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Health regulations for the oil industry No. 1.06.061-94

Approved as the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.G.Dernov of August 22, 1994

1. General provisions

* Health regulations are developed: Research institution of hygiene and occupational diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the executive in charge - P. L. Reznik); Ufa research institution of hygiene and prof. of diseases; Azerbaijani Research institution of occupational health and occupational diseases; Research institution on safe engineering in the oil industry; East research institution on safe engineering and industrial hygiene; with the assistance of the Belarusian research sanitary and hygienic institute.

1.1. These rules are obligatory and extend to the main productions (the companies and objects) of the oil industry which treat:

- rigging-up operations (construction of drilling rigs);

- drilling of exploratory and operational oil wells;

- operation of oil fields (production, preparation of oil and associated gas);

- underground and capital repairs of wells;

- testing and development of wells;

- grouting works.

1.2. Precautionary and current sanitary inspection behind auxiliary productions (the companies and objects) of the oil industry are performed based on the relevant sanitary and construction standards and rules taking into account specifics of specific productions (processes and objects) having analogs or which are found as independent.

1.3. The operating productions (the companies, objects) shall be brought into accord with these rules in the terms coordinated with bodies of State sanitary inspection.

1.4. In production associations or the companies of the oil industry sanitary laboratories according to standard "Regulations on sanitary laboratory on industrial enterprise" which shall exercise laboratory control of condition of working conditions and the environment are created.

2. Requirements to the master plan and territory

2.1. Placement and design new, and also expansion and reconstruction of the existing companies shall be performed on the basis of schemes and drafts of the district layout developed according to "The instruction for creation of schemes and drafts of the district layout".

2.2. Complexes of the companies of the oil industry in each production association are group of companies with general objects - industrial hubs which scheme of the master plan should be developed according to "The instruction for development of schemes of master plans of groups of companies with general objects (industrial hubs)".

2.3. Drafts of master plans of the companies, placement of buildings and constructions shall correspond Construction Norms and Regulations "Master plans of industrial enterprises. Designing regulations", to "Regulations on construction designing of the companies, buildings and constructions of the oil and gas industry".

2.4. In case of allocation of land under sites of new construction and reconstruction of the existing companies and objects it is necessary to be guided by regulations of allocation of land for oil and gas wells, constructions of prospecting wells, bulk distribution lines, the main conduits and collecting pipes, highways.

2.5. The sizes of sanitary protection zones from the territory of the operated fields, the companies and objects of the oil industry in each separate case are established in coordination with bodies of the State sanitary inspection.

2.5.1. In case of reasons for the sizes of the sanitary protection zone it is necessary to consider content in oil and associated gas of hydrogen sulfide, amounts of production, feature of technology and other moments determining receipt of hazardous substances in prizemny layer of atmospheric air.


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