Unofficial translation (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of April 19, 2022 No. 479
About approval of the Regulations on the State extraordinary antiepizootic commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Standard regulations on the local State extraordinary antiepizootic commission and recognition voided some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
According to parts two and the sixth article 9 of the Law of Ukraine "About veterinary medicine" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Standard Regulations on the local state extraordinary antiepizootic commission.
2. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.
3. This resolution becomes effective since March 21, 2023.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 19, 2022 No. 479
1. This Provision determines the basic principles of functioning and the organization of activities of the State extraordinary antiepizootic commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (further - the Commission).
2. The commission is permanent body under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine which exercises operating control, management and coordination of activities of executive bodies, local government bodies, physical persons and legal entities, irrespective of pattern of ownership, concerning prevention of outbreaks of especially dangerous diseases included in the list of the World Health Organization of animals (further - infectious diseases), invasive diseases and mass poisonings of animals and their liquidation.
3. The commission in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, and also the presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine accepted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and this Provision.
4. The main objectives of the Commission are:
1) implementation of operating control through executive bodies, local government bodies, and also heads and specialists of the companies, organizations and the organizations for:
holding actions for prevention of infectious, invasive diseases of animals, zoonoz and mass poisonings of animals;
holding antiepizootic actions for the purpose of non-admission of drift on the territory of Ukraine of causative agents of infectious, invasive diseases of animals from other states;
observance by physical persons and legal entities, irrespective of pattern of ownership, requirements in case of application of the veterinary and sanitary actions directed to protection of people and protection of the surrounding environment;
2) rendering the practical help to the local state extraordinary antiepizootic commissions in holding antiepizootic actions.
5. The commission according to the tasks assigned to it:
hears and approves the report of Gosprodpotrebsluzhby on accomplishment of the plan of antiepizootic actions in Ukraine for previous year;
approves the plan of antiepizootic actions in Ukraine the next year;
performs management of activities of executive bodies, companies, organizations and organizations for prevention of outbreaks of infectious, invasive diseases and mass poisoning of animals and their liquidations;
coordinates activities central and local executive bodies, the companies, organizations and the organizations, the local state extraordinary antiepizootic commissions concerning holding antiepizootic actions;
recommends implementation of actions for the organization of protection of the population against zoonoz;
informs the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the outbreaks of infectious, invasive diseases and mass poisonings of farm and wild animals, and also on the taken measures to their liquidation;
makes the decision on introduction of quarantine and publishes the message on the official website of competent authority and/or in mass media, and also within the first 24 hours after adoption of such decision provides informing persons which are in the territory of quarantine zone;
enters quarantine actions (quarantine restrictions) or quarantine in the place of origin and spread of infectious, invasive diseases of animals;
hears heads central and local executive bodies, the local state extraordinary antiepizootic commissions, the companies, organizations and the organizations about the taken measures for prevention and liquidation of infectious, invasive diseases of animals;
receives and analyzes activities reports of the local state extraordinary antiepizootic commissions, and also cancels their decisions in case of discrepancy to the legislation;
quickly involves employees of the relevant territorial authorities of Gosprodpotrebsluzhby, the companies, organizations and the organizations which are subordinated to it, the licensed institutions of veterinary medicine which are a part of the system of competent authority, other licensed institutions of veterinary medicine, licensed specialists of veterinary medicine, employees of the companies, organizations and the organizations to holding antiepizootic actions, and also responsible persons;
quickly attracts in accordance with the established procedure to assistance in implementation and implementation of actions for localization and liquidation of especially dangerous disease included in the list of the World Health Organization of animals, employees of the central executive bodies which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs, and the military personnel;
considers materials concerning the reasons and consequences of origin and liquidation of outbreaks of infectious, invasive diseases and mass poisonings of animals, determination of persons, guilty of it;
recommends implementation of actions for the further address with the dangerous products of animal origin withdrawn from circulation which can cause infectious diseases and mass poisonings of people and/or animals in the course of its conversion, realization or consumption;
determines borders of unsuccessful Item (the outbreak of disease), protection zones, in case of need - zones of observation and buffer zone, and publishes on the official website of Gosprodpotrebsluzhby and/or in mass media the message on the specified borders, on the quarantine actions (quarantine restrictions) applied in each of these zones and the expected term of their action.
6. The commission has the right:
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