of September 22, 2006 No. 901
About approval of Safety rules and environmental protections in case of construction, laying and operation of subsea pipelines and cables
1. Approve the enclosed Safety rules and environmental protections in case of construction, laying and operation of subsea pipelines and cables.
2. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 13, 1996 No. 732 "About approval of Safety rules and protection of the surrounding environment in case of construction and operation of the subsea pipelines and cables connected with oil operations".
3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its first official publication.
Prime Minister
Republic of Kazakhstan D. Akhmetov
Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 22, 2006 No. 901
2. Actions of these rules extend to all physical persons and legal entities which activities are directed to construction, laying and operation of the subsea pipelines and cables connected with oil operations in water objects of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. In these rules the following terms are used:
underwater objects - the subsea pipelines and submarine cables in water objects of the Republic of Kazakhstan relating to the sphere of implementation of oil operation;
submarine cables - underwater cable lines of electricity transmission and communication;
site of servicing - the auxiliary construction built for works on the water objects connected with oil operations;
the conservation zone - the conservation zone along underwater objects established for the purpose of the prevention of accidents and emergency situations which can result from damages of underwater objects by the business entities performing activities near the route of proleganiye of underwater objects;
hermeticity - the property of object characterized by substance leakage speed through consolidations and cracks in design.
Other terms used in these rules correspond to the terms applied in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of oil operation, subsoil and subsurface use.
4. Requirements to safety and labor protection in case of work are determined by construction, laying and operation of subsea pipelines and cables by the instruction approved by competent authority according to the procedure, established by the legislation on safety and labor protection.
5. Requirements to construction, laying and operation of subsea pipelines for the oil transportation containing hydrogen sulfide and merkaptana are established by competent authority in coordination with authorized bodies in the area:
environmental protections;
sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population;
industrial safety;
use and protection of water fund;
transport and communications;
protection, reproduction and use of fauna.
6. Along underwater objects in case of construction and operation the conservation zone in the form of the site of the water space from the water surface to the bottom concluded between the parallel planes remote from axis of extreme strings of underwater objects on 100 m from each party is entered.
7. With participation in construction, laying or repair of underwater objects of significant amount of courts, the contractor performing construction, laying or repair of underwater objects allocates the captain-mentor for the common directorship with their work.
8. Between the courts participating in construction, laying or repair of underwater objects, and coastal bases continuous radiotelephone communication is arranged.
9. The contractor performing construction, laying and operation of underwater objects, in the presence on its site of servicing of helidrome enters the permanent member of staff in the structure as the dispatcher of servicing of landing and take-off of the helicopter. Use of helidrome is allowed after the certification which is carried out by authorized body in the field of state regulation of civil aviation.
10. In case of sea state more than three points for the purpose of safety of people landing, disembarkation on site of servicing are not performed. Landing and disembarkation of people are made at the command of the ship master.
11. For safety during diving descents from platforms of servicing or the vessel the following work types are not performed:
mooring of other courts to platforms of servicing;
ejection of foreign objects overboard;
material handling of cranes from courts;
placement of foreign objects and the equipment on diving posts.
12. The divers for the first time allowed to underwater and technical works within one year work under direct supervision of the experienced divers appointed by the order of the head of the contractor performing construction, laying or operation of underwater objects.
13. Placement on the water area of the sea of underwater objects is performed taking into account safety of their operation and environmental protection according to the construction project developed according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of architectural, town-planning and construction activities.
14. For the purpose of observance of safety requirements and environmental protection the place, the route of laying of underwater objects and construction projects are approved with authorized bodies:
in the field of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population;
in the field of industrial safety;
in the field of use and protection of water fund;
on management of land resources;
on especially protected natural territories;
according to the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations;
in the field of transport and communications;
in the field of protection, reproduction and use of fauna;
in the field of power supply;
in the field of environmental protection;
on studying and use of subsoil.
15. Underwater objects are designed on the basis of these hydrological, meteorological, engineering-geological and topographical researches taking into account the existing and projectible hydraulic engineering constructions influencing the mode of aquatic environment in the place of laying of underwater objects and their communications, perspective dredging in the preset area according to requirements of the legislation in the field of environmental protection and in the field of protection, reproduction and use of fauna.
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The document ceased to be valid since June 14, 2019 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 30, 2019 No. 353