Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC



Approved as the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.G.Dernov of August 22, 1994 No. 1.02.024-94

Part I


Health regulations and regulations of the industry are the processed and added edition of earlier existing documents and extend to all production facilities, organizations and the organizations involved in the field of industrial production in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Fundamental sanitary standards and rules on occupational health

Sanitary standard rates of harmful and dangerous factors of the production circle

Maximum permissible levels of impact of variation magnetic fields with a frequency of 50 Hz in case of works energized on the air-lines (AL) of electricity transmission of 220 - 1150 kV

1. General provisions

1.1. This regulating document is constituted in development of the operating "Maximum permissible levels of magnetic fields with a frequency of 50 Hz".

1.2. This regulating document extends to all work types on not disconnected VL of 220 - 1150 kV and establishes maximum permissible levels of impact of variation magnetic fields with a frequency of 50 Hz (in further PFU MT of 50 Hz) to which can be exposed working in case of performance of works energized (with direct contact of current carrying parts).

1.3. Intensity of the magnetic field (MF) near wires of VL depends at most current (the determined load of lines), quantity of wires, and also on their relative positioning in phase.

1.4. Depending on the location working (in case of performance of works energized) it can be exposed mainly to local or general impact of MT of 50 Hz.

Depending on work type and class VL hands and feet of legs of working can be exposed to local impact.

1.5. These PDU MT of 50 Hz for conditions of local impact are established taking into account simultaneous general impact of MT on all body of working.

1.6. These PDU MT of 50 Hz provide accomplishment of the requirement of GOST "SSBT. Electric fields of industrial frequency. Admissible levels of intensity and the requirement to monitoring procedure on workplaces".

1.7. Responsibility for observance of these PDU MT of 50 Hz is conferred on heads of the organizations of the Ministry of Energy and Fuel Resources servicing power networks of 220 - 1150 kV.

2. Units of measure

Intensity of MT of 50 Hz is estimated in size of the magnetic induction expressed in teslas (T) (local units of MTL, мкТл), or to amplitude value of the intensity of MT expressed in amperes on meter (Car) (multiple unit of kA/m).

3. Safe levels of impact of variation magnetic fields with a frequency of 50 Hz (MT of 50 Hz)

3.1 PDU of impact of MT of 50 Hz on all body is established by equal 4,0 of MTL (3,2 of kA/m).

3.2. For conditions of local impact of PDU MT of 50 Hz it is established by equal 6,5 of MTL (5,2 of kA/m).

3.3. Duration of the stay working in MT of 50 Hz during the work energized shall not exceed 50% of the general duration of the working day.

The allowed time of stay in MT can be realized disposable or fractionally during the working day.

4. Requirements for providing to pd of megapixel of 50 Hz in case of works energized

4.1. Responsibility for establishment of possible maximum values of magnetic induction (intensity of MT) at current carrying parts in the course of performance of works is energized assigned to the chief engineer of the company servicing power networks of 220 - 1150 kV.

4.2. Value of magnetic induction (intensity of MT) on personnel workplaces for each case of performance of works is energized established in the settlement way (depending on loading) (see appendix).

4.3. In cases when the size of magnetic induction on workplaces of personnel exceeds PDU, the work possibility energized shall be performed due to decrease.

The size of magnetic induction of 1 MTL corresponds to value of intensity of MT of 800 Cars.

It provides observance of PDU MT of 50 Hz for impact on all body.


Calculation of intensity is perfromed on formula;


where N - intensity of MT (Car),

I - current (A),

R - radius of wire (m).

Current is calculated on formula:


where S - the loading determined on substation by indicators of devices (W)

U - tension on VL (V).

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