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of April 16, 2022 No. 457

About support of separate categories of the population which suffered in connection with military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

(as amended on 04-08-2023)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Determine what for support of separate categories of the population which suffered in connection with military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is provided:

1) to internally displaced persons, data on which are included in the Single information database about internally displaced persons, - benefit for accommodation to internally displaced persons according to Procedure for assistance on accommodation to the internally displaced persons approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 20, 2022 No. 332 "Some questions of allowance payment on accommodation to internally displaced persons".

the paragraph two is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17.05.2022 No. 602

the paragraph third is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17.05.2022 No. 602

the paragraph the fourth is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17.05.2022 No. 602

2) to persons who are evacuated from the settlements located in areas of carrying out military (fighting) operations (possible fighting), to safe areas, - humanitarian and other assistance to the civilian population in the conditions of warlike situation in Ukraine according to Procedure for use of funds from the account of the Ministry of questions of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories for requirements satisfaction of the evacuated persons from the settlements located in areas of carrying out military (fighting) operations (possible fighting) to safe areas and persons living in the disoccupied settlements, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved by the resolution of October 21, 2022 No. 1195 "Some questions of use of means for requirements satisfaction of the evacuated persons and persons living in the disoccupied settlements" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2022, No. 85, the Art. 5275), - with changes, brought by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 4, 2023 No. 819, or the help at the expense of means of the international organizations;

3) to persons living in the disoccupied settlements - humanitarian and other assistance to the civilian population in the conditions of warlike situation in Ukraine according to Procedure for use of funds from the account of the Ministry of questions of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories for requirements satisfaction of the evacuated persons from the settlements located in areas of carrying out military (fighting) operations (possible fighting) to safe areas and persons living in the disoccupied settlements, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved by the resolution of October 21, 2022 No. 1195 "Some questions of use of means for requirements satisfaction of the evacuated persons and persons living in the disoccupied settlements" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2022, No. 85, the Art. 5275), - with changes, brought by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 4, 2023 No. 819, or the help at the expense of means of the international organizations.

2. Determine that for persons living in settlements which are in temporary occupation, cordon (blocking) charge and payment of all receivable social payments (pensions, social benefits, privileges and subsidies, etc.) proceed in full taking into account the features determined by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 26, 2022 No. 162 "About features of payment and delivery of pensions, money allowances for the period of introduction of warlike situation" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2022, No. 20, of the Art. 1065), of March 7, 2022 No. 214 "Some questions of provision of the government public assistance and privileges for the period of introduction of warlike situation" - with the changes made by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 11, 2022 No. 258, and of March 7, 2022 No. 215 "About features of charge and payment of money allowances, privileges and housing subsidies for the period of action of warlike situation".

3. Other types of support, including in the form of money payments, can be provided way to persons specified in Item 1 of this resolution:

assistance by the international organizations according to the determined and fixed arrangements for program implementation between the central executive body authorized on forming and realization of state policy in the respective sphere and relevant international organization;

establishments of village, settlement, city councils by executive bodies at the expense of own means and charitable receipts of additional guarantees on social protection of the population according to article 34 of the Law of Ukraine "About local self-government in Ukraine".

3-1. To persons who have no and had no status of internally displaced persons and live in the disoccupied (deblocked) settlements or settlements located in zone of active fighting or permanent firings or in settlements which are in temporary occupation, cordon (blocking) money payments by the international organizations according to the determined and fixed arrangements for program implementation between the central executive body authorized on forming and realization of state policy in the respective sphere and relevant international organization can be provided.

For receipt of such money payments specified persons can submit the application for receipt of the help by filling of form on the information epodderzhka platform ( and, in case of technical implementation, means of the Single state web portal of electronic services, including with use of mobile application of the Action Portal.

Based on the submitted request Ministry of Social Policy carries out verification of the data specified by person in the request with data which contain in databases of the state company "Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Social Policy", creates lists of persons from among the most vulnerable categories and transfers them to the international organization which agreed to program implementation on provision of money payments to the population.


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