts 3, 5 and 6 Article 8. 2, part 4 of Article 8.2. 3, part 1 of Article 13. 11, part 2 of Article 19.15. 1, part 2 of Article 19.15.2 of this Code, - seven thousand rubles, in the cases provided by part 2 of Article 5. 61, parts 6, 8 - 10 Articles 6. 35, Articles 7. 1, 7.2, part 1 of Article 8.2. 2, parts 5 and 6 of Article 8.2. 3, part 3 of Article 8. 42, parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 Articles 9. 23, part 2 of Article 10. 7, part 1 of Article 11. 7, part 1 of Article 11. 8, Article 12.21. 3, Articles 13. 14, 13.14. 1, parts 4 and 5 of Article 13.19. 5, part 1.1 of Article 13. 31, part 1 of Article 13. 35, part 2 of Article 13. 36, part 2 of Article 13. 39, part 4 of Article 13. 42, part 4 of Article 13. 43, part 2 of Article 13. 44, part 1 of Article 13. 45, parts 3 and 4 of Article 14.4. 1, part 6.4 of Article 15. 25, part 7 of Article 19. 4, part 1 of Article 19. 12, part 4.3 of Article 20. 8, Article 20. 10, part 4 of Article 20. 12, part 1.1 of Article 20. 16, part 2 of Article 20. 17, part 2 of Article 20.30 of this Code, - ten thousand rubles, in the cases provided by Articles 5. 20, 5.66, parts 11 and 12 of Article 6. 35, part 1 of Article 7. 19, Article 7. 20, part 3.1 of Article 8. 2, part 2 of Article 8.2. 2, part 2 of Article 8. 52, part 1 of Article 8. 53, part 3 of Article 10. 6, part 2 of Article 11. 8, part 1 of Article 12. 7, parts 1.1 and 2 of Article 13. 11, part 1 of Article 14. 10, part 7 of Article 14. 51, Article 18. 20, part 1 of Article 20. 4, part 3 of Article 20. 30, Article 20.33 of this Code, - fifteen thousand rubles, in the cases provided by Articles 5. 10, 5.12, 5.35. 1, part 3 of Article 8.2. 2, part 1 of Article 8. 8, part 4 of Article 8. 42, part 1.1 of Article 11. 7, part 3 of Article 11. 8, part 2 of Article 13. 35, part 4.1 of Article 14. 3, part 7 of Article 14.4. 1, Article 14.17. 3, part 2 of Article 14. 53, part 4 of Article 15. 12, part 6.5 of Article 15. 25, part 1.2 of Article 17. 15, part 6 of Article 19. 3, part 6 of Article 19. 4, parts 25 and 38 of Article 19. 5, Articles 20.2. 3, 20.3.1, parts 2 and 2.1 of Article 20. 4, parts 3 and 4 of Article 21.5 of this Code, - twenty thousand rubles, in the cases provided by parts 1 and 2 of Article 5. 22, Article 6.1. 1, parts 1.1 and 2 of Article 6. 13, part 2 of Article 7. 19, part 3.2 of Article 8. 2, part 1 of Article 8. 32, part 3 of Article 8. 52, part 6 of Article 9. 23, part 4 of Article 10. 6, part 3 of Article 11. 7, parts 2 and 3 of Article 12. 7, Article 12. 8, parts 2.1 and 5.1 of Article 13. 11, parts 2.2 and 4 of Article 13. 31, part 1 of Article 13.40. 1, part 2 of Article 13. 46, parts 11 - 13, the 15th Article 14. 3, Article 14.17. 2, part 6 of Article 14. 35, Article 14.53. 1, part 1 of Article 14.56. 1, part 4 of Article 17. 15, Articles 19.4. 3, 19.25, part 5 of Article 19. 34, part 1 of Article 20.6. 1, part 1 of Article 21. 5, Article 21.6 of this Code, - thirty thousand rubles, in cases, stipulated in Article 5.16, part 1 of Article 5. 17, Articles 5. 18, 5.19, part 3 of Article 5. 22, Articles 5. 26, 5.50, part 2 of Article 6. 3, part 1 of Article 6. 18, Article 6. 22, part 4 of Article 6. 29, Article 7. 9, part 3.3 of Article 8. 2, parts 1 and 2 of Article 8. 7, parts 3 and 4 of Article 8. 8, part 10 of Article 8.28. 1, parts 2, 2.1 and 3 Articles 8. 32, parts 1 and 2 of Article 11. 4, parts 2 and 3 of Article 11.15. 1, parts 2 and 3 of Article 11.15. 2, part 2 of Article 12. 24, Article 12. 26, part 3 of Article 12. 27, Article 12. 33, part 8 of Article 13. 11, part 5 of Article 13. 15, parts 1 and 4 of Article 13. 29, Article 14.1. 2, part 2 of Article 14. 10, part 2.1 of Article 14. 16, part 1 of Article 14.17. 1, part 5 of Article 14. 32, parts 4 and 7 of Article 14. 35, part 2 of Article 14.56. 1, part 1 of Article 14. 57, Article 14. 62, part 4 of Article 14. 67, part 2 of Article 15.15. 5, part 2 of Article 17. 13, part 1.1 of Article 17. 15, parts 3 - the 5th Article 18. 8, parts 2 and 3 of Article 18. 10, part 4 of Article 18. 15, parts 26, 39 and 42 Articles 19. 5, Article 19.7. 10, part 2 of Article 19. 12, part 2 of Article 19. 26, part 3 of Article 19. 27, parts 1 - 4, 6 - 9 Articles 19. 34, part 1 of Article 20.3. 3, Article 20.3. 4, part 6 of Article 20. 4, part 2 of Article 20.6. 1, parts 1 and 2 of Article 20. 13, part 5 of Article 20. 25, Article 20.31 of this Code, - fifty thousand rubles, in the cases provided by part 2 of Article 6. 18, parts 1 and 5 of Article 6. 21, parts 1 and 3 of Article 6.21. 2, part 3.4 of Article 8. 2, part 4 of Article 8. 32, Article 11.20. 1, part 4 of Article 12. 7, part 9 of Article 13. 11, parts 9 and 12 of Article 13. 15, part 1 of Article 13. 37, parts 2.1, 4 - 6 of Article 13. 40, part 2 of Article 13.40. 1, parts 1 and 2 of Article 13. 41, part 1 of Article 13. 49, parts 1 and 2 of Article 13. 50, parts 7 - 10, the 14 and 16 Article 14. 3, Articles 14.15. 2, 14.15. 3, part 5 of Article 14. 35, part 3 of Article 14. 53, part 1 of Article 15. 46, part 1 of Article 17. 13, part 1 of Article 19.5. 2, part 1 of Article 19.7.10-1, part 1 of Article 19.7.10-2, part 1 of Article 19.7.10-3, part 3 of Article 19. 21, part 3 of Article 20. 1, Article 20.3. 2, part 2 of Article 20.3. 3, part 3 of Article 20.13 of this Code, - hundred thousand rubles, in the cases provided by parts 2, of 3, of the 6 and 7 Article 6. 21, parts 2 and 4 of Article 6.21. 2, Article 6. 33, part 5 of Article 9. 23, Articles 11. 26, 11.29, parts 3 - the 5th Article 13. 41, part 3 of Article 13. 50, parts 2 and 3 of Article 15. 45, Article 19.7.10-4, part 4 of Article 20. 1, part 3 of Article 20.17 of this Code, - two hundred thousand rubles, and in cases, stipulated in Article 5.38, part 3 of Article 6. 3, Articles 7. 13, 7.14, part 3 of Article 7.14. 1, Article 7.14. 2, part 2 of Article 7. 15, part 1 of Article 11.6. 1, part 10 of Article 13. 15, part 2 of Article 13. 37, part 7 of Article 13. 40, part 2 of Article 19.5. 2, part 2 of Article 19.7.10-1, part 2 of Article 19.7.10-2, part 2 of Article 19.7.10-3, part 5 of Article 20. 1, Articles 20. 2, 20.2.2, 20.18, part 4 of Article 20. 25, part 2 of Article 20.28 of this Code, - three hundred thousand rubles, and in the cases provided by parts 4 and 8 of Article 6. 21, parts 1 and 3 of Article 6.21. 1, Articles 7. 5, 11.7.1, parts 1 - the 6th Article 12.21. 1, Article 12.21. 5, part 11 of Article 13. 15, part 6 of Article 13. 41, parts 2 and 3 of Article 13. 49, part 6 of Article 14. 57, Article 15.23. 2, parts 2.1 and 3 of Article 17.15 of this Code, - five hundred thousand rubles, and in the cases provided by parts 2 and 4 of Article 6.21.1 of this Code - eight hundred thousand rubles, and in the cases provided by part 2 of Article 11.6. 1, Article 11.6.2 of this Code, - five million rubles; for officials - fifty thousand rubles, in the cases provided by part 1 of Article 5. 26, parts 2 and 4 of Article 5. 61, parts 2 and 4 of Article 5. 64, part 1 of Article 5. 68, part 1.1 of Article 6. 13, Article 6. 22, parts 1 - the 8th Article 6. 35, Article 7. 9, part 1 of Article 7. 19, Article 7. 20, part 1 of Article 7.23. 3, part 4 of Article 7. 29, parts 2, 3, 3.2 - 3.4, 5 - 13 of Article 8. 2, part 2 of Article 8.2. 1, part 1 of Article 8.2. 2, Article 8.2. 3, part 1 of Article 8.5. 1, Article 8.5. 3, parts 1 and 2 of Article 8. 7, part 3 of Article 8. 8, parts 4 and 5 of Article 8. 13, parts 3, 9 and 10 Article 8.28. 1, Article 8.28. 2, parts 2, 2.1 and 3 Articles 8. 32, part 2 of Article 8.32. 3, part 4 of Article 8. 42, parts 2 and 3 of Article 8. 50, part 3 of Article 8. 52, part 3 of Article 8. 55, Article 9. 22, parts 1 - 4 Articles 9. 23, part 4 of Article 10. 6, part 2 of Article 10. 7, Article 10.8. 1, part 2 of Article 11. 4, part 3 of Article 11.15. 1, part 3 of Article 11.15. 2, part 2 of Article 12. 34, parts 1.1 and 5.1 of Article 13. 11, part 5 of Article 13. 15, part 2 of Article 13.15. 1, part 2 of Article 13.19. 3, part 1.1 of Article 13. 31, part 1 of Article 13. 35, part 2 of Article 13. 36, part 2 of Article 13. 39, part 1 of Article 13.40. 1, part 4 of Article 13. 43, Articles 14.1.1-1, 14.1. 2, parts 1 and 2 of Article 14.1. 3, parts 4.1, 6, 11 - 13, the 15th Article 14. 3, part 1.1 of Article 14.4. 2, part 2 of Article 14. 10, parts 1 and 2 of Article 14. 13, part 6 of Article 14. 28, part 6 of Article 14. 35, parts 1 and 3 of Article 14. 51, part 2.1 of Article 14. 55, part 2 of Article 14.56. 1, parts 3 and 5 of Article 14. 57, Articles 14. 61, 14.62, part 2 of Article 15. 37, part 1 of Article 15. 43, part 2 of Article 15. 46, Article 15. 47, parts 4 and 5 of Article 18. 15, part 3 of Article 18. 16, parts 24, 26, 28, 39, 42 and 43 Articles 19. 5, Article 19.6. 2, part 3 of Article 19.7. 9, part 3 of Article 19.7. 15, parts 2 and 3 of Article 19. 21, Article 19. 38, part 1 of Article 20.3. 2, parts 1, 2 and 2.1 Articles 20. 4, part 1 of Article 20. 8, parts 2 and 3 of Article 20.30 of this Code, - hundred thousand rubles, in the cases provided by part 2 of Article 5. 26, part 5 of Article 5. 61, part 2 of Article 6. 3, part 1 of Article 6. 21, part 1 of Article 6.21. 2, parts 9 - the 12th Article 6. 35, part 2 of Article 7. 19, part 2 of Article 7.23. 3, parts 2 and 3 of Article 8.2. 2, part 4 of Article 8. 8, parts 5 and 7 of Article 8.28. 1, part 4 of Article 8. 32, part 4 of Article 8. 50, parts 1, 2 and 4 Articles 8. 55, part 6 of Article 9. 23, part 1 of Article 11. 4, part 8 of Article 13. 11, parts 9 and 12 of Article 13. 15, parts 2 and 3 of Article 13. 29, part 2 of Article 13. 35, part 2 of Article 13.40. 1, part 2 of Article 13. 42, part 2 of Article 13.42. 1, parts 14, 16 and 17 Article 14. 3, Articles 14.15. 2, 14.15. 3, parts 2.1 and 2.2 of Article 14. 16, part 4 of Article 14. 17, part 2 of Article 14.17. 1, part 7 of Article 14. 35, part 6 of Article 14. 40, part 2 of Article 14. 56, parts 1 and 2 of Article 14. 57, part 2 of Article 15. 45, part 1 of Article 15. 46, part 2 of Article 17. 13, part 2 of Article 20.3. 2, part 1 of Article 20.3. 3, Article 20.3. 4, part 6 of Article 20. 4, Article 20.32 of this Code, - two hundred thousand rubles, in the cases provided by parts 6 and 8 of Article 8.28. 1, part 1 of Article 11.6. 1, part 2 of Article 13. 11, Article 13.11. 3, part 2 of Article 13. 34, part 3 of Article 14.1. 3, parts 7 and 9 of Article 14. 3, part 3 of Article 14.1. 4, part 3 of Article 14. 53, part 1 of Article 14. 67, part 3 of Article 15. 45, part 1 of Article 17. 13, part 6 of Article 19. 4, parts 1 - 4, 6 - 8 Articles 19. 34, part 2 of Article 20.3.3 of this Code, - three hundred thousand rubles, and in the cases provided by parts 2 and 3 of Article 6. 21, part 2 of Article 6.21. 2, part 1 of Article 13. 37, parts 1 and 2 of Article 13. 41, part 1 of Article 13. 49, parts 1 and 2 of Article 13. 50, part 1 of Article 19.7.10-3 of this Code, - four hundred thousand rubles, in the cases provided by Articles 5. 38, 6.33, 7.13, 7.14, part 3 of Article 7.14. 1, Articles 7.14. 2, 7.15, 7.16, part 5 of Article 9. 23, part 1 of Article 13.2. 1, part 10 of Article 13. 15, parts 2.2 and 4 of Article 13. 31, parts 2.1, 4 - 6 of Article 13. 40, part 2 of Article 13. 46, parts 8 and 10 of Article 14. 3, part 4 of Article 14.4. 2, Article 15.23. 2, parts 1 and 2 of Article 15. 48, part 2.1 of Article 17. 15, part 1 of Article 19.5. 2, Article 19. 34, parts 1 - 4 and 6. 1, 7, 8th Article 20. 2, Articles 20.2. 2, 20.18 of this Code, - six hundred thousand rubles, in the cases provided by part 7 of Article 13. 40, Articles 19.7.10-1, 19.7.10-2, part 2 of Article 19.7.10-3 of this Code, - seven hundred thousand rubles, in the cases provided by part 4 of Article 6. 21, part 1 of Article 6.21. 1, Articles 7. 5, 11.20. 1, parts 2 and 3 of Article 13.2. 1, part 9 of Article 13. 11, part 2 of Article 13. 37, parts 3 - the 5th Article 13. 41, part 2 of Article 13. 49, part 3 of Article 13. 50, Article 19.7.10-4 of this Code, - eight hundred thousand rubles, and in the cases provided by part 3 of Article 6. 3, part 2 of Article 11.6. 1, Article 11.7. 1, part 2.1 of Article 13. 11, part 11 of Article 13. 15, part 6 of Article 13. 41, part 3 of Article 13. 49, part 3 of Article 14. 17, part 6 of Article 14. 57, part 1 of Article 15. 36, parts 1 - the 5th Article 15. 39, Article 15. 40, part 2 of Article 19.5. 2, part 2 of Article 20.6.1 of this Code, - one million rubles, and in the cases provided by part 2 of Article 6.21.1 of this Code - two million rubles, in cases, stipulated in Article 11.6.2 of this Code, - five million rubles; for legal entities - one million rubles, in cases, stipulated in Article 5.61.1, part 1.1 of Article 6. 13, part 2 of Article 6. 21, part 4 of Article 8. 32, part 5 of Article 9. 23, part 2.1 of Article 13. 11, part 10.1 of Article 13. 15, parts 2 and 3 of Article 13. 29, part 2 of Article 13. 39, part 4 of Article 13. 40, parts 1, 1.1 and 1.2 Articles 14.1. 1, parts 6, 7 and 9 Article 14. 3, Article 14.15. 3, part 2 of Article 14. 56, part 6 of Article 14. 57, part 2.1 of Article 17. 15, Article 19.4. 3, part 2 of Article 19.7.10-1, part 2 of Article 19.7.10-2, part 6.1 of Article 20.4 of this Code, - three million rubles, in the cases provided by Articles 6. 19, 6.20, parts 3 and 4 of Article 6. 21, part 1 of Article 6.21. 1, part 2 of Article 6.21. 2, part 1 of Article 7. 13, part 3 of Article 7.14. 1, Article 7.14. 2, part 2 of Article 11.6. 1, part 2 of Article 11.7. 1, Article 11.20. 1, parts 4, 4.1 and 10.2 Articles 13. 15, part 2 of Article 13. 34, part 2 of Article 13. 37, parts 2.1, 5 and 6 of Article 13. 40, parts 1 and 2 of Article 13. 41, part 2 of Article 13. 42, part 2 of Article 13.42. 1, part 2 of Article 13. 50, part 5 of Article 14. 32, Articles 14. 40, 14.42, part 3 of Article 14. 51, part 2 of Article 14.55.2 of this Code, - five million rubles, in cases, stipulated in Article 6. 33, part 8 of Article 13. 11, parts 2.2 and 4 of Article 13. 31, part 2 of Article 13. 46, parts 8 and 10 of Article 14. 3, part 1 of Article 19.5. 2, Article 19.7.10-4 of this Code, - six million rubles, and in the cases provided by part 2 of Article 6.21. 1, Article 7. 5, part 2 of Article 7. 13, Article 7.14. 1, part 2 of Article 7. 15, Article 11.6. 2, part 9 of Article 13. 11, part 11 of Article 13. 15, part 7 of Article 13. 40, parts 3 and 4 of Article 13. 41, part 3 of Article 13. 50, part 1 of Article 14. 51, Article 15.27. 1, parts 1 - the 5th Article 15. 39, part 2 of Article 19.5. 2, parts 3 and 4 of Article 19.23 of this Code, - sixty million rubles, or it can be expressed in size, multiple:

1) costs of subject of administrative offense at the time of the termination or suppression of administrative offense;

2) to the amount unpaid and subject to payment at the time of the termination or suppression of administrative offense of taxes, charges or customs duties, either the amount of illegal currency transaction, or the cash amount translated without opening of the bank account with use of the electronic instruments of payment provided by foreign payment service providers, or the amount of the means enlisted on the electronic instrument of payment provided by the foreign payment service provider, for the accounting period, or cash amount, not enlisted at the scheduled time into accounts in the authorized banks, or cash amount, multiple to the size of key interest rate of the Central bank of the Russian Federation from cash amount enlisted into accounts in the authorized banks with violation of fixed term, or cash amount which are not returned at the scheduled time to the Russian Federation or cash amount due to resident from the nonresident, or cash amount, the costs of securities, other property or cost of the services of property nature illegally transferred or rendered on behalf of the legal entity, either the amount of unpaid administrative penalty, or settlement amount without use of the control and cash equipment;

3) to the amount of revenue of the offender from sales of goods (work, service) in whose market the administrative offense is made, or expense amount of the offender on purchase of goods (works, services) in which market the administrative offense, for the calendar year preceding year in which the administrative offense was revealed or for the part of calendar year preceding date of identification of administrative offense in which the administrative offense was revealed is made if the offender did not perform sales activity or to purchase of goods (works, services) in prior calendar year;

3. 1) to the amount of revenue of the offender from realization of all goods (works, services) for the calendar year preceding year in which the administrative offense was revealed or for the part of calendar year preceding date of identification of administrative offense in which the administrative offense was revealed if the offender did not perform sales activity or to purchase of goods (works, services) in prior calendar year;

3. 2) to the amount of revenue of the offender from realization of fuel for the calendar year preceding year in which the administrative offense was revealed or for the part of calendar year preceding date of identification of administrative offense in which the administrative offense was revealed if the offender did not perform fuel sales activity in prior calendar year;

4) to the amount of revenue of the offender received from sales of goods (work, service) owing to illegal overestimate of the prices regulated by the state (rates, quotations, rates and to that similar) for the entire period during which the offense, but was made no more than one year;

4. 1) ceased to be valid according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 28.04.2023 No. 152-FZ

5) to the starting (maximum) price of the civil agreement which subject is delivery of goods performance of work or rendering service (including real estate acquisition or lease of property) and which is concluded on behalf of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation or municipality, and also budgetary institution or other legal entity according to parts 1, 4 - 6 articles 15 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "About contractual system in the field of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs" (further - the contract), the price of the contract signed with the single supplier (the contractor, the contractor);

6) to the amount of the excessive income or the amount of losses which person avoided as a result of unauthorized use of the insider information and (or) market manipulation;

7) to not declared cash amount of money and (or) the cost of monetary instruments;

8) the amount of the means received from the budget of budget system of the Russian Federation, used not for purpose, or the amount of budget credit which is not transferred at the scheduled time into accounts of budgets of budget system of the Russian Federation or the amount of the payment for use of budget credit which is not transferred at the scheduled time into accounts of budgets of budget system of the Russian Federation either the amount of the obtained budget credit, or the amount to the received budget investment, or the amount of the received subsidy, or the amount of the means which are subject to transfer into accounts of budgets of budget system of the Russian Federation, or the amount of means illegally of the made transactions;

9) differences of the amount of administrative penalty which would be imposed for making of administrative offense in case of submission of the authentic data (information) necessary for calculation of the size of administrative penalty, and the amount of the imposed administrative penalty;

10) cadastral cost of the parcel of land;

11) costs of the unexecuted obligations provided by the contract to deliver goods, performance of works, rendering services;

12) to the price made by the state (municipal) unitary enterprise or the public (municipal) institution of the transaction;

13) to cash amount which are received by the editorial office of mass media, by the speaker or the publisher and information about which obtaining shall be provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about mass media;

14) to the amount of earlier imposed administrative penalty;

15) to the collection amount on each group of goods, packing group of goods which is subject to payment of goods by producers, importers of goods which do not provide independent waste recycling from use of goods;

16) to the amount of the accepted payment for benefit of person, implementation of acceptance of payments for benefit of whom is not allowed or the conclusion of the agreement with which it is forbidden.

2. The size of administrative penalty cannot be less than hundred rubles, and for making of administrative offense in the field of traffic - less than five hundred rubles, except for the case provided by part 1.3 of Article 32.2 of this Code.

3. The size of the administrative penalty estimated proceeding from the cost of subject of administrative offense, and also proceeding from the amount of unpaid taxes, charges or customs duties, either the amount of illegal currency transaction, or the cash amount translated without opening of the bank account with use of the electronic instruments of payment provided by foreign payment service providers, or the amount of the means enlisted on the electronic instrument of payment provided by the foreign payment service provider, for the accounting period, or the cash amounts which are not enlisted at the scheduled time into accounts in authorized banks, or cash amounts, multiple to the size of key interest rate of the Central bank of the Russian Federation from cash amount, enlisted into accounts in the authorized banks with violation of fixed term, or cash amount which are not returned at the scheduled time to the Russian Federation or cash amounts, due to resident from the nonresident, or cash amounts, costs of securities, other property or cost of the services of property nature illegally transferred or rendered on behalf of the legal entity or the amounts of the means received from the budget of budget system of the Russian Federation, used not for purpose or the amount of budget credit which is not transferred at the scheduled time into accounts of budgets of budget system of the Russian Federation, or the amount of the payment for use of budget credit which is not transferred at the scheduled time into accounts of budgets of budget system of the Russian Federation, either the amount of the obtained budget credit, or the amount of the received budget investment, or the amount of the received subsidy, or the amount of the means which are subject to transfer into accounts of budgets of budget system of the Russian Federation, or the amount of means illegally of the made transactions or not declared cash amount of money and (or) cost of monetary instruments, or settlement amount without use of the control and cash equipment, or the collection amount on each group of goods, packing group of goods which is subject to payment of goods by producers, importers of goods which do not provide independent waste recycling from use of goods cannot exceed the triple size of cost of subject of administrative offense or corresponding amount or cost, in the cases provided by Articles 7.27 and 7.27.1 of this Code cannot exceed the fivefold size of cost of stolen property, in the cases provided by parts 1 - 2 Articles 14.4. 3, part 2 of Article 14. 10, parts 1 and 2 of Article 15. 44, part 1 of Article 15.45 of this Code, the fivefold size of cost of subject of administrative offense, in case cannot exceed, stipulated in Article 14.15.2 of this Code, cannot exceed for citizens the twenty-fivefold size of entrance fee on match of the European Football Championship of UEFA of 2020 which was subject of administrative offense, or entrance fee on match of the European Football Championship of UEFA of 2020 specified in the document granting the right to the ticket of admission for match of the European Football Championship of UEFA of 2020, which was subject of administrative offense for officials - the thirtyfold size of entrance fee on match of the European Football Championship of UEFA of 2020 which was subject of administrative offense, or entrance fee on match of the European Football Championship of UEFA of 2020 specified in the document the UEFA of 2020 granting the right to the ticket of admission for match of the European Football Championship which was subject of administrative offense in the cases provided by Articles 7.1 and 8.8 of this Code cannot exceed hundred thousand rubles for citizens, three hundred thousand rubles for officials, seven hundred thousand rubles for legal entities, and in case, stipulated in Article 19.28 of this Code, - the hundredfold size of cash amount, the cost of the securities, other property, services of property nature, other property rights illegally transferred or rendered or promised or offered on behalf of the legal entity.

4. The size of the administrative penalty estimated proceeding from the amount of revenue of the offender from sales of goods (work, service) in which market the administrative offense is made, or from expense amount of the offender on purchase of goods (work, service) in which market the administrative offense is made, cannot exceed the one twenty fifth the cumulative size of the amount of proceeds from sales of all goods (works, services) for the calendar year preceding year in which the administrative offense was revealed or for the part of calendar year preceding date of identification of administrative offense in which the administrative offense was revealed if the offender did not perform sales activity or to purchase of goods (works, services) in prior calendar year.

4.1. The size of the administrative penalty estimated proceeding from the amount of revenue of the offender received from sales of goods (work, service) owing to illegal overestimate of the prices regulated by the state (rates, quotations, rates and to that similar), cannot exceed the double size of excessively received revenue for the entire period of regulation during which the offense, but was made no more than one year.

4.2. The size of the administrative penalty estimated proceeding from difference of the amount of administrative penalty which would be imposed for making of administrative offense in case of submission of the authentic data (information) necessary for calculation of the size of administrative penalty, and the amount of the imposed administrative penalty cannot exceed the tenfold size of the imposed administrative penalty.

4.3. The size of administrative penalty, multiple to the amount of earlier imposed administrative penalty, cannot exceed the double size of the imposed administrative penalty.

4.4. The size of the administrative penalty estimated proceeding from the amount of revenue of the offender from realization of all goods (works, services) cannot exceed one fifth cumulative sizes of the amount of proceeds from sales of all goods (works, services) for the calendar year preceding year in which the administrative offense was revealed or for the part of calendar year preceding date of identification of administrative offense if the offender did not perform sales activity or to purchase of goods (works, services) in prior calendar year.

4.5. The size of the administrative penalty estimated proceeding from the amount of revenue of the offender from fuel realization cannot exceed 3 percent of the amount of proceeds from sales of fuel for the calendar year preceding year in which the administrative offense was revealed or for the part of calendar year preceding date of identification of administrative offense in which the administrative offense was revealed if the offender did not perform fuel sales activity in prior calendar year.

4.6. The size of the administrative penalty estimated proceeding from the amount of the accepted payment for benefit of person, implementation of acceptance of payments for benefit of whom is not allowed or the conclusion of the agreement with which it is not forbidden can exceed 40 percent of the amount of the accepted payment for benefit of person, implementation of acceptance of payments for benefit of whom is not allowed or the conclusion of the agreement with which it is forbidden.

5. The amount of administrative penalty is subject to transfer in the budget in full in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. The administrative penalty cannot be applied to the sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors undergoing military service and also to cadets of the military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of the higher education to the conclusion of the contract with them on passing of military service.

Article 3.6.

Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 28.12.2010 No. 398-FZ

Article 3.7. Confiscation of the tool of making or subject of administrative offense

1. Confiscation of the tool of making or subject of administrative offense is the forced non-paid address to federal property or to property of the subject of the Russian Federation of the things which are not withdrawn from circulation. Confiscation is appointed by the judge.

2. Confiscation of hunting weapon, ammunition and other legal tools of hunting or fishery cannot be applied to persons for whom hunting or fishery is the main legal source of means of livelihood.

3. Withdrawal from adverse possession of person who made administrative offense, tools of making or subject of administrative offense is not confiscation:

subject according to the Federal Law to return to their legal owner;

withdrawn from circulation or being in illegal ownership of person who made administrative offense for other reasons and on this basis of subjects to the address to property of the state or destruction.

4. Confiscation of the tool of making or the subject of administrative offense belonging on the property right to the person who is not brought to the administrative responsibility for this administrative offense and not found judicially guilty of its making is not applied, except for the administrative offenses in the field of customs affairs (customs offense) provided by Chapter 16 of this Code.

5. If the property received as a result of making of administrative offense, stipulated in Article 15.27.3 of this Code was attached to the property acquired in the legal way, that part of property which corresponds to the cost of the attached property is subject to confiscation.

Article 3.8. Deprivation of the special right

1. Deprivation of the physical person who made administrative offense, the special right which is earlier granted to it is established for gross or systematic violation of procedure for use of this right in the cases provided by Articles of the Special part of this Code. Deprivation of the special right is appointed by the judge, for violation of the temporary restriction established according to the legislation on enforcement proceeding to use of the special right. Deprivation of physical person of the special right which is earlier granted to it is established also for evasion from execution of other administrative penalty imposed for violation of procedure for use of this right in the cases provided by Articles of the Special part of this Code.

2. Term of deprivation of the special right cannot be less than one month and more than three years.

3. Deprivation of the special right in the form of the right of vehicle control cannot be applied to person who uses the vehicle in connection with disability, except as specified making of the administrative offenses provided by parts 1 and 2 of Article 12. 8, part 7 of Article 12. 9, part 3 of Article 12. 10, part 5 of Article 12. 15, part 3.1 of Article 12. 16, Article 12. 24, part 1 of Article 12. 26, parts 2 and 3 of Article 12.27 of this Code.

4. Deprivation of the special right in the form of the right to perform hunting cannot be applied to persons for whom hunting is the main legal source of the means of livelihood, except as specified, provided by part 1.2 of Article 8.37 of this Code.

Article 3.9. Administrative detention

1. Administrative detention consists in content of the violator in the conditions of isolation from society and is established for a period of up to fifteen days, and for violation of established procedure of the organization or holding meeting, meeting, demonstration, procession or picketing or the organization of the mass simultaneous stay which entailed disorderly conduct or movements of citizens in public places, for violation of requirements of emergency rule, mode of warlike situation or legal or for making of administrative offenses in the field of the legislation on drugs, psychotropic substances and on their precursors up to thirty days. Administrative detention is appointed by the judge.

2. Administrative detention is established and appointed only in exceptional cases for separate types of administrative offenses and cannot be applied to the expectant mothers, women having children aged up to fourteen years and (or) handicapped children or being adoptive parents, guardians or custodians of the specified children, to the men who are single parents and having children aged up to fourteen years and (or) handicapped children or being the single adoptive parents, guardians or custodians of the specified children, to persons under the age of is eighteen years, to the disabled people of I and II groups, the military personnel, citizens called on military charges and also to the staff of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, law-enforcement bodies, bodies and organizations of criminal executive system, bodies of forced execution of the Russian Federation, troops of national guard of the Russian Federation having special ranks, Public fire service and customs authorities.

3. The term of administrative detention joins administrative detention in time.

Article 3.10. Administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation the foreign citizen or the stateless person

1. Administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation of foreign citizens or stateless persons consists in forced and controlled movement of the specified citizens and persons through Frontier of the Russian Federation out of limits of the Russian Federation (further - exclusion out of limits of the Russian Federation), and in cases, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation, - in controlled independent departure of foreign citizens and stateless persons from the Russian Federation.

2. Administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation as measure of administrative punishment is established concerning foreign citizens or stateless persons and is appointed the judge, and in case of making by the foreign citizen or stateless person of administrative offense in case of entry into the Russian Federation by the corresponding officials.

3. Administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation cannot be applied to the military personnel - foreign citizens.

4. In case of purpose of administrative punishment in the form of administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation of the foreign citizen or the stateless person the judge, considering length of residence of the foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation, its marital status, the relation to tax payment, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation, availability of the income and security with housing in the territory of the Russian Federation, kind of activity and profession, law-abiding behavior, the address about acceptance to citizenship of the Russian Federation and other circumstances, makes the decision on its exclusion out of limits of the Russian Federation or controlled independent departure from the Russian Federation.

5. For the purpose of the execution appointed to the foreign citizen or the stateless person of administrative punishment in the form of exclusion out of limits of the Russian Federation the judge has the right to apply to such persons content in the special facility provided by the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ "About legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation".

6. Administrative penalty in the form of controlled independent departure from the Russian Federation can be imposed to the foreign citizen or the stateless person in case of implementation of administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation at the expense of means of such foreign citizen or stateless person or at the expense of means of the body which invited them, diplomatic representation or consular establishment of foreign state which citizen is the expelled foreign citizen, the international organization or its representation, physical person or legal entity specified in article 16 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 to No. 115-FZ "About legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation".

Article 3.11. Disqualification

1. Disqualification consists in deprivation of physical person of the right to replace positions of Federal public civil service, position of the public civil service of the subject of the Russian Federation, position of municipal service, to hold positions in executive body of the legal entity, to enter into the board of directors (supervisory board), to perform business activity on management of the legal entity, to exercise control of the legal entity in other cases, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation, or to perform activities for provision of the state and municipal services or activities in the field of training of athletes (including their medical support) and the organizations and holding sporting events, or to perform activities in the field of expertize of industrial safety, or to perform activities in the field of technical inspection of vehicles, or to perform activities in the field of independent assessment of fire risk (audit of fire safety), or to perform activities in the field of conducting examination in the field of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs, or to perform medical activities or pharmaceutical activities, or to perform activities in the field of management of apartment houses. Administrative punishment in the form of disqualification is appointed by the judge.

2. Disqualification is established for a period of six months up to three years.

3. Disqualification can be applied to persons replacing positions of Federal public civil service, position of the public civil service of the subject of the Russian Federation, position of municipal service to persons performing organizational and administrative or administrative functions in body of the legal entity to board members (supervisory board), to persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity to persons who are engaged in private practice to persons who are employees of the multipurpose centers of provision of the state and municipal services (further - the multipurpose center), employees of other organizations performing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation functions of the multipurpose center or employees of public institution, performing activities for provision of the state services in the field of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it and the state cadastral registration of real estate, or to trainers, specialists in sports medicine or other specialists in the field of physical culture and sport holding the positions provided by the list approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or to experts in the field of industrial safety or to experts in the field of assessment of fire risk or to persons performing activities in the field of conducting examination in the field of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs, to health workers, pharmaceutical workers or to persons performing activities in the field of management of apartment houses or to technical experts in the field of technical inspection of vehicles.

Article 3.12. Administrative suspension of operations

1. Administrative suspension of operations consists in the temporary termination of activities of persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity, legal entities, their branches, representations, structural divisions, production sites and also operation of aggregates, objects, buildings or constructions, implementation of separate types of activity (works), rendering services. Administrative suspension of operations is applied in case of threat of life or to human health, emergence of epidemic, epizooty, infection (contamination) of quarantinable objects with quarantine objects, approaches of radiation accident or technogenic catastrophe, causing essential harm to condition or quality of the environment or in case of making of administrative offense in the field of drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and their precursors, in the field of counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way, to financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of weapons of mass destruction in the field of investing activities (regarding administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 14.56.1 of this Code), in the field of established according to the Federal Law concerning foreign citizens, stateless persons and the foreign organizations of restrictions for implementation of separate types of activity, in the field of rules of involvement of foreign citizens and stateless persons to labor activity, in the field of procedure for management, in the field of public order and public safety, in the field of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, in the field of production and turnover of tobacco products, tobacco products, nikotinsoderzhashchy products and raw materials for production of such products, in the field of town-planning activities, in the field of transport safety, in the field of protection of property, in sphere of activity on provision of consumer loans (loans), including obligations of the borrower on which are provided with mortgage, in scope of the control and cash equipment, in the field of implementation of tickets of admission for matches of the European Football Championship of UEFA of 2020 or documents, the tickets of admission for matches of the European Football Championship of UEFA of 2020 granting the right, and also in case of making of the administrative offense encroaching on health, sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population and public morality.

Administrative suspension of operations is appointed only in the cases provided by Articles of the Special part of this Code if less severe looking of administrative punishment is not able to provide goal achievement of administrative punishment.

Administrative suspension of operations is appointed by the judge. For the administrative offense provided by part 3 of Article 9.1 of this Code (regarding gross violation of requirements of industrial safety), administrative suspension of operations is appointed by officials, указаннымив Items 1 and 4 of part 2 of Article 23.31 of this Code.

2. Administrative suspension of operations is established for a period of up to ninety days. The term of administrative suspension of operations is estimated from the moment of the actual suspension of operations of persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity, legal entities, their branches, representations, structural divisions, production sites and also operation of aggregates, objects, buildings or constructions, implementation of separate types of activity (works), rendering services.

3. The judge, body, the official who imposed administrative penalty in the form of administrative suspension of operations based on the petition of person performing business activity without formation of legal entity, or the legal entity ahead of schedule stop execution of administrative punishment in the form of administrative suspension of operations if it is determined that the circumstances specified regarding 1 this Article, which formed the basis for purpose of this administrative punishment are eliminated.

Article 3.13. Obligatory works

1. Obligatory works consist in accomplishment by the physical person who made administrative offense in time of free socially useful works, free from the main work, service or study. Obligatory works are appointed by the judge.

2. Obligatory works are established for a period of twenty till two hundred o'clock and no more than four hours a day are left. The maximum time of obligatory works can be increased till eight o'clock in day according to the procedure, provided by part 10 of Article 32.13 of this Code.

3. Obligatory works are not applied to the expectant mothers, women having children under three years, to the disabled people of I and II groups, the military personnel, citizens called on military charges and also to the staff of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, law-enforcement bodies, troops of national guard of the Russian Federation, bodies and organizations of criminal executive system, bodies of forced execution of the Russian Federation, the Public fire service and customs authorities having special ranks.

Article 3.14. Administrative prohibition on visit of venues of official sports competitions in days of their carrying out

1. The administrative prohibition on visit of venues of official sports competitions in days of their carrying out consists in temporary ban to the citizen on visit of such places in days of holding official sports competitions and is established for abuse of regulations of behavior of the audience when holding official sports competitions. The administrative prohibition on visit of venues of official sports competitions in days of their carrying out is appointed by the judge.

2. The administrative prohibition on visit of venues of official sports competitions in days of their carrying out is established for a period of six months up to seven years.

Chapter 4. Purpose of administrative punishment

Article 4.1. General rules of purpose of administrative punishment

1. Administrative penalty for making of administrative offense is imposed in the limits established by the law providing responsibility for this administrative offense according to this Code.

2. In case of purpose of administrative punishment to physical person nature of the administrative offense made by it, the identity of the guilty person, its property status, circumstances mitigating the administrative responsibility, and the circumstances aggravating the administrative responsibility are considered.

2.1. In case of purpose of administrative punishment for making of administrative offenses in the field of the legislation on drugs, psychotropic substances and on their precursors to the person recognized as the patient with drug addiction or consuming drugs or psychotropic substances without appointment of the doctor or new potentially dangerous psychoactive agents, the judge can assign obligation to such person to undergo diagnostics, preventive actions, treatment for drug addiction and (or) medical and (or) social resettlement in connection with consumption of drugs or psychotropic substances without appointment of the doctor or new potentially dangerous psychoactive agents. Control of execution of such obligation is exercised by authorized federal executive bodies according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2.2. In the presence of the exceptional circumstances connected with nature of committed administrative offense and its effects, the personality and property status of the physical person brought to the administrative responsibility, the judge, body, the official considering cases on administrative offenses or claims, protests to resolutions and (or) decisions on cases on administrative offenses can impose penalty in the form of administrative penalty in the amount of less minimum size of the administrative penalty provided by the relevant article or part of Article of the Section II of this Code if the minimum size of administrative penalty for citizens constitutes at least ten thousand rubles, and for officials - at least fifty thousand rubles, or the administrative penalty provided by the relevant article or part of article of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses if the minimum size of administrative penalty for citizens constitutes at least four thousand rubles, and for officials - at least forty thousand rubles.

2.3. In case of purpose of administrative punishment according to part 2.2 of this Article the size of administrative penalty cannot constitute less than a half of the minimum size of the administrative penalty provided for citizens or officials by the relevant article or part of Article of the Section II of this Code or the relevant article or part of article of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

3. In case of purpose of administrative punishment to the legal entity nature of the administrative offense made by it, the property and financial position of the legal entity, circumstances mitigating the administrative responsibility, and the circumstances aggravating the administrative responsibility are considered.

3.1. In the cases provided by part 3 of Article 28.6 of this Code, administrative penalty is imposed in the form of administrative penalty. At the same time the size of the ordered to pay administrative fine shall be the smallest in limits of the sanction of the applied Article or part of Article of the Section II of this Code, and in cases when in the sanction of the applied Article or part of Article of the Special part of this Code administrative punishment in the form of deprivation of the right of control of vehicles or administrative detention is prescribed, and administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty is not prescribed administrative punishment is appointed in the form of administrative penalty in the amount of five thousand rubles.

3.2. In the presence of the exceptional circumstances connected with nature of committed administrative offense and its effects, property and financial position of the legal entity brought to the administrative responsibility, the judge, body, the official considering cases on administrative offenses or claims, protests to resolutions and (or) decisions on cases on administrative offenses can impose penalty in the form of administrative penalty in the amount of less minimum size of the administrative penalty provided by the relevant article or part of Article of the Section II of this Code or the relevant article or part of article of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses if the minimum size of administrative penalty for legal entities constitutes at least hundred thousand rubles.

3.3. In case of purpose of administrative punishment according to part 3.2 of this Article the size of administrative penalty cannot constitute less than a half of the minimum size of the administrative penalty provided for legal entities by the relevant article or part of Article of the Section II of this Code or the relevant article or part of article of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

3.4. In the cases provided by part 4 of Article 28.6 of this Code, administrative penalty in the form of administrative penalty is imposed in the amount of one third of the minimum size of the administrative penalty provided by parts 2, of the 4 and 6 Article 14.5 of this Code.

3.4-1. In case of purpose of administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty for making of the administrative offense revealed during implementation of the state control (supervision), municipal control if the size of administrative penalty provided by the sanction of the applied Article or part of Article of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses has the lower and upper borders, in the presence of the circumstances provided by Items 5 and 6 of part 1 of Article 4.2 of this Code, administrative fine is ordered to pay in the minimum size established for making of the corresponding administrative offense, except as specified, provided by parts 2.2 and 3.2 of this Article, Article 4.1.1 of this Code.

3.5. Administrative penalty in the form of the prevention is imposed in cases if it is provided by the relevant article of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, for for the first time committed administrative offenses in the absence of damnification or threat of damnification of life and to human health, objects of animal and flora, the environment, objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the people of the Russian Federation, safety of the state, threat of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, and also in the absence of property damage.

3.6. If in case of purpose of administrative punishment for making of the administrative offense prescribed by part 4 or 5 of Article 20.31 of this Code, court, considering length of residence of the foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation, its marital status, the relation to payment of the Russian taxes, availability of the income and security with housing in the territory of the Russian Federation, kind of activity and profession, law-abiding behavior, the address about acceptance to the Russian citizenship and other circumstances, will come to conclusion that administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation is excessive restriction of the right to respect of private life and disproportionately to the purposes of administrative punishment, administrative penalty in the form of administrative penalty at the rate from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles or administrative prohibition on visit of venues of official sports competitions in days of their carrying out for a period of one year up to seven years is imposed.

3.7. For the administrative offense provided by part 4 or 5 of Article 20.31 of this Code, administrative penalty in the form of administrative detention for a period of up to fifteen days with administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation can be imposed to the foreign citizen or the stateless person if such administrative offense is made when holding official international sports competitions.

3.8. If in case of purpose of administrative punishment in case in case of which the sanction of the applied Article provides obligatory assignment of punishment in the form of administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation (except as specified, the provided parts 3.6 and 3.7 of this Article, and also the administrative offenses provided by parts 5 - the 8th Article 6. 21, parts 3 and 4 of Article 6.21. 1, parts 3 and 4 of Article 6.21. 2, part 3 of Article 20.25 of this Code), the judge, considering length of residence of the foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation, its marital status, the relation to tax payment, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation, availability of the income and security with housing in the territory of the Russian Federation, kind of activity and profession, law-abiding behavior, the address about acceptance to citizenship of the Russian Federation and other circumstances, will come to conclusion that administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation is excessive restriction of the right to respect of private life and disproportionately to the purposes of administrative punishment, and also in case of lack of the state ready to accept the stateless person in the territory, administrative penalty in the form of administrative penalty at the rate from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles or obligatory works for a period of hundred fifty is imposed till two hundred o'clock.

4. Purpose of administrative punishment does not exempt person from discharge of duty for which non-execution administrative punishment was appointed.

5. Nobody can bear the administrative responsibility twice for the same administrative offense.

Article 4.1.1. Replacement of administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty the prevention

1. For for the first time committed administrative offense revealed during implementation of the state control (supervision), municipal control in cases if purpose of administrative punishment in the form of the prevention is not provided by the relevant article of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty is subject to replacement by the prevention in the presence of the circumstances provided by part 2 of Article 3.4 of this Code, except as specified, provided by part 2 of this Article.

2. Administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty is not subject to replacement by the prevention in case of making of the administrative offense provided by Articles 13. 15, 13.37, 14.31 - 14.33, 14.56, 15.21, 15.27. 3, 15.30, 19.3, 19.4.3, 19.5, 19.5.1, 19.6, 19.8 - 19.8.2, 19.23, parts 2 and 3 of Article 19. 27, Articles 19. 28, 19.29, 19.30, 19.33, 19.34, 20.3, part 2 of Article 20.28 of this Code.

3. In case of replacement of administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty on the prevention the additional administrative punishment provided by the relevant article of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses is not applied.

Article 4.1.2. Features of purpose of administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty to the socially oriented non-profit organizations and the legal entities who are subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship carried to small enterprises, including to the microcompanies

1. In case of purpose of administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty to the socially oriented non-profit organizations included as of the moment of making of administrative offense in the register of socially oriented non-profit organizations - receivers of support, and also to the legal entities who are subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship carried to small enterprises, including to the microcompanies included as of the moment of making of administrative offense in the unified register of subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship, administrative fine is ordered to pay in the amount of, provided by the sanction of the relevant article (part of Article) of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses for person performing business activity without formation of legal entity.

2. If the sanction of Article (part of Article) of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses does not provide purpose of administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty to person performing business activity without formation of legal entity, administrative penalty to the socially oriented non-profit organizations included as of the moment of making of administrative offense in the register of socially oriented non-profit organizations - receivers of support, and also to the legal entities who are subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship carried to small enterprises, including to the microcompanies included as of the moment of making of administrative offense in the unified register of subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship it is appointed in the amount of half of the minimum size (the minimum size) to half of the maximum size (the maximum size) of the administrative penalty provided by the sanction of the relevant article (part of Article) for the legal entity or in the amount of half of the size of the administrative penalty provided by the sanction of the relevant article (part of Article) for the legal entity if such sanction provides purpose of administrative penalty in the fixed size.

3. The size of the administrative fine which is ordered to pay according to part 2 of this Article cannot constitute less minimum size of the administrative penalty provided by the sanction of the relevant article (part of Article) of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses for the official.

4. Rules of this Article are not applied in case of purpose of administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty for administrative offenses for which making according to Articles of the Section II of this Code of person, performing business activity without formation of legal entity, bear the administrative responsibility as legal entities.

Article 4.2. The circumstances mitigating the administrative responsibility

1. The circumstances mitigating the administrative responsibility are recognized:

1) repentance of person who made administrative offense;

2) the voluntary termination of delinquent behavior by person who made administrative offense;

3) the voluntary message person who made administrative offense in body, authorized to perform proceeedings about administrative offense, about committed administrative offense;

4) rendering by person who made administrative offense, assistance to body authorized to perform proceeedings about administrative offense, in establishment of the circumstances which are subject to establishment on the case of administrative offense;

5) prevention by person who made administrative offense, harmful effects of administrative offense;

6) voluntary compensation by person who made administrative offense, the caused damage or voluntary elimination of damage suffered;

7) voluntary execution before pronouncement of the resolution on the case of administrative offense person who made administrative offense, instructions about elimination of the allowed violation issued to it by the body exercising the state control (supervision) and municipal control;

8) making of administrative offense in condition of heat passion (affect) or in case of confluence of difficult personal or family circumstances;

9) making of administrative offense by the minor;

10) making of administrative offense by the expectant mother or woman having the juvenile child.

2. The judge, body, the official considering case on administrative offense can recognize mitigating the circumstances which are not specified in this Code or in the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

3. By this Code other circumstances mitigating the administrative responsibility for making of separate administrative offenses and also features of accounting of the circumstances mitigating the administrative responsibility can be provided in case of purpose of administrative punishment for making of separate administrative offenses.

Article 4.3. The circumstances aggravating the administrative responsibility

1. The circumstances aggravating the administrative responsibility are recognized:

1) continuation of delinquent behavior, despite the requirement of persons authorized on that to stop it;

2) repeated making of homogeneous administrative offense, that is making of administrative offense when person is considered subjected to administrative punishment according to Article 4.6 of this Code for making of homogeneous administrative offense;

3) involvement of the minor in making of administrative offense;

4) making of administrative offense group of persons;

5) making of administrative offense in the conditions of natural disaster or in case of other force majeure;

6) making of administrative offense in state of intoxication or refusal of passing of medical examination on state of intoxication in the presence of good causes to believe that person who made administrative offense is in state of intoxication.

The judge, body, the official imposing administrative penalty depending on nature of committed administrative offense can not recognize this circumstance aggravating.

2. The circumstances provided by part of 1 this Article cannot be considered as aggravating if the specified circumstances are provided in quality of the qualifying sign of administrative offense by the relevant standards about the administrative responsibility for making of administrative offense.

3. By this Code other circumstances aggravating the administrative responsibility for making of separate administrative offenses and also features of accounting of the circumstances aggravating the administrative responsibility can be provided in case of purpose of administrative punishment for making of separate administrative offenses.

Article 4.4. Purpose of administrative punishments for making of several administrative offenses

1. In case of committing by person of two and more administrative offenses administrative penalty is imposed for each committed administrative offense, except as specified, provided by parts 5 and 6 of this Article.

2. In case of committing by person of one action (failure to act) containing structures of administrative offenses, responsibility for which is provided by two and more Articles (parts of Articles) of this Code and about which hearing of cases to subordinated same judge, body, the official, administrative penalty is imposed within the sanction providing appointment to person who made the specified action (failure to act), more stiff administrative punishment.

3. In the case provided by part 2 of this Article, administrative penalty is imposed:

1) within the sanction which is not prescribing appointment administrative punishment in the form of the prevention if one of the specified sanctions provides purpose of administrative punishment in the form of the prevention;

2) within the sanction in case of which application the greatest administrative fine in terms of money can be ordered to pay if the specified sanctions provide purpose of administrative punishment in the form of administrative penalty;

3) within the sanction which is not prescribing appointment administrative punishment in the form of the prevention or administrative penalty if one of the specified sanctions is not provided purpose of administrative punishment in the form of the prevention or administrative penalty.

4. In case of purpose of administrative punishment according to parts 2 and 3 of this Article the additional administrative punishments prescribed by each of the corresponding sanctions can be imposed.

5. If when holding one control (supervising) action during implementation of the state control (supervision), municipal control two and more administrative offenses, responsibility for which is provided by the same Article (part of Article) of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, are revealed, to person who made them administrative penalty as for making of one administrative offense is imposed.

6. If when holding one control (supervising) action during implementation of the state control (supervision), municipal control two and more administrative offenses, responsibility for which is provided by two and more Articles (parts of Article) of the Section II of this Code or the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, are revealed, in case of purpose of administrative punishment for making of the specified administrative offenses the rules of purpose of administrative punishment provided by parts 2 - 4 these Articles are applied.

Article 4.5. Prescription of administrative prosecution

1. The decree on the case of administrative offense cannot be issued after sixty calendar days (on the case of administrative offense, considered by the judge, - after ninety calendar days) from the date of making of administrative offense, for violation of the law of the Russian Federation about export control, in the field of personal data, about internal sea waters, the territorial sea, continental shelf, about exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, about geodesy and cartography, about names of geographical objects, the patent, antitrust law of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and environmental management, the legislation on energy saving and on increase in energy efficiency, the legislation of the Russian Federation on protection of public health, in the field of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population, about protection of children from information doing harm to their health and (or) development on traffic safety (regarding the administrative offenses provided by Articles 12. 8, 12.24, 12.26, part 3 of Article 12. 27, part 2 of Article 12.30 of this Code), legislations of the Russian Federation in the field of communication (regarding the administrative offenses provided by Articles 13.2. 1, 13.4 of this Code), legislations in the field of safety of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation (regarding the administrative offenses provided by Articles 13.12.1 and 19.7.15 of this Code), about mass media (regarding administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 13.15 of this Code), about information, information technologies and on information security (regarding the administrative offenses provided by Articles 13.11. 2, 13. 41, 13.51 and 19.7.10-3 of this Code), about copyright and the related rights, about trademarks, service marks and names of places of goods origin, about use of atomic energy, about taxes and fees, about consumer protection, about investing activities, legislations of the Russian Federation in the field of the organization and implementation of the state control (supervision), municipal control and protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when implementing the state control (supervision), municipal control, about consumer loan (loan), about credit stories, about state regulation of the prices (rates), about natural monopolies, about bases of regulation of rates of the organizations of utility complex, about advertizing, about power industry, about heat supply, in the field of water supply and water disposal, about gas supply, about lotteries, legislations on physical culture and sport (in part, concerning violation of requirements to regulations (regulations) on official sports competitions), about state regulation of activities for the organization and carrying out gamblings (in the part concerning violation of requirements to organizers of gamblings in bookmaker offices and totalizators when betting on official sports competitions and carrying out other gamblings), about elections and referenda, about participation in shared-equity construction of apartment houses and (or) other real estate objects, about counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to terrorism financing (except for the administrative offenses provided by part 4 of Article 15.27 and Article 15.27.3 of this Code), about joint-stock companies, about limited liability companies, about the security market, the insurance legislation, the legislation on clearing activities, on the organized biddings, on investment funds, about non-state pension funds (except for the administrative offenses provided by parts 10. 1, 10.2 Articles 15.29 of this Code), legislations of the Russian Federation on credit cooperation, on agricultural cooperation, on microfinancial activities and the microfinancial organizations, on pawnshops, legislations on counteraction to unauthorized use of the insider information and to market manipulation, legislations of the Russian Federation on national payment system, on opening of bills, the met (deposited) letters of credit, about the conclusion of bank account agreements and bank deposit agreements (deposit) (regarding administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 15.39 of this Code), and also for violation of the labor law, immigration rules, edited stay (residence) in the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons, rules of attraction to labor activity in the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons (including foreign workers), procedures of the biddings obligatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (regarding administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 7.32.4 of this Code), legislations of the Russian Federation on foreign agents, legislations in the field of the state defense order (regarding the administrative offenses provided by Articles 7.32.1 and 14.6. 1, parts 1, 2 and 2.1 Articles 14. 55, Articles 14.55. 1, 14.55. 2, 15.37, 15.40, 15.40. 1, 19.4.2, part 7.1 of Article 19. 5, part 2 of Article 19.7.2 of this Code), about contractual system in the field of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs (regarding the administrative offenses provided by Articles 7.29 - 7.32, 7.32. 5, part 7 of Article 19. 5, Article 19.7.2 of this Code), legislations of the Russian Federation in the field of purchases of goods, works, services as separate types of legal entities (regarding administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 7.32. 3, part 7.2 of Article 19. 5, Article 19.7.2-1 of this Code), about the organization of sales activity of goods (performance of works, rendering services) in the retail markets, about bases of state regulation of trading activity, in the field of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, in the field of production and turnover of tobacco products, tobacco products, nikotinsoderzhashchy products and raw materials for production of such products, about fire safety, about industrial safety, about safety of hydraulic engineering constructions, about town-planning activities, about technical regulation, about meetings, meetings, demonstrations, processions and piketirovaniye, about use of the control and cash equipment, about weapon, about protection of objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the people of the Russian Federation, about enforcement proceeding, about foreign investments in the territory of the Russian Federation, about state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, about counteraction of extremist activities (regarding the administrative offenses provided by Articles 20.3. 1, 20.3.2 of this Code), about execution of administrative punishment (regarding the administrative offense provided by part 1 of Article 20.25 of this Code), and also for administrative offenses against procedure for management (regarding non-presentation or untimely submission to federal antimonopoly authority or its territorial authority according to their requirement of the data (information) necessary for calculation of the size of administrative penalty, or submission to federal antimonopoly authority or its territorial authority of obviously false information (information) necessary for calculation of the size of administrative penalty, or non-presentation or untimely submission to customs authority of statistical form of accounting of movement of goods or submission to customs authority of the statistical form of accounting of movement of goods containing false information and also regarding failure to provide or incomplete provision by the demonstrator of the movie performing paid display of the movie in cinema hall, information in the single federal automated information system of data on displays of movies in cinema halls or provisions of obviously unreliable information), in the field of protection of property (regarding the administrative offenses provided by Articles 7. 1, 7.3 - 7.6, 7.9, parts 4 and 5 of Article 7. 13, Articles 7.14 - 7.15 of this Code), legislations of the Russian Federation on precious metals and gemstones, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishing features of regulation of the corporate relations in the economic societies which are economically significant organizations after one year from the date of making of administrative offense for violation of the customs legislation of the Customs union within EurAsEC (further - the Customs union) and (or) legislations of the Russian Federation on customs affairs, for violation of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts regulating budget legal relationship and also for the administrative offenses provided by Articles 5.35. 1, 6.1.1 of this Code, for violation of the foreign exchange legislation of the Russian Federation and acts of bodies of currency control, the legislation of the Russian Federation on financial accounting, legislations on state regulation of activities for the organization and carrying out gamblings (regarding administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 14.1.1 of this Code), for violation of the law about non-state pension funds (regarding the administrative offenses provided by parts 10. 1, 10.2 Articles 15.29 of this Code), about participation in activities of the foreign or international organization on which the decision on recognition of its activities undesirable in the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (regarding administrative offense is made, stipulated in Article 20.33 of this Code) after two years from the date of making of administrative offense, for violation of the law of the Russian Federation about political parties (regarding the administrative offenses provided by Articles 5.64 - 5.68 of this Code), about insolvency (bankruptcy), about accreditation in national accreditation system, for violation in the field of environmental protection and environmental management (regarding administrative offense, stipulated in Article 8.28.2 of this Code), for violation in the field of military accounting, for violation of the law about counteraction of legalization (washing) of income gained in the criminal way and to terrorism financing (regarding the administrative offenses provided by part 4 of Article 15.27 and Article 15.27.3 of this Code) after three years from the date of making of administrative offense, and for violation of the law of the Russian Federation about counteraction to terrorism, legislations of the Russian Federation on special economic measures and enforcement powers (regarding administrative offense, stipulated in Article 15.27.1 of this Code) and legislations of the Russian Federation on anti-corruption - after six years from the date of making of administrative offense.

1.1. Prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution is estimated from the date of making of administrative offense.

2. In case of the lasting administrative offense the terms provided by part of 1 this Article begin to be estimated from the date of detection of administrative offense.

3. If part of 1 this Article does not provide longer prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution, for the administrative offenses attracting application of administrative punishment in the form of disqualification (except for the administrative offenses provided by part 6 of this Article), person can be brought to the administrative responsibility no later than one year from the date of making of administrative offense, for the administrative offenses provided by part 6 of this Article - from the date of the decision specified in part 6 of this Article, and in case of the lasting administrative offense - no later than one year from the date of its detection.

4. In case of refusal in initiation of legal proceedings or the terminations of criminal case, but in the presence in actions of person of signs of administrative offense the terms provided by part of 1 this Article begin to be estimated from the date of making of administrative offense (in case of the lasting administrative offense - from the date of its detection).

5. In case of satisfaction of the petition of person concerning which proceeedings about administrative offense are conducted about consideration of the case on the residence of this person prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution stops from the moment of satisfaction of this petition until receipt of case papers to the judge, in body, to the official, representatives to consider case, at the place of residence of person concerning which proceeedings about administrative offense are conducted.

5.1. Prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution for administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 6.18 of this Code, regarding use of the prohibited substance and (or) the prohibited method begins to be estimated from the date of obtaining by the all-Russian anti-doping organization of the conclusion of the laboratory accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency, use by the athlete of the prohibited substance and (or) the prohibited method confirming the fact.

5.2. The current of prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution for administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 9.3 or Chapter 12 of this Code if the sanction of the applied Article provides deprivation of the right of vehicle control of the corresponding type or other types of the equipment, stops from the date of suspension of proceeedings about administrative offense according to part 3 of Article 28.10 of this Code. The current of prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution for administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 9.3 or Chapter 12 of this Code if the sanction of the applied Article provides deprivation of the right of vehicle control of the corresponding type or other types of the equipment, renews from the date of, the introduction following behind day in legal force of the resolution on the case of new administrative offense, stipulated in Article 9.3 or Chapter 12 of this Code if the sanction of the applied Article provides deprivation of the right of vehicle control of the corresponding type or other types of the equipment, in the cases specified regarding the 4th Article 28.10 of this Code.

6. Prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution for the administrative offenses provided by Articles 14. 9, 14.9.1, 14.31, 14.32, 14.33, 14.40 of this Code, begin to be estimated from the date of entry into force of the decision of the commission of antimonopoly authority which established fact of violation of the law of the Russian Federation.

6.1. Prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution for administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 14.55.2 of this Code, begins to be estimated from the date of entry into force of the decision of the commission of the federal executive body performing functions on the state control (supervision) in the field of the state defense order, which established fact of violation of the law of the Russian Federation in the field of the state defense order.

7. Prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution for the administrative offenses made in Antarctic begins to be estimated from the date of receipt of case papers in body, to the official which are authorized to constitute protocols on administrative offenses.

8. The current of prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution for administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 15.21 or 15.30 of this Code, stops from the date of suspension of proceeedings about administrative offense in connection with entry into force of the agreement specified in the note 2 to Article 15.21 of this Code. The current of prescriptive limit of administrative prosecution for administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 15.21 or 15.30 of this Code, renews in case of non-execution of the agreement specified in the note 2 to Article 15.21 of this Code, person who imprisoned him with the Bank of Russia from the date of, the acceptance by the Bank of Russia following behind day in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of the decision on recognition of such agreement with the Bank of Russia unexecuted.

Article 4.6. The term during which person is considered subjected to administrative punishment

1. Person to whom administrative penalty for making of administrative offense is imposed is considered subjected to this punishment from the date of the introduction in legal force of the resolution on purpose of administrative punishment before the expiration of one year from the date of the end of execution of this resolution, except as specified provided by parts 2 and 3 of this Article.

2. Person to whom administrative penalty in the form of administrative penalty for making of administrative offense is imposed and who paid administrative penalty about day of the introduction to legal force of the relevant resolution on purpose of administrative punishment is considered subjected to this punishment from the date of the introduction in legal force of the specified resolution before the expiration of one year from the date of payment of administrative penalty.

3. Person specified regarding the 4th Article 32.6.1 of this Code is considered not subjected to administrative punishment.

Article 4.7. Compensation of property damage and the moral harm caused by administrative offense

1. The judge, considering case on the administrative offense having the right in the absence of dispute on compensation of property damage along with purpose of administrative punishment to resolve issue of compensation of property damage.

Disputes on compensation of property damage are resolved by court according to the procedure of civil legal proceedings.

2. On the case of administrative offense, considered by other representatives body or the official, the dispute on compensation of property damage is resolved by court according to the procedure of civil legal proceedings.

3. Disputes on compensation of the moral harm done by administrative offense are considered by court according to the procedure of civil legal proceedings.

Article 4.8. Calculation of terms

1. The terms provided by this Code are estimated for hours, days, days, months, years. 

1.1. The current of the term determined by the period begins next day after calendar date or approach of event which determine the beginning of term.

2. The term estimated for days expires at 24 o'clock the last days. The term estimated for months expires in the corresponding number of the last month and if this month has no corresponding number, term expires in the last days of this month. The term estimated for years expires in the corresponding month and number of the last year.

3. The term estimated in the days expires in the last day of fixed term. 

3.1. If the termination of the term estimated in the days falls on non-working day, the first working day following it is considered last afternoon of term.

4. If the statement, the claim, other documents or money were handed over in the organization of communication, credit institution, declared or transferred to body or to the representative to accept them to person till 24 o'clock the last day of term, term is not considered passed.


1. Provisions of this Article are not applied if other Articles of this Code establish other procedure for calculation of terms, and also in case of calculation of terms of administrative punishments.

2. Provisions of parts 1.1 and 3.1 of this Article are not applied in case of calculation of prescriptive limits of administrative prosecution.

Section II. Special part

Chapter 5. The administrative offenses encroaching on the rights of citizens

Article 5.1. Violation of the right of the citizen to acquaintance with the electoral register, participants of referendum

Violation of the right of the citizen to acquaintance with the electoral register, participants of referendum, or not consideration in the time of the statement for abnormality established by the law in the electoral register, participants of referendum, or refusal to issue to the citizen the written answer about reason for rejection of the statement for entering of correction into the electoral register, participants of referendum -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

Article 5.2. 


Article 5.3. Non-execution of the decision of the electoral commission, commission of referendum. Non-presentation of data and materials at the request of the electoral commission, the commission of referendum

1. Non-execution of the decision of the electoral commission, commission of the referendum accepted within its competence -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from one thousand to two thousand rubles; on legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.

2. Non-presentation by state bodies, local government bodies, public associations, organizations irrespective of pattern of ownership, including the organizations performing TV and (or) broadcasting, editions of periodic printing editions, online medias and also officials of the specified bodies and the organizations in the electoral commission, the commission of referendum of the data and materials requested by the commission according to the law, or submission of such data and materials with violation of the term established by the law, except as specified, stipulated in Article 5.4, part 1 of Article 5.17 and Article 5.64 of this Code, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on legal entities - from ten thousand to fifteen thousand rubles.

Article 5.4. Violation of procedure for submission of information about voters, participants of referendum

Violation of the procedure for submission of information about voters, participants of referendum established by the law or submission of false information on voters, participants of referendum to the relevant electoral commissions the official to who the law assigns this obligation, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from one thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 5.5. Violation of procedure for participation of mass media in information support of elections, referenda, all-Russian vote

1. Violation by the editor-in-chief, the editorial office of mass media, the organization performing TV and (or) broadcasting, or other organization performing release or distribution of mass media, procedure for publication (promulgation) for the materials connected with preparation and elections, referenda including propaganda materials, and is equal violation during the election campaign, campaign of referendum of procedure for publication (promulgation) of the specified materials in information and telecommunication networks, access to which is not limited by certain group of people, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens in the amount of five hundred to two thousand five hundred rubles, on officials - from one thousand to five thousand rubles; on legal entities - from thirty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

2. Failure to provide by the state or municipal organization performing TV and (or) broadcasting, edition of the state or municipal periodic printing edition of the electoral commission, commission of referendum on a grant basis, and is equal in the time established by the law according to broadcasting time, the printing area for informing voters, participants of referendum, participants of the all-Russian vote, answers to questions of citizens, promulgation of decisions and acts of the electoral commission, commission of referendum, and also for placement of other information which promulgation is stipulated by the legislation about elections and referenda, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from three thousand to four thousand rubles; on legal entities - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles.

Article 5.6. Violation of the rights of the member of the electoral commission, commission of referendum, the observer, foreign (international) observer, authorized representative or authorized representative of the candidate, the electoral association, the member or authorized representative of initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum or the representative of mass media

1. Violation of the rights of the member of the electoral commission, commission of referendum, the observer, foreign (international) observer, authorized representative or authorized representative of the candidate, the electoral association, the member or authorized representative of initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum or the representative of mass media on implementation of observation and on timely receipt of information and copies of the selective documents, documents of referendum, documents of the all-Russian vote which receipt is provided by the law, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; on officials - from one thousand to two thousand rubles.

2. Issue by the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary or other member of the electoral commission, commission of referendum with the right of casting vote to persons specified regarding 1 this Article, the verified copy of the protocol of the electoral commission, the commission of referendum on vote results, about election results, referendum or the all-Russian vote, containing data which do not correspond to the data containing in the first copy of the relevant protocol or assurance by the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary or other member of the electoral commission, commission of referendum with the right of casting vote of the copy of the protocol with violation of the requirements provided by the law -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles.

Article 5.7. Refusal in provision of leave for participation in elections, referendum

Refusal of the employer to grant the leave provided by the law to the registered candidate, the authorized representative of the registered candidate, the electoral association for carrying out the propaganda and provided by the law other activities promoting election of the registered candidate, the candidate list, and equally in refusal of the employer to exempt from work in the procedure for the member of the electoral commission, commission of referendum established by the law for participation in preparation and elections, referendum -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles.

Article 5.8. Violation stipulated by the legislation about elections and referenda of procedure and conditions of carrying out election propaganda, propaganda concerning referendum on channels of the organizations performing TV and (or) broadcasting and in periodic printing editions

Violation by the candidate, the electoral association, the member or authorized representative of initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum, the other person, the representative to act on behalf of the candidate, the electoral association or involved with specified persons in carrying out election propaganda, or person replacing the state position or elective municipal office, stipulated by the legislation about elections and referenda of procedure and conditions of carrying out election propaganda, propaganda concerning referendum in mass media -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; on officials - from two thousand to five thousand rubles; on the electoral associations, on other legal entities - from twenty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

Article 5.9. Violation during the election campaign of conditions of advertizing of business and other activity

Violation stipulated by the legislation about elections and referenda of conditions of advertizing of business and other activity of candidates, the registered candidates, the electoral associations, other persons and the organizations on which advertizing of business and other activity requirements and restrictions, stipulated by the legislation expatiate on elections and referenda, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles; on legal entities - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles.

Article 5.10. Carrying out election propaganda, propaganda concerning referendum out of the propaganda period and in places where its carrying out is forbidden by the legislation on elections and referenda

Election propaganda, propaganda concerning referendum out of the propaganda period established by the legislation on elections and referenda or in places where its carrying out is forbidden by the legislation on elections and referenda, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from five thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on officials - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.

Article 5.11. Carrying out election propaganda, propaganda concerning referendum persons to whom participation in its carrying out is forbidden by the Federal Law

Carrying out election propaganda, propaganda concerning referendum by persons to whom participation in its carrying out is forbidden by the Federal Law and is equal attraction to carrying out election propaganda, propaganda concerning referendum of persons who will not reach on ballot day of age of 18 years, in forms and methods which are prohibited by the Federal Law, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles; on legal entities - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles.

Article 5.12. Production, distribution or placement of propaganda materials with violation of requirements of the legislation on elections and referenda

1. Production or distribution to the period of preparation and elections, referendum of printed, audiovisual and other propaganda materials with violation of the requirements established by the legislation on elections and referenda -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from five thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on officials - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.

2. Placement of printed propaganda materials in places where it is forbidden by the Federal Law, or placement of these materials in rooms, buildings, on constructions and other objects without the permission of owners or owners of the specified objects -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from five thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on officials - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.

Article 5.13. Failure to provide opportunity to promulgate confutation or other explanation in protection of honor, advantage or goodwill

Failure to provide before the termination of term of election propaganda of opportunity to promulgate (to publish) confutation or other explanation in protection of honor, advantage or goodwill of the registered candidate, goodwill of the electoral association in case of promulgation (publication) in mass media of the materials capable to cause damage to honor, advantage or goodwill of the registered candidate, goodwill of the electoral association if according to the Federal Law provision of such opportunity is obligatory, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from two thousand to three thousand rubles; on legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.

Article 5.14. Intentional destruction or damage of the propaganda material or information material relating to elections, referendum, the all-Russian vote

Intentional destruction or damage of the information material relating to elections, referendum, the all-Russian vote or the propaganda material placed according to the law, which is hung out on the building, construction or other object during the election campaign, campaign of referendum or during preparation and carrying out the all-Russian vote or drawing texts or images on such material -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles.

Article 5.15. Violation by the established legislation on elections and referenda of procedure and times for notification of the electoral commission on the fact of provision of rooms and the right to provision of rooms for meetings with voters, participants of referendum

1. Violation by the established legislation on elections and referenda of procedure and times for notification of the electoral commission on the provision fact to the registered candidate, the electoral association, initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum for meetings with voters, participants of referendum of the room which is in the state-owned or municipal property or in property of the organization in which authorized (share) capital the share (contribution) of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and (or) municipalities exceeds 30 percent on the date of official publication (publication) of the decision on calling of an election, official publication of the decision on announcement of referendum, about conditions on which the room was provided, and also about when this room can be provided during the propaganda period to other registered candidates, the electoral associations to initiative group on holding referendum, other groups of participants of referendum, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from two thousand to three thousand rubles.

2. Violation of the right of the registered candidate established by the legislation on elections and referenda, the electoral association, initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum on provision for meetings with voters, participants of referendum of the room which is in the state-owned or municipal property or in property of the organization in which authorized (share) capital the share (contribution) of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and (or) municipalities exceeds 30 percent on the date of official publication (publication) of the decision on calling of an election, official publication of the decision on announcement of referendum or violation of equal conditions of provision of such room -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 5.16. Bribery of voters, participants of referendum or implementation during the election campaign, charity referendum campaign with violation of the law about elections and referenda

Bribery of voters, participants of referendum if these actions do not contain penal act, or implementation of charity with violation of the law about elections and referenda -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from twenty thousand to twenty five thousand rubles; on officials - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.

Article 5.17. Failure to provide or neopublishing of the report, data on receipt and expenditure of the funds allocated for preparation and elections, referendum

1. Failure to provide by the candidate, person who was the candidate, person elected the deputy or to other elective office or the electoral association, initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum, credit institution in the time of the report, data on sources and on the sizes of the funds transferred in the election fund, fund of referendum, and about all made costs for holding the election campaign, referendum campaign, incomplete provision established by the law according to the law of such data or provision of the doubtful report, data -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on the candidate, on person who was the candidate on person elected the deputy or to other elective office on the authorized representative on financial questions of the electoral association, initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum, on the official of credit institution at the rate from twenty thousand to twenty five thousand rubles.

2. The failure to provide which is not provided by the law incomplete provision or untimely provision by the chairman of the electoral commission, commission of referendum in mass media for publication of data on receipt and expenditure of means of the election funds, funds of referendum or financial statements of candidates, the registered candidates, the electoral associations -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.

Article 5.18. Illegal use of money when financing the election campaign of the candidate, the electoral association, activities of initiative group for holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum

Use by the candidate, the electoral association, initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum at financing of the election campaign or campaign of referendum of the money which is not listed in the election fund, fund of referendum, or the money which arrived in the election fund, fund of referendum with violation of the law on elections and referenda, and is equal expenditure other persons for the purpose of achievement of certain result on elections, referendum of the money which is not listed in the election fund, fund of referendum if these actions do not contain penal act, or exceeding of the sizes of expenditure of means of the election fund, fund of referendum established by the limiting law, or expenditure of money of the election fund, fund of referendum on not stipulated by the legislation on elections and referenda of the purpose -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from twenty thousand to twenty five thousand rubles; on officials - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from three hundred thousand to one million rubles.

Article 5.19. Use of illegal material support when financing the election campaign, referendum campaign

Use during the election campaign, preparation and holding referendum for the purpose of achievement of certain result on elections, referendum without compensation for the account of means of the corresponding election fund, fund of referendum of the material support given by citizens, legal entities, their branches, representations and other divisions of legal entities, except for use by the electoral association which pushed the candidate list without payment from means of the election fund of the real and personal estate (except for securities, printed materials and consumable materials) which is in its use on the date of official publication (publication) of the decision on calling of an election and also use of anonymous material support if these actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from twenty thousand to twenty five thousand rubles with confiscation of subject of administrative offense; on officials - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles with confiscation of subject of administrative offense; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles with confiscation of subject of administrative offense.

Article 5.20. Illegal financing of the election campaign of the candidate, the electoral association, referendum campaign, rendering the material support prohibited by the law, the performance of works connected with elections, referendum, rendering services, sales of goods free of charge or on unreasonably underestimated (overestimated) quotations

Providing financial support of the election campaign of the candidate, the electoral association, activities of initiative group for holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum in addition to their election funds, funds of referendum, or free or on unreasonably underestimated (overestimated) quotations performance of works, rendering the services, sales of goods by legal entities, their branches, representations and other divisions connected with elections, referendum and directed to achievement of certain result on elections, on promotion of initiative of holding referendum, on achievement of certain result on referendum, or accomplishment of paid works, sales of goods, rendering the paid services directed to achievement of certain result on elections on promotion of initiative of holding referendum, on achievement of certain result on referendum without documentary acknowledged consent of the candidate or his authorized representative on financial questions, the authorized representative on financial questions of the electoral association, initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum and without payment from the corresponding election fund, fund of referendum, or entering of donations into the election fund, fund of referendum through figureheads, or rendering to the candidate, initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum for holding the corresponding election campaign, campaign of referendum of the material support directed to achievement of certain result on elections, referendum without compensation for the account of means of the corresponding election fund, fund of referendum if these actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from ten thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; on officials - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from two hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles with confiscation of subject of administrative offense.

Article 5.21. Untimely money transfer to the electoral commissions, the commissions of referendum, candidates, the electoral associations, initiative groups on holding referendum, other groups of participants of referendum

Not transfer, and is equal transfer in incomplete amount or with violation of the terms established by the law by executive body, local government body, the given appropriate authority on money transfer, credit institution, post office of means to the electoral commissions, the commissions of referendum, candidates, the electoral associations, initiative groups on holding referendum, other groups of participants of referendum -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Article 5.22. Illegal issue and receipt of the ballot, voting bulletin on referendum, the bulletin for the all-Russian vote

1. Issue by the member of the electoral commission, commission of referendum to the citizen of the ballot, voting bulletin on referendum, the bulletin for the all-Russian vote for provision to it opportunity to vote instead of the voter, the participant of referendum, the participant of the all-Russian vote, including instead of other voter, the participant of referendum, or to vote more than once during the same vote or issue to the citizen of the completed ballot, voting bulletin on referendum if these actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of thirty thousand rubles.

2. Obtaining in the electoral commission, the commission of referendum of the ballot, voting bulletin on referendum, the bulletin for the all-Russian vote for participation in vote instead of the voter, the participant of referendum, including instead of other voter, the participant of referendum, the participant of the all-Russian vote, or for participation in vote more than once during the same vote if these actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of thirty thousand rubles.

3. Making of the administrative offense provided by part 2 of this Article, person which is earlier subjected to administrative punishment for similar administrative offense if these actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of fifty thousand rubles.

Article 5.23. Concealment of remaining balance of circulations of ballots, voting bulletins on referendum

Concealment of remaining balance of circulations of ballots, voting bulletins on referendum -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred rubles; on officials - from three thousand to four thousand rubles; on legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Article 5.24. Violation of the procedure for counting of votes, determination of election results, referendum, the all-Russian vote, procedure for creation of the protocol on vote results established by the law with the mark "Repeated" or "Repeated Counting of Votes"

1. Violation by the chairman or member of the electoral commission, commission of referendum of the procedure for counting of votes or the procedure for processing of results of vote, determination of election results, referendum, the all-Russian vote established by the law established by the law -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of five hundred to one thousand five hundred rubles.

2. Violation by the chairman or member of the electoral commission, commission of referendum of the procedure for creation of the protocol on vote results established by the Federal Law with the mark "Repeated" or "Repeated Counting of Votes" -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles.

Article 5.25. Failure to provide data on results of vote or about election results

1. Failure to provide or untimely provision by the chairman of the precinct election commission, the commission of referendum for acquaintance to voters, participants of referendum, participants of the all-Russian vote, the registered candidates, the electoral associations, observers, foreign (international) observers, representatives of mass media of data on vote results -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles.

2. The same violation made by the chairman of territorial election commission, commission of referendum, and is equal violation of terms of the direction of data by it or incomplete provision of data on vote results on elections, referendum, the all-Russian vote to mass media for publication -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from one thousand to two thousand rubles.

3. The violation provided by part of 1 this Article, made by the chairman of district electoral commission, commission of referendum, and is equal violation of terms of the direction of data by it or incomplete provision of data on vote results, about election results in mass media for publication -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from two thousand to three thousand rubles.

4. The violation provided by part 3 of this Article, made by the chairman of the electoral commission, commission of referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from three thousand to four thousand rubles.

5. The violation provided by part 3 of this Article, made by the Chairman of Russian Central Election Commission -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from four thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 5.26. Violation of the law about liberty of conscience, religious liberty and about religious associations

1. Hindrance to implementation of right to liberty of conscience and religious liberty, including to acceptance of religious or other beliefs or refusal of them, the introduction in religious consolidation or to exit from it, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on officials - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to one million rubles.

2. Intentional public defilement of religious or liturgical literature, objects of religious honoring, signs or emblems of world outlook symbolics and attributes or their spoil or destruction -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles or obligatory works for a period of up to hundred twenty hours; on officials - from hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles.

3. Implementation of activities by the religious organization without specifying of the official full name, including release or distribution within missionary activities of literature, printed, audio-and video records not marked with the specified name or with incomplete or obviously false marking, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles with confiscation of literature, printed, audio-and video records.

4. Implementation of missionary activities with violation of requirements of the legislation on liberty of conscience, religious liberty and about religious associations -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from five thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to one million rubles.

5. The violation provided by part 4 of this Article, made by the foreign citizen or the stateless person -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles with administrative expulsion out of limits of the Russian Federation or without that.

Article 5.27. Violation of the labor law and other regulatory legal acts containing regulations of labor right

1. Violation of the labor law and other regulatory legal acts containing regulations of labor right if other is not provided by parts 3, 4 and 6 these Articles and Article 5.27.1 of this Code, -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from one thousand to five thousand rubles; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from one thousand to five thousand rubles; on legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

2. Making of the administrative offense provided by part of 1 this Article, person which is earlier subjected to administrative punishment for similar administrative offense -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of one year up to three years; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from fifty thousand to seventy thousand rubles.

3. The actual assumption to work as person which is not authorized on it by the employer if the employer or his representative on it the representative refuses to recognize the relations which arose between person which is actually allowed to work and this employer, employment relationships (does not conclude with person which is actually allowed to work, the employment contract), -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles; on officials - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.

4. Evasion from registration either inadequate execution of the employment contract or the conclusion of the civil agreement which is actually governing employment relationships between the worker and the employer -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; on legal entities - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

5. Making of the administrative offenses provided by part 3 or 4 of this Article, person which is earlier subjected to administrative punishment for similar administrative offense -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens in the amount of five thousand rubles; on officials - disqualification for a period of one year up to three years; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles.

6. Nonpayment or incomplete payment at the scheduled time of the salary, other payments performed within employment relationships if these actions do not contain penal act, or hindrance by the employer to implementation by the worker of the right to replacement of credit institution to which the salary, or establishment of the salary in the amount of less than the size provided by the labor law shall be transferred -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from one thousand to five thousand rubles; on legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

7. Making of the administrative offense provided by part 6 of this Article, person which is earlier subjected to administrative punishment for similar offense if these actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of one year up to three years; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

Article 5.27.1. Violation of the state normative requirements of labor protection containing in the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation

1. Violation of the state normative requirements of labor protection containing in the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, except as specified, provided by parts 2 - 4 these Articles and part 3 of Article 11.23 of this Code, -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from two thousand to five thousand rubles; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from two thousand to five thousand rubles; on legal entities - from fifty thousand to eighty thousand rubles.

2. Violation of established procedure of carrying out special assessment of working conditions by the employer on workplaces or its not carrying out -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; on legal entities from sixty thousand to eighty thousand rubles.

3. The admission of the worker to execution of labor obligations by it without passing in accordance with the established procedure training and examination of requirements of labor protection, and also obligatory preliminary (in case of revenues to work) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations, obligatory medical examinations at the beginning of the working day (change), obligatory psychiatric surveys or in the presence of medical contraindications -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from fifteen thousand to twenty five thousand rubles; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from fifteen thousand to twenty five thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred ten thousand to hundred thirty thousand rubles.

4. Failure to provide of workers individual protection equipment -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred thirty thousand to hundred fifty thousand rubles.

5. Making of the administrative offenses provided by parts 1 - 4 these Articles, person which is earlier subjected to administrative punishment for similar administrative offense -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of one year up to three years; on persons performing business activity without formation of legal entity - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of operations for a period of up to ninety days; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles or administrative suspension of operations for a period of up to ninety days.

Note. In part 4 of this Article it is necessary to understand the individual protection equipment carried by the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of individual protection equipment" to the 2nd class depending on damnification risk degree to the worker as individual protection equipment.

Article 5.28. Evasion from participation in negotiations on the conclusion of the collective agreement, the agreement or violation of fixed term of their conclusion

Evasion of the employer or person representing it, from participation in negotiations on the conclusion, about change or about amendment of the collective agreement, agreement or violation of the negotiation term established by the law, and is equal failure to provide of work of the commission on the conclusion of the collective agreement, agreement in the terms determined by the parties -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from one thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 5.29. Failure to provide information necessary for carrying out collective bargainings and control of observance of the collective agreement, agreement

Failure to provide by the employer or person, it representing, in time, established by the law, information necessary for carrying out collective bargainings and control of observance of the collective agreement, the agreement, -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from one thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 5.30. Unreasonable refusal of the conclusion of the collective agreement, agreement

Unreasonable refusal of the employer or person representing it of the conclusion of the collective agreement, the agreement -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 5.31. Violation or default on obligations of the collective agreement, agreement

1. Violation or failure to carry out by the employer or person representing it, obligations according to the collective agreement, the agreement, except as specified, provided by part 2 of this Article, -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

2. Violation or failure to carry out by the employer or person representing it obligations according to the collective agreement, the agreement in the part concerning labor protection of the workers occupied at works with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, including at underground works -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from six thousand to ten thousand rubles.

Article 5.32. Evasion from receipt of requirements of workers and from participation in conciliatory procedures

Evasion of the employer or his representative from receipt of requirements of workers and from participation in conciliatory procedures, including failure to provide the room for holding meeting (conference) of workers for the purpose of promotion of requirements or creation of obstacles to holding such meeting (such conference), -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from one thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 5.33. Failure to carry out of the agreement

Failure to carry out by the employer or his representative of agreement obligations, reached as a result of the conciliatory procedure, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from two thousand to four thousand rubles.

Article 5.34. Dismissal of workers in connection with collective employment dispute and the announcement of strike

Dismissal of workers in connection with collective employment dispute and the announcement of strike -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from four thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 5.35. Non-execution by parents or other legal representatives of minor obligations on content and education of minors

1. Non-execution or improper execution by parents or other legal representatives of minor obligations on content, education, training, protection of the rights and interests of minors -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of hundred to five hundred rubles.

2. The violation by parents or other legal representatives of the minor rights and interests of minors expressed in deprivation of their right to communication with parents or close relatives if such communication does not contradict interests of children, in intended concealment of the location of children in addition to their will, in non-execution of the judgment on determination of the residence of children, including the judgment on determination of the residence of children for the period to the introduction in legal force of the judgment on determination of their residence, in non-execution of the judgment on procedure of the parent rights or about procedure of the parent rights to the period to the introduction in legal force of the judgment or in other hindrance to implementation by parents of the rights to education and education of children and on protection of their rights and interests, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from two thousand to three thousand rubles.

3. Repeated making of the administrative offense provided by part 2 of this Article -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from four thousand to five thousand rubles or administrative detention for a period of up to five days.

Article 5.35.1. Failure to pay funds for content of children or disabled parents

1. Failure to pay by the parent without valid excuse in defiance of the judgment or notarially certified agreement of means in the amount of, established according to the judgment or notarially certified agreement, on content of the minor children or disabled children who reached eighteen-year age within two and more months from the date of excitement of enforcement proceeding if such actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts obligatory works for a period of up to hundred fifty hours or administrative detention for a period of ten up to fifteen days or imposing of administrative penalty on persons to whom according to this Code obligatory works or administrative detention, in the amount of twenty thousand rubles cannot be applied.

2. Failure to pay by full age able-bodied children without valid excuse in defiance of the judgment or notarially certified agreement of means in the amount of, established according to the judgment or notarially certified agreement, on content of disabled parents within two and more months from the date of excitement of enforcement proceeding if such actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts obligatory works for a period of up to hundred fifty hours or administrative detention for a period of ten up to fifteen days or imposing of administrative penalty on persons to whom according to this Code obligatory works or administrative detention, in the amount of twenty thousand rubles cannot be applied.

Article 5.36. Violation of procedure or terms of provision of information about the minors needing foster care in family or in organizations for orphan children or for children without parental support

1. Violation by the head of organization in which there are children without parental support or the official of executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation or local government body of procedure or terms of provision of information about the minor needing foster care in family (on adoption (adoption), under guardianship (guardianship) or in foster home) or in organization for orphan children or for children without parental support, and is equal provision of obviously false information on such minor -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

2. Making by the head of organization in which there are children without parental support, or the official of executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation or local government body of the actions directed to the shelter of the minor from foster care in family (on adoption (adoption), under guardianship (guardianship) or in foster home) or in organization for orphan children or for children without parental support, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from two thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 5.37. Illegal actions for adoption (adoption) of the child, its transfer under guardianship (guardianship) or in foster home

Illegal actions for adoption (adoption) of the child, its transfer under guardianship (guardianship) or in foster home -

attract imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; on officials - from four thousand to five thousand rubles; on legal entities - from two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.

Article 5.38. Violation of the law about meetings, meetings, demonstrations, processions and picketing

Hindrance of the organization or to holding meeting, meeting, the demonstration, procession or picketing held in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or participation in them, and is equal coercion to participation in them -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on officials - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Article 5.39. Refusal in provision of information

Illegal refusal in provision to the citizen, including the lawyer in connection with the lawyer request which arrived from it, and (or) the organizations of information which is provided by the Federal Laws, its untimely provision or provision of obviously unreliable information -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.

Article 5.40. Coercion to participation or to refusal of participation in strike

Coercion to participation or to refusal of participation in strike by violence or threats of use of violence or with use of the dependency forced -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; on officials - from one thousand to two thousand rubles.

Article 5.41. Failure to provide on a grant basis services in burial, nonpayment of social benefit for burial

Failure to provide on a grant basis the services provided by the guaranteed list of services in burial, and equally in nonpayment of social benefit for burial in the spouse, close relatives, other relatives, the legal representative of the dead or the other person who undertook obligation to perform burial of the dead, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from two thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 5.42. Violation of the rights of disabled people in the field of employment and employment

1. Non-execution of obligation by the employer on accomplishment of quota for employment of disabled people, except as specified releases of the employer from accomplishment of the established quota, or refusal of the employer in employment of the disabled person within the established quota -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on individual entrepreneurs - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

2. Unreasonable refusal in registration of the disabled person as the unemployed -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.

Article 5.43. Violation of the requirements of the legislation providing allocation in parkings (stops) of places for special vehicles of disabled people

Violation of the requirements of the legislation providing allocation in parkings (stops) of places for special vehicles of disabled people -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles; on legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Article 5.44.


Article 5.45. Use of benefits of official or official position during the election campaign, referendum campaign

Use by the person replacing the state or municipal position, or being in the public or municipal service, or being the member of governing body of the organization irrespective of pattern of ownership (in the organization which supreme body of management is the meeting, - the member of the body performing management of activities of this organization), except for political party, benefits of the official or official position for the purpose of promotion and (or) election of the candidate, the candidate list, promotion and (or) support of initiative of holding referendum, receipt of this or that answer to question (questions) of referendum -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 5.46. Counterfeit of signatures of voters, participants of referendum

Counterfeit of signatures of voters, the participants of referendum who are brought together in support of promotion of the candidate, the candidate list of initiative of holding referendum, and assurance of obviously counterfeited signatures (subscription lists) by person performing petition of voters or the authorized person is equal if these actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles.

Article 5.47. Petition of voters, participants of referendum in the prohibited places, and also petition by persons to which participation in it is forbidden by the Federal Law

Participation of public authorities, local government bodies, governing bodies of the organizations irrespective of pattern of ownership, organizations, members of the electoral commissions with the right of casting vote in petition of voters in support of promotion of the candidate, the candidate list, in petition of participants of referendum in support of initiative of holding referendum, and equally in petition on workplaces, in process and in places of salary payment, pensions, benefits, other social payments, and also when rendering the charitable help -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from one thousand to two thousand rubles; on officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles; on legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.

Article 5.48. Violation of the rights of the registered candidates, the electoral associations, initiative groups on holding referendum, other groups of participants of referendum at allocation of the areas for placement of propaganda materials

Violation of the rights of the registered candidates, the electoral associations, initiative groups on holding referendum, other groups of participants of referendum on placement of propaganda materials on the object which is in the state-owned or municipal property or is equal in property of the organization in which authorized (share) capital the share (contribution) of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and (or) municipalities on the date of official publication (publication) of the decision on calling of an election, registration of initiative group on holding referendum exceeds 30 percent and violation by the organizations rendering promotion services, conditions of placement of propaganda materials -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials in the amount of two thousand five hundred to three thousand rubles; on legal entities - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles.

Article 5.49. Violation of prohibition on carrying out during the election campaign, campaign of referendum of the lotteries and other games based on risk connected with elections and referendum

Violation of prohibition on carrying out during the election campaign, campaign of referendum of lotteries and other games based on risk in which the prize of prizes or participation in draw of prizes depends on results of vote, election results, referendum or which are otherwise connected with elections, referendum, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; on officials - from three thousand to five thousand rubles; on legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Article 5.50. Abuse of regulations of money transfer, brought in the election fund, fund of referendum

Non-return to the donor in the time of the donations (their part) listed in the election fund, fund of referendum with violation of requirements of the legislation on elections and referenda, not transfer in the specified time in the income of the relevant budget of the donations brought by anonymous donors established by the legislation on elections and referenda -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on the candidate, on person who was the candidate on person elected the deputy on the authorized representative on financial questions of initiative group on holding referendum, other group of participants of referendum at the rate from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on the electoral association - from hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles.

Article 5.51.

Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 09.03.2016 No. 66-FZ

Article 5.52. Failure to carry out by the authorized person of requirements of the legislation on elections about providing to candidates, the electoral associations of equal conditions for holding propaganda public actions

Failure to carry out to the registered candidates authorized on that by the official of requirements about providing, the electoral associations of equal conditions for holding propaganda public actions in cases when such conditions are provided by the law, or other violation of the rights, stipulated by the legislation about elections, of the registered candidate, the electoral association when holding the specified actions by them -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 5.53. Illegal actions for obtaining and (or) distribution of information constituting credit history

Illegal actions for obtaining and (or) distribution of information constituting credit history if such actions do not contain penal act, -

attract imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; on officials - from two thousand five hundred to five thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of up to three years; on legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Article 5.54. Non-execution of obligation on conducting check and (or) correction of the unreliable information containing in credit history (credit report)

1. Not conducting check or untimely carrying out upon the demand of the subject of credit history of check of bureau of credit histories of information containing in credit history (credit report) -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; on legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.

2. Illegal refusal of bureau of credit histories in correction of unreliable information or non-execution of obligation on correction of the unreliable information containing in credit history (credit report) -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from two thousand to five thousand rubles; on legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Article 5.55. Failure to provide the credit report

Failure to provide bureau of credit histories of the credit report, provision of the incomplete or doubtful credit report, and also untimely provision of the credit report in cases if such provision is performed or shall be performed according to the Federal Law "About Credit Stories", -

attract imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; on legal entities - from twenty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Article 5.56. Violation of procedure and the terms of representation and document storage connected with preparation and elections, referendum

1. Non-presentation by the chairman, vice-chairman or secretary of the electoral commission, commission of referendum in higher electoral commission, the commission of referendum of the documents connected with preparation and elections, referendum, or their representation with violation of the terms established by the law -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from two thousand to five thousand rubles.

2. Destruction of the documents connected with preparation and elections, referendum before the expiration of terms of their storage, and also violation of established procedure of destruction of such documents -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; on officials - from two thousand to five thousand rubles.

Article 5.57. Violation of right to education and the rights and freedoms, stipulated by the legislation about formation, of the studying educational organizations

1. The violation or illegal restriction of right to education expressed in violation or restriction of the right to public and free education, and equally illegal refusal in acceptance in the educational organization or assignment (exception) of the educational organization -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles.

2. Violation or illegal restriction of the rights and freedoms, stipulated by the legislation about formation, of the studying educational organizations or violation of established procedure of realization of the specified rights and freedoms -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

3. Making of the administrative offense provided by part of 1 this Article, the official who is earlier subjected to administrative punishment for similar administrative offense -

attracts disqualification for a period of one year up to two years.

Article 5.58. Violation of the procedure for issue of the absentee ballot established by the legislation on elections and referenda and failure to meet requirements about its withdrawal. Violation of procedure for use of special sign (brand). Use of obviously counterfeit absentee ballot or special sign (brand)

1. Violation of the procedure for issue of the absentee ballot established by the legislation on elections and referenda or failure to meet requirement about withdrawal of the absentee ballot or detachable coupon of the absentee ballot or violation of procedure for use of special sign (brand) in case of inclusion of the voter, participant of referendum in the electoral register, participants of referendum -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles.

2. Use of obviously counterfeit absentee ballot or special sign (brand) -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty in the amount of one thousand five hundred to three thousand rubles.

Article 5.59. Violation of procedure for consideration of addresses of citizens

Violation of the procedure for consideration of addresses of citizens, associations of citizens, including legal entities established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, officials of state bodies, local government bodies, public and local government offices and other organizations to which implementation of publicly significant functions, except as specified, provided by Articles 5 is assigned. 39, 5.63 of this Code, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.

Article 5.60.

Voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 28.07.2012 No. 141-FZ

Article 5.61. Insult

1. Insult, that is the humiliation of honor and advantage of other person expressed in the indecent or other contradicting generally accepted standards of morality and morality form -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles; on officials - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles.

2. The insult containing in public statement, publicly shown work or mass media or committed publicly with use of information and telecommunication networks including Internet network, or concerning several persons, including individually not determined, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; on officials - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles; on legal entities - from two hundred thousand to seven hundred thousand rubles.

3. Rejection of measures to non-admission of insult in publicly shown work, mass media or information and telecommunication networks, including Internet network, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

4. The insult which is commited by person, replacing the state or municipal position or position of the public civil or municipal service, in connection with implementation of the powers (job responsibilities), -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of up to one year.

5. Repeated making of the administrative offense provided by part 4 of this Article -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from hundred thousand to hundred fifty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of up to two years.

Article 5.61.1. Slander

Slander, that is distribution of obviously false data discrediting honor and advantage of other person or hurting its reputation -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on legal entities at the rate from five hundred thousand to three million rubles.

Article 5.62. Discrimination

Discrimination, that is violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of man and citizen depending on its floor, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, marital, social and official capacity, age, the residence, the relation to religion, beliefs, accessory or not belonging to public associations or any social groups, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on citizens at the rate from one thousand to three thousand rubles; on legal entities - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

Article 5.63. Violation of the law about the organization of provision of the state and municipal services

1. Violation by the official of federal executive body or body of state non-budgetary fund of the Russian Federation, the employee of the multipurpose center, the employee of other organization performing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation functions of the multipurpose center or the employee of the public institution performing activities for provision of the state services in the field of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it and the state cadastral registration of real estate, procedure for provision of the state service provided by federal executive body or state non-budgetary fund of the Russian Federation, the entailed failure to provide the state service to the applicant or provision of the state service to the applicant with violation of the fixed terms, except as specified, provided by part 2 of this Article if these actions (failure to act) do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials of federal executive bodies or bodies of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles; on employees of the multipurpose centers, employees of other organizations performing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation functions of the multipurpose center, employees of the public institution performing activities for provision of the state services in the field of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it and the state cadastral registration of real estate - from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

1.1. Violation by the official of executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation or the local government body performing executive powers, procedure for provision of the state service if normative legal regulation of the relations arising in connection with provision of this state service is performed by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the entailed failure to provide the state service to the applicant or provision of the state service to the applicant with violation of the fixed terms, except as specified, provided by part 2 of this Article if these actions (failure to act) do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on the officials of executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation or local government bodies performing executive powers at the rate from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

2. The requirement persons specified in parts 1 and 1.1 of this Article for provision of the state services, documents and (or) the payments which are not provided by the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation accepted according to them if these actions do not contain penal act, -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, the local government bodies performing executive powers or bodies of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation at the rate from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; on employees of the multipurpose centers, employees of other organizations performing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation functions of the multipurpose center, employees of the public institution performing activities for provision of the state services in the field of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it and the state cadastral registration of real estate - from one thousand five hundred to three thousand rubles.

3. Violation by the official given authority on consideration of claims to violation of procedure for provision of the state or municipal service, procedure or terms of consideration of the claim or illegal refusal or evasion of the specified official of its acceptance to consideration -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles.

4. Making of the administrative offense provided by part 1, 1.1 or 2 these Articles, person which is earlier subjected to administrative punishment for similar administrative offense -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, the local government bodies performing executive powers or bodies of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation at the rate from ten thousand to fifteen thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of six months; on employees of the multipurpose centers, employees of other organizations performing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation functions of the multipurpose center, employees of the public institution performing activities for provision of the state services in the field of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it and the state cadastral registration of real estate - from three thousand to five thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of six months.

5. Making of the administrative offense provided by part 3 of this Article, person which is earlier subjected to administrative punishment for similar administrative offense -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty at the rate from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of six months up to one year.

Note. Provisions of this Article do not extend to administrative offenses, stipulated in Article 14.9.1 of this Code.

Article 5.63.1. Violation of the requirements of the legislation providing issue of special permissions to movement on highways of the heavyweight and (or) large-size vehicle

1. Violation of fixed terms of approval of routes of the heavyweight and (or) large-size vehicle or term of issue of special permission to movement on highways of the heavyweight and (or) large-size vehicle or unreasonable refusal in approval of routes of the heavyweight and (or) large-size vehicle or in issue of special permission to movement on highways of the heavyweight and (or) large-size vehicle -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on legal entities from hundred thousand to two hundred fifty thousand rubles.

2. Repeated making of the administrative offense provided by part of 1 this Article -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on legal entities - from two hundred fifty thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.

Article 5.64. Violation of procedure or term of submission of data on receipt and expenditure of means of political party, summary financial statement of political party

1. Violation by political party, its regional department or other registered structural division of the term of submission of data on receipt and expenditure of means of political party established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on political parties, or submission of these data in smaller amount, than is provided by the specified legislation, or with violation of the established form, or submission of obviously false information -

attracts the prevention or imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from twenty thousand to twenty five thousand rubles; on political party, its regional department or other registered structural division - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

2. Making of administrative offense, repeated within the year, provided by part of 1 this Article -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles; on political party, its regional department or other registered structural division - from hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles.

3. Violation by political party of the term of submission of the summary financial statement of political party established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on political parties, or submission of this report in smaller amount, than is provided by the specified legislation, or with violation of the established form, or specifying in this report of obviously false information -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from twenty thousand to twenty five thousand rubles; on political party - from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles.

4. Repeated during the next accounting period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on political parties, making of the administrative offense provided by part 3 of this Article -

attracts imposing of administrative penalty on officials at the rate from fifty thousand to hundred thousand rubles; on political party - from two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.


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