of April 25, 2022 No. ZRU-766
About organic products
Accepted by Legislative house on December 3, 2021
Approved by the Senate on March 17, 2022
The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of organic products (production, conversion, storage, transportation, marking and realization of organic products, and also assessment of conformity and authorization).
Operation of this Law does not extend to the organic products made for private consumption.
The legislation on organic products consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about organic products then are applied rules of the international treaty.
In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
authorization - issue of the operating authority as accredited body on assessment of conformity by the authorized state body responsible for observance of the requirements established by this Law and other regulating documents in the field of technical regulation in the sphere of organic products;
inspection check-up - assessment procedure of compliance of organic products to the requirements established by the legislation on organic products and regulating documents in the field of technical regulation;
organic products - the certified products received using at all stages of its production, conversion, storage, transportation and realization of the production technologies meeting the requirements of the legislation on organic products and regulating documents in the field of technical regulation;
production of organic products - activities for production and conversion of products using the production technologies meeting the requirements of the legislation on organic products and regulating documents in the field of technical regulation which observance is necessary for receipt of the certificate of organic compliance;
the producer of organic products - the physical person or legal entity performing activities for production of organic products.
The basic principles in the field of production of organic products are:
priority of protection of life and health of citizens, and also environmental protections;
voluntariness in case of the choice of the direction of production of organic products;
transparency and openness of information on organic products;
use of renewable natural resources;
environmental protection and providing ecological safety.
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
provides realization of single state policy in the field of organic products;
approves the state programs aimed at the development of production of organic products and provides their realization;
creates favorable legal and economic conditions for development of production, conversion, storage, transportation and realization of organic products;
establishes regulations of admissible pollution in case of production of organic products and the requirement to safety of organic products, including diseases of organic cultures (plants), and determines admissible quantity of remaining balance in organic products biological and the chemicals used for protection against wreckers;
establishes requirements to import to the territories of the Republic of Uzbekistan and export from its territory of organic products, and also to production, conversion, storage, transportation, realization and utilization of organic products;
performs international cooperation in the field of organic products.
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan can perform also other powers according to the legislation.
Authorized state body in the field of organic products is the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - authorized state body).
Authorized state body:
realizes single state policy in the field of organic products;
develops and realizes the state and other programs in the field of organic products;
provides creation of production system of the organic products based on the principle of the concept of sustainable development according to the purposes and tasks of state policy and programs for its realization;
performs cross-industry coordination of activities for production of organic products, and also the organization of work within this process;
carries out monitoring of observance of requirements of the legislation on organic products and the regulating documents in the field of technical regulation including connected with use of the certified seeds of landing materials, organic fertilizers and remedies of plants, fodder raw materials, feed additives, medicines used in case of care of livestock, bird, bees disinfecting and cleaners, nutritional supplements and technological components in case of production of organic products;
carries out authorization of activities of conformity assessment bodies;
requests and obtains necessary information on production of organic products from other organizations, irrespective of their pattern of ownership;
creates to subjects of business activity favorable conditions for production of organic products with use of the innovative agroprocessing methods and technologies, methods and processes meeting safety requirements of life and health of the person, and also environmental protection;
renders services in training and consultation on questions of production, conversion of organic products;
carries out work on promoting of knowledge of the purposes and the prospects of production of organic products;
determines procedure for forming and maintaining the register of producers of organic products;
develops measures for production incentive of organic products and performs monitoring of their accomplishment;
takes measures for enhancement of system of preparation, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of organic products;
supports and develops public-private partnership in the field of organic products;
supports carrying out target researches on development of innovative methods and technologies in the field of organic products;
keeps development of production, conversion, storage, transportation and realization of organic products in the external and internal markets;
performs international cooperation in the field of organic products.
The authorized state body can perform also other powers according to the legislation.
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